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    May 24, 2023 at 11:07 am #1120538

    LOL! One day maybe… I’m indifferent to marriage as an institution at this point. I don’t think kids are for me, so IDK if I will ever legally tether myself to anyone, even though I very much thought marriage was my goal when dating. And briefly in my mid/late 20s, when I lived in a different area where seemingly everyone was paired off and settled down by 25, I was even freaking out about it a little bit. We did have an appt to go to Tiffany to try on rings I think last fall after a friend told me they give you free champagne, but then we had a COVID scare and had to cancel.

    A few weeks ago I ate lunch out on an in-office day. I ordered a salad, added chicken to it for some protein, and also got a cafe au lait. After tip, I’d spend something absurd like $30. For a salad and coffee. Today, that same cafe/bakery was giving out free cold brew and cookies in my building lobby. I got the last cookie. I feel like I just got some of that $30 back.

    If anyone has read any great books lately, I’m all ears. I’m in a reading slump. I’m pretty late to the audiobook party, but I just listened to my first one — I’m Glad My Mom Died. (Also happy to connect with anyone who uses Good Reads, which I’m trying to actually use to see if it helps me through my slump.)

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    May 21, 2023 at 1:37 pm #1120508

    There are/will be other jobs out there for you if/when you are ready! It’s not worth it when your mental and emotional health are really suffering from it. One of my friends recently got fired from a job, which sucks, but she’s had some health issues (mental + physical) pop up in the years she was there working under a boss who sounded like a whack job. Her doctors couldn’t really figure out what was causing some of the problems she was having. It’s been a few weeks and all the mystery symptoms are resolving. It was the job!!!

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    May 21, 2023 at 11:06 am #1120500

    If work is a nightmare and you’re in a position where you can rage quit… IDK, there are worse things. I also increasingly feel like broadly speaking, something’s gotta give. People are stressed, overworked, underpaid, unhappy, burned out. People have lives and obligations outside of work. Everything is expensive right now.

    My sister went to visit our mom maybe a month or so ago and worked while she was there. So she was in the eastern time zone, someone she works with out of California fucked something up, which then became her problem. So it’s like 7 p.m. on a Friday and my sister is being hassled about how she needs to fix whatever the issue was ASAP and the guy in CA made a comment about how he wanted to leave the office by 5. Per my mom, who I guess was in the room, my sister went red with rage and went off on him about how it was past 7 where she was and she’d have loved to log off by 5 herself but couldn’t because of his incompetence. She’d be a great contender to rage quit, but can’t.

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    May 21, 2023 at 9:12 am #1120496

    I’m at a nonprofit right now and I guess I had it in my head that I was leaving money on the table. But I guess my manager compensation where I am now is comparable or sometimes even higher than what low- to mid-level directors at a university might make. Both universities that I spoke to this past spring are private and I’m told by someone I know who used to work in higher ed that she thinks they pay a little less than public universities. I know the exact career move I could make to get my pay up pretty significantly and have considered it, but it’d be going back into the private sector and I don’t know if I care to do that. What I don’t make in salary, I make up for in benefits and excellent work/life balance.

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    May 20, 2023 at 6:56 pm #1120487

    LOL. I’d have watched that livestream.

    My mood improved tremendously when I moved here and stopped commuting by car. When I lived in a suburban area of another state, the sprawl meant that, with traffic, I spent 45 minutes in the car every morning and just over an hour in the evenings. Almost TWO HOURS in the car five days/week. And it was considered normal! AND at the time I had a bf who lived an hour away and I’d giddily drive an hour to go see him regularly. I really don’t miss living a car centric lifestyle.

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    May 20, 2023 at 6:24 pm #1120484

    It’s okay! But thank you. I went back and forth on whether I’d have even taken the job had it been offered to me. And I only would’ve considered it had I gotten an offer at the top of the pay range. It’d have been nice to be the decision maker, but in a way, less stress to have that choice taken out of my hands.

    I know someone who works at the Museum of Science & Industry, which is a short drive from where I’d have been working had I gotten/accepted this job. He said that between construction, the Obama library going up, and now Cubs traffic, it’s gotten pretty rough, particularly in the evening. That museum is riiiight off of LSD and he said it can take 15-20 minutes just to get from the parking lot to the entrance. A few weeks ago I was supposed to be at my office by 7:45 to meet coworkers to carpool for a work trip. I asked my bf to drive me figuring it’d be faster. Nope. It took 45 minutes to get from West Lakeview to the Loop. Ugh.

    And oh, another downside of the job would’ve been that you have to pay for a campus parking permit, pay for street parking, or try your luck finding free street parking. So. I am disappointed — I think I just wanted to be the decision maker here! — but it’s easy to rattle off a list of things I’m not sad I won’t have to deal with.

    ETA: Very excited to eventually creep out on LinkedIn who fills this role.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Avatar photoCopa.
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    May 20, 2023 at 7:47 am #1120463

    Yeahh. I mean, I figured if I got an offer, I’d at least consider it, thinking that if I do think a little bit of a career shift is for me, the smaller salary bump might be the price to pay for experience. But meh, it’s fine. I know one person who lives near me and works at a museum near where I’d have been working, and he said the morning commute is usually fine, but the evening commute can be brutal.

    I did at one point talk to another nearby university about a lower level-director role they had open in a similar-ish space. The morning I was supposed to interview with the hiring manager, I got an email saying my salary ask was very high and asking if I’m still interested. Instead of outright telling me what the salary range for that job looked like, I had to ask, which, ok. Anyway, the high end was a little bit below where I am now, so I politely declined to interview. I guess if nothing else, talking to a couple potential employers has made me realize that my pay is competitive for the space I’m in and adjacent industries.

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    May 20, 2023 at 7:11 am #1120459

    I did not get the job. They said they’re going with someone with more industry experience. And that’s ok. I’m a little disappointed but there were some less-than-ideal parts of that job. Like, the idea of having to get a car to commute three days/week to the south side was not appealing. I’d have still considered the job notwithstanding but at one point in the process they let me in on the salary range and the top end is not much over where I currently sit. Will keep my eyes open for the next thing that excites me!

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    May 19, 2023 at 11:02 am #1120455

    Oh also re: stick straight hair. It’s also not my favorite look — at least not on me! — but it’s often my go-to for work. I think it looks polished and professional. I can get very straight hair with the Revlon brush when I work in smaller sections.

    I’m back to a lob over here, so need to learn how to style hair this length again.

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    May 19, 2023 at 9:48 am #1120451

    I’m glad you’re at least ok, @TheLadyE! I hope they get your medicines figured out so that you’re on the upswing soon. Until then, glad you’ve got your pups for companionship.

    And yeah, it’d be nice to be the one to get to accept or decline an offer. This job is pretty much what I’ve been telling people I think I’d like to do as my next career move, though I’ve definitely learned the hard way that the grass is not always greener as far as jobs go. The school is highly regarded, but I know that doesn’t automatically make it a great place to work.

    So kind of funny story about this job. Initially I applied and interviewed for a higher level role. I didn’t think I was the right fit and ultimately they agreed, but we all agreed I’m a much better fit for the role I’m now being considered for. They mentioned the start date for the person who did get the higher level role at my last interview. I found the guy on LinkedIn and am aware of who he is, though I do not know him. Over six years ago, when I was last interviewing for jobs, I did the final interview for my current job and another job around the same time. I withdrew my candidacy for the other job because I did not like the person I’d be reporting to, but back then I also kept an eye open on LinkedIn for who did eventually get the role. It’s the same guy! He’s now beat me out twice for a job. LOL! We have very similar educational and work backgrounds, but he has an MBA and I do not. He also has about 15 years of experience on me, so I’m flattered we’re even considered for the same roles. It made the niche of work I’m in feel tiny.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Avatar photoCopa.
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    May 18, 2023 at 6:18 pm #1120444

    Your hair looks great, @Kate!

    The job I’m up for is at a big company. It’s at a university. While I’ve never worked in higher ed before, I guess I’m not shocked that the process is slow. I just thought I’d know if I’m moving forward in whatever’s left of the process by now. I’m currently at a small company and from application through first day on the job, it was something like two months.

    I meant to ask – how have you been!?

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    May 18, 2023 at 4:18 pm #1120436

    We should all have finstas to show each other our hairstyles and under eye filler. My finsta got deleted, though, probably because it was very obviously a finsta.

    Thank you for all the UK suggestions. It’s still about a month out. I’m hoping I’ll be able to walk everywhere. I wear my white Frye leather sneakers a lot, but think I’ll need something more supportive than that for this since I have some foot problems. I don’t think I would’ve thought anything of visiting The Globe Theatre. I’m hoping to take myself to see Wicked. I cannot wait to eat fish and chips!

    Prague and Dubrovnik sound awesome! A friend who got married in fall 2019 was supposed to go on her honeymoon in spring of 2020, which obviously did not happen. They’re on it now, in Japan, and I’m so jealous. Regarding work on vacation, I’ll typically manage my inbox if I’m out longer than a few days, but only do more than that if it’s necessary. It has rarely been necessary at this job.

    Speaking of work stuff, I interviewed for a new job six weeks ago tomorrow. I was interviewed over the course of several hours by nine people on Zoom. I don’t think I’ve ever met nine people during an interview before in my life! Still waiting to hear back. I log into the applicant portal every few days to see if there are any updates, but nope! I reached out to HR to see if they have an updated timeline. Closure would be nice either way — I have been talking to this org since February!

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