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  • June 7, 2020 at 12:06 pm #888107

    Ron. The game is rigged. It’s not my job to have a solution to a game that’s been rigged forever. The Republican Party is playing really dirty. They cheat. They make up new rules. They brutalize America. They’re in power. Yes, there’s been progress, but they honestly just put us back 90 years. Trump couldn’t do what he’s done if they didn’t support it. I don’t have the answer, and I pray that the Democrats can do something once they’re in power. Maybe the answer really is just burn it all down.

    June 7, 2020 at 11:51 am #888105

    Yeah Ron, I’m asking for something that will fix everything. That’s it.

    June 7, 2020 at 11:40 am #888102

    “ Getting rid of Trump will help more than you care to admit. Nobody has done more to foment racial hatred than him, and he does so on an industrial scale amplified by dominating the media.”

    So what happens to the 35% of Americans who not only voted for Trump but remained cultishly loyal to him? Why did they vote for him? Hint: it wasn’t about jobs. Where do they go while Biden is president? Do they just go, oh, ok, we see the light? They’re the problem, Trump is just a symptom. We saw what happened when Obama was President, with these guys.

    It’s ok to be angry. It’s ok to show we’re angry. You should read that Salon article I linked to if you haven’t already. Sitting around hoping for an election to fix this deep seated contagion is ridiculous. Yes, we need to vote him out. But action and demonstration and being willing to actually die bring change.

    I skimmed the rest.

    June 7, 2020 at 11:15 am #888098

    To Fyodor’s point, it does shine a light on what a useless little scared bitch boy Trump is when he’s unable to do anything to stop the protests, peaceful or otherwise.

    June 7, 2020 at 11:13 am #888097

    Ron, please explain me how staying cool and voting for Joe Biden (or Hillary Clinton, tried that) is going to eradicate the white male fragility that’s behind all this. Or the hundreds of years of institutionalized racism and sexism. I always at least skim your posts, and sometimes there’s a word of truth in them.

    June 7, 2020 at 10:23 am #888091

    And no, voting him out doesn’t stop this. It just makes it less permissible for a while. You’re smarter than that.

    June 7, 2020 at 10:20 am #888090

    Sure he does, and yet the overwhelming majority of protests are peaceful, day after day, EVEN AFTER he tear gassed peaceful protesters.

    What that lady and I am saying is you have to at least get why some few people would be looting and rioting. But I guess you don’t? From what I’ve heard from you, you’re perfectly able to “understand” why white people voted for Trump. They just wanted jobs!

    And now almost 4 years later, you’re saying what? That HE’s the problem? That he can just be voted out and everything’s ok? That it was understandable for these racist pieces of shit to vote him into office to do exactly what he’s doing right now, that their anger was justified, but it’s not justified for people to riot against it? Fuck. That. Shit.

    June 7, 2020 at 9:58 am #888086

    Right, you know who likes it the most for people to be calm and stay in their lane? White men.

    Meanwhile they’re the ones brutalizing, raping, murdering, lynching, and burning down people’s property. But ohhh noooo when some tiny percentage of a marginalized group gets angry enough to set something on fire, white men want to lecture them about peaceful protest.

    She’s right, the social contract is broken. WE broke it. No shit people are this mad. Like she says, we’re lucky they want equality, not revenge.

    June 7, 2020 at 8:33 am #888077

    and I’m not reading whatever white mansplaining bullshit wall of text you throw up. In the past it’s been crap like, the idea of cultural appropriation is brand new, and nonsense. Save it.

    June 7, 2020 at 8:20 am #888076

    And ffs, you’re in your 70s, how do you still think voting Trump out of office will stop this shit that’s been happening for hundreds of years??

    June 7, 2020 at 8:18 am #888075

    She’s not justifying it, Ron, wow. She’s giving an absolutely legitimate reason why a relatively few people might be doing this. Absolutely no one is saying rioting or looting “works.” I don’t know where you’re getting that. I know you’re fairly liberal and enlightened, but you were one of the strongest voices on here insisting that Trump voters aren’t racist, just economically insecure.

    Wow. I seriously do not understand how you could watch that woman’s video and come out of it with the message, “she’s saying looting is an effective means of protest.”

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