“My Boyfriend Won’t Let Me Go on Vacation with My Family”

I’m 24 and my boyfriend is 25. I’ve known him for over five years, we’ve been together for 1 year and 7 months now, and we have a six-month-old son together. My boyfriend is very caring — he loves me a lot and he’s loved me since we were just friends. We live together and he pays all the bills and I’m a stay-at-home mom. We used to constantly fight because he wouldn’t want me to go shopping or anywhere else with my mom and sister, or go anywhere alone. He works all morning, he gets home around 4:30 p.m., and, if he didn’t find me at home when he got there,…

Quickie: “He Keeps Asking for a Break”

I have been in a relationship with a guy for 10 months now. Four months ago his brother went to jail for protesting against the government. He is still detained. My boyfriend has changed completely since then and it’s getting worse. He started off by saying that he doesn’t want to be in a relationship anymore. He no longer talks to his friends. He has been socially withdrawn by all means. A month later he told me he doesn’t know whether he doesn’t love me anymore or if he’s just confused because by what’s happening in his life. I told him that his feelings were appropriate given what he’s going through and…

“I’m Torn Between Two Lovers”

I’m a gay man and I’m torn between two lovers. What do I do? Which one should I choose? Why do we have to choose? Can’t we love two people at the same time? As much as we want to love two people at the same time, society doesn’t look at it in a positive light. It’s been tagged as having an “affair.” On one side I have “S,” who tells me he loves me and would never leave me, who brings out the best in me, who encourages me to take risks in life and to move out of my comfort zone. He is a great guy. He is super talented….

Quickie: “I Don’t Want to be Friends if I can’t Be His Girlfriend”

I was seeing this amazing guy for about four months. Everything was great. He told me he had feelings for me and I felt the same way. Then, out of nowhere, he started ignoring my calls and texts. I demanded an answer, and he said that, even though he cares for me and has feelings for me, he can’t be my boyfriend or anyone else’s because he has family issues that he is going through and he can’t be good company. We didn’t contact each other for a month, and, when I finally called him, he told me he was happy I called because he had lost my number. He then called…

“I’m Afraid of Dating Fatigue”

I’m a 27-year-old woman, and I’ve never had a relationship (just a few fun one-night stands), but last fall I decided I wanted to pursue dating and I’m starting to worry about dating fatigue. I joined OKCupid and have not had any horror stories so far. I’ve met six men, three of whom were first dates only while the other three (I’ll call them T, W, and F) were more significant. T and I ended very amicably after dating for three months (I wanted something more than maybe seeing each other twice a month, and he could not commit to that). W was really fun for a few weeks, but he ended…

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