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    June 21, 2021 at 9:30 am #1091712

    We went to my boyfriend’s friend’s surprise 40th bday party over the weekend and saw friends we hadn’t seen in person since November 2019 and it was SO GOOD TO SEE THEM. Two weekends ago, we went out on a double date with my friend and her boyfriend and was so excited to be out that I didn’t want the party to end, drank too much, and felt crappy the next day at a baby shower. Anyway, now I’m thinking I might just be getting old because I drank mindfully at the birthday party but still didn’t feel right yesterday.

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    June 21, 2021 at 9:16 am #1091692

    I’m quietly hoping to not have to go back to the office until fall/when it gets a little cooler out so that I won’t have to deal with my summer work wardrobe, which I had planned to overhaul last year but for obvious reasons did not. And with any luck won’t really have to deal with it this summer. I have way more fall/winter work clothes that I like and that I assume still fit.

    I didn’t shop a ton during COVID, but last summer did buy some deeply discounted tops from LOFT, which isn’t my favorite store, but the prices were great and I have a few items from there that I do really like. Anyway, just about everything I bought has lost it’s shape even though I follow the care instructions. Like a normal t-shirt now looks like a crop top.

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    June 18, 2021 at 4:04 pm #1091446

    On the bright side, this is my first summer (as an independent adult living on her own) with central air. I’ve otherwise gotten by with fans and, in some apartments, inefficient window/wall units.

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    June 18, 2021 at 3:50 pm #1091444

    @shakeourtree I’ve read good reviews of A&E curvy mom jeans. Haven’t tried them myself but probably will order some eventually. And Abercrombie.

    And yeah, Chicago has been HOT already. Most years it’s basically not even consistently warm until this point in June, but this year we’ve already seen a handful of 90+ degree days. Last year, I believe we set a record for days in the 90s and above and I bet we’ll break that this year at the rate we’re going. I like summer, but I HATE high heat/humidity. I wore a maxi skirt to an outdoor brunch a few weekends ago and was dying.

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    June 18, 2021 at 2:33 pm #1091437

    Ha, so I’ve actually noticed that some of the style influencers or whatever that I follow on social media, who are probably around my age, are shopping at Abercrombie again! And American Eagle. These stores were cool when I was in high school and I think may be coming back around. When I was a college freshman and sophomore, I wore this one denim mini skirt basically every time I went out to parties and I keep seeing similar skirts in storefronts. Mine was from Hollister and I loved it.

    And the weight thing… I’ll catch myself getting hung up on my weight when I actually don’t think it’s the best indicator of progress (for me). I’m more concerned with how things fit, how I look, and how I feel, but will hop on the scale occasionally to see where I’m at. I should probably take measurements, tbh, but I don’t. For a long time, I was at the same weight I was at in my mid-20s but I was a dress size smaller thanks to strength training.

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    June 18, 2021 at 11:44 am #1091427

    *raises hand*

    I also have a butt and I think this makes my ratios “off” for what most retailers sell. I constantly have issues with pants that fit at the waist, but will be too tight in the butt/thighs… or pants that fit the butt/thighs and are gaping at the waist. It’s super frustrating so I will keep the brands you recommended in mind since I’ve been looking for 1-2 new pairs. I’m willing to splurge if it means a good fit. I finally found a pair of cutoff denim shorts that fit appropriately this spring after looking for several years.

    As an aside, I’d gained some weight during COVID and have been trying to improve the habits that I let slide to bring my weight back down. I don’t weigh myself too often, but have noticed physical changes that aren’t weight-related. I am feeling pretty good about it and more confident in my appearance again, which has been nice.

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    June 16, 2021 at 2:38 pm #1091374

    If anyone is in the market for a new sunscreen, I jumped on the Supergoop bandwagon and I really like it. I’ve been noticing that my go-to sunscreens weren’t great for my dry skin. When we went to Utah in April, for instance, I noticed that my skin (especially on my face) was basically flaking off anytime I reapplied and then I’d be dealing with little clumps of dried skin mixed with sunscreen and not really knowing if I’d applied thoroughly. Anyway. I like their Glowscreen for under make-up (the Unseen Sunscreen is also great for this, has the texture of a primer and probably the better option for anyone who doesn’t have dry skin) and even my boyfriend noticed their everyday full body sunscreen (Play) had a nicer, easier application.

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    June 15, 2021 at 10:53 am #1091187

    My company just announced our first indoor event (an annual December conference). Subject to change if need be, but the way they’re phrasing it feels more certain/confident and therefore like a concrete step toward normalcy. We’re hoping to have an outdoor event in September to bring people together face-to-face. I’m starting to think fall will really be our return to the office, but every time I’ve speculated about returning, I’m wrong.

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    June 11, 2021 at 9:19 am #1090566

    Yeah, I’m told my office had Mad Men vibes until like 10 years ago. The ED I actually generally like but he makes weird jokes(???) and comments about clothes/appearance. I’ve heard it directed toward other women in the office as well. At first I kinda laughed it off when it was about me but eventually just started giving him a bored stare as a response. Haven’t had to deal with it in awhile but I know he’s paying attention to attire. But anyway. I’m sure I’m the only one who thought about my leggings past the moment it happened.

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    June 10, 2021 at 4:06 pm #1090548

    I’m wearing a nice blouse and my hair/make-up is done, which is my norm for any days I am on camera. I didn’t bother with a blazer today cause I get warm sitting in a room with skylights. My boss and a couple other coworkers were in suits (at least on top), which I would’ve worn had this been an in-person meeting. I noticed another coworker joined the meeting in a very casual t-shirt, turned his camera off, and when he came back he had thrown on some kind of pullover. I know I’m not the only one who gets dressed from the waist up only — I’ve seen an older male coworker’s pajama pants at this point — but I still felt kind of embarrassed. Our executive director wasn’t on yet when this happened but he’s commented on my work attire in the past (never to say I’m dressed inappropriately, but very weird and tiresome commentary) so I feel under scrutiny for what I wear to work meetings… even via Zoom.

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    June 10, 2021 at 2:28 pm #1090544

    So we’re what? Not quite a year-and-a-half into WFH? Today I had my first slip-up with getting up with my camera on and revealed I only get dressed from the waist up. A few coworkers saw my leggings, which I know shouldn’t be a big deal, but I feel a bit embarrassed. It was a Zoom that we eventually opened up to quite a few people outside the organization so I’m glad it happened before the bigger meeting.

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    June 9, 2021 at 8:59 am #1090480

    “The reason why I get annoyed sometimes is that the dog really loves me and as a result sleeps on my legs, near me etc and that causes an issue when I need some space in bed.”

    So, this was my boyfriend’s issue with my dog. I’m a bad sleeper, I toss and turn. He sleeps like a vampire, so the dog would always sleep on or up against his legs, but my boyfriend was uncomfortable at night/his sleep was disrupted with a nearly 40lb fluffball in his space. He told me, and I was a bit sad to give the dog the boot at night, but I understood and it was fine. It wasn’t and never became a point of resentment, but for you, the dog issue sounds like the tip of the iceberg.

    With more context, I think your boyfriend sounds like a jerk. Equal in partnerships doesn’t always look like 50/50 but you guys both seem to be keeping score. Couples counseling really does seem like the only potential solution here, but yes, it doesn’t sound like this is going to work.

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