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    January 13, 2022 at 4:54 pm #1101818

    Yeah!! It was good sunscreen, just didn’t work for me. When we were in Hawaii a couple years ago, we bought some of the local eco-friendly stuff. The brand is Ocean Potion. I had a rash that started mild and looked a little worse every day. I thought it was a reaction to wearing a wetsuit for some reason, but realized it was the sunscreen on maybe the second to last day of our trip. It continued to get worse before it got better so within a day or so of coming home, I was covered in hives everywhere but my face and learned online I was not alone. The boyfriend fared fine so I may have particularly sensitive skin.

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    January 13, 2022 at 11:36 am #1101811

    This is the sunscreen I used that was recommended to me: I bought it before we went to Utah last spring and did not burn (I often burn the first few sun exposures every year despite my best efforts), so I overall liked it. It was thick, though, and because my skin is dry, when I’d reapply, my dry skin was basically pilling off as I rubbed it in. I wouldn’t have put this stuff on my face under makeup, but would’ve repurchased for body use if I felt like it worked for my skin. I switched over to Supergoop after.

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    January 13, 2022 at 10:10 am #1101802

    La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume B5. To be clear, not my derm — just a derm that I follow online and like, haha. My actual derm has recommended this brand to me in the past — in particular, he highly recommends their sunscreen (I have tried it and like it… leaves a white cast but I did not burn in the desert sun so it was a win). Anyway, I guess this cream is very moisturizing and has zinc, so it is soothing, but the zinc will leave a white cast so she (the internet derm) recommends it for nighttime use and says you can even apply it on kinda thick (“face basting”) and let it absorb in if you’re really dry and feel so inclined.

    ETA: The derm I follow online is Dr. Shereene Idriss. She’s an NYC cosmetic derm and I like her. She has an IG account and does YouTube videos that I find helpful. She has product recommendations for various concerns at all price points.

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    January 13, 2022 at 9:53 am #1101800

    I’ve had a couple friends with very sparse eyebrows do microblading and think it looks great. If I had different eyebrows, I’d consider it. Mine are only sparse at the ends so I don’t have to do much for them.

    Thanks for the serum rec! Pulled the trigger last night and I’ll see how it treats me. I also pulled the trigger on a moisturizer that a derm I follow online recommended for dry winter skin and “face basting” at night, which I’ve never tried, but my skin is so. dry. every winter. I’ll be solo this weekend so that seems like as good a time as any to slather enough lotion on to look like a ghost.

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    January 12, 2022 at 6:39 pm #1101789

    @ktfran Happy early birthday! Sorry you have COVID, though I hope it’s at least a relief to know what you actually have, and that you continue to feel better and better.

    This time of year is rough in Chicago even without COVID. It’s cold, it gets dark early. For the first time in my 7+ years in this city, I feel somewhat unsafe when I go outside after dark (lately, people getting robbed at gunpoint in my immediate area) so right now I’m cutting evening walks short. All this to say, I’m probably not a good person to give advice on coping, but: I signed up for my first marathon in October and should probably start building up my running base now. Today felt like a heat wave by comparison to the past week or so, but neighborhood sidewalks are still too icy. I’ve been trying to keep busy with reading. I’m currently planning a trip I may or may not take next month. Just boring, gentle self care kinda stuff around here. My moods usually start improving as the daylight hours get longer.

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    January 10, 2022 at 4:40 pm #1101716

    I got regular gel manicures for about a year maybe 4-5 years ago. I’m one of those people who always chips her manicure quickly, so I think they’re pretty great. Your nails will look kinda rough after you remove them, but I didn’t think it was a huge deal. I stopped doing them regularly because it was an unneeded added expense, but continued doing it occasionally for events. I’ve been doing my nails at home more during COVID and like Essie’s gel couture line as an alternative. It lasts longer than a regular manicure for me, but not as long as a professional gel mani. My sister got one of those at-home kits sold with the UV light and likes it.

    On the subject of beauty, has anyone ever used any of those lash growth serums and had favorable results? I feel like my lashes just aren’t what they used to be.

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    January 10, 2022 at 4:24 pm #1101715

    Eh, that sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. I’d wager they want people out if I’m picking between the two. A lot of resorts (the ones we looked at, anyway) seem to be offering free or discounted accommodations to guests who test positive to incentivize them to come in the first place.

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    January 10, 2022 at 1:00 pm #1101705

    @ktfran All of my doctors are part of NWM and I LOVE them. I find them incredibly efficient.

    We have yet to travel internationally in the past two years and I felt good about things when we booked, though we did make sure everything was refundable just in case. We really just wanted a destination that would be warm and sunny in February where we would hopefully not have to deal with too many other Americans (or, worse, spring breakers). The area we are going to, there is no option of flying direct. So we are currently planning to do one day at a beach on the way back home, which is where we’ll test. I have family in that area, one of whom is a doctor, which I find reassuring. But yeah, I was planning to bring my work laptop if we do go and bring our own test kits. I’m going to keep sitting on it.

    I did have a known exposure over a week ago, but have found that I wake up with sore throats in the winter that I think are just from cold, dry air. I did have a little of that going on last week. Tested negative but decided to just treat it like COVID anyway. We now run the humidifier a lot and it’s been helping.

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    January 10, 2022 at 11:53 am #1101695

    Good luck, @ktfran. Sorry you’re feeling lousy for any reason and hope you recover swiftly.

    In a meeting this morning, my boss mentioned that his wife, who is a photographer at the local hospital in his area, is currently swabbing noses because they have so many people out sick right now that it’s all hands on deck regardless of your actual job. Yikes.

    Alright, so for anyone who has traveled recently, how did you decide whether or not to go? The boyfriend and I planned a trip to Mexico last year when we were feeling more optimistic. Now I’m unsure. We picked a more under-the-radar destination (still caters to tourists, but it’s a quieter destination/nothing like the popular coastal areas that basically exist for tourists). I’ve been checking the U.S. embassy’s website and Mexico’s official COVID numbers, but I just don’t know. It’s not for another month so for now I’m just keeping an eye on things… we’ve barely ventured farther than a couple hours from where we live for the past two years, with the exception of, like, a camping trip and going to my grandma’s funeral on the west coast so I am feeling unsure.

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    January 6, 2022 at 11:22 am #1101592

    So my grandma passed last year and four of my dad’s sisters spent the past few years sorting through her stuff after she moved to assisted living. They tried their best to make sure the rest of the family could have anything sentimental, but I looked at my grandma’s stuff and by and large saw junk. So. Much. Belleek. And figurines. Stuff that I consider clutter. I did take a few items but there was a lot of back and forth between me and my dad because I’d specifically say I did not want certain items and he’d saddle me with them anyway, which annoyed me to no end. We have limited space/storage. And then on the flip side my grandpa was a very handy and crafty guy, always carving things out of wood (furniture, clocks, sculptures, etc.) and I would’ve actually loved to have more of those items — practical, useful, beautiful items! — but they went to the family members who have space now.

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    January 5, 2022 at 11:51 am #1101568

    Tested negative for COVID today after Sunday’s known exposure. Plan to continue hunkering down a bit longer in case the test is wrong. I am a little phlegmy and headachy, though that could be anything. Given how cold and windy it is here, staying home is fine by me.

    Regarding *stuff*, I’ve been living in this condo with my boyfriend for 1.5 years now (time has flown!?) and feel like we constantly have a donation pile going and even though we get rid of a decent amount of stuff every few months, I still feel like we have a lot. Like where is it all coming from, how do we still have so much? Neither of us shop for new items THAT often. Anyway, good luck with the move!

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    January 4, 2022 at 8:39 pm #1101550

    Yes, I did see the comment about how she was testing him days ago when I was skimming this and disagreed. I only reread the original post before commenting just now, so didn’t know it had been deleted, but that comment made me realize my interpretation was different from how others read what was written.

    Either way, I don’t feel like she should have to buy herself her own birthday cake because it shouldn’t be a big deal to buy or make the flavor cake she’s asking for. But, LW won’t know what’s up with him until she talks to him.

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