“I’m Married, But I’m Heartbroken Over My MIA Boyfriend”

I’m not in a typical relationship. My husband and I are polyamorous and have an open marriage. My question is about my “boyfriend,” not my husband. I was seeing my boyfriend for eight months, we broke up for a year, and we recently reestablished our relationship. I usually only get to see him once a week, and for the past seven weeks he has been in a bit of a funk dealing with some legal and family issues and has not wanted to see me at all. I am understanding, but the fact that he doesn’t even say hello every once in a while really bothers me. He tells me everything is…

“Will I Regret Losing My Boyfriend If I Don’t Move?”

I’ve been dating a guy long distance on-and-off for five years and we finally were making plans to get married. Our plan was for me to move to his hometown, where he lives, for 3-5 years so he can continue some of his work in music for a while and then move back to where I currently live to settle permanently. This was a plan he came up with and I was totally excited about. Not long after we went ring shopping he became distant, and he finally told me he can’t leave his hometown. He wants to settle there, continue with some of his dreams in music, have kids there and…

Updates: “Needs Encouragement” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Needs Encouragement” who was feeling overwhelmed caring for her severely disabled husband and only wanted a few words of encouragement to keep her going. Keep reading for a very uplifting update that will give you the warm fuzzies.

“My Husband Flirted With Another Woman at His HS Reunion”

Last Summer, my now-husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) took me to his high school reunion. It was at a local bar and was actually a lot of fun. I enjoyed meeting everyone and hearing about his high school days. I was sure to give him his space so he could mingle and catch up with all his classmates. His best friend, Ted, and Ted’s girlfriend, Jane, were there (I had previously met them) and Jane and I chatted a lot and had a few drinks while the “boys” did their own thing. There was a woman there who was high school friends with my husband. She was being extremely…

“I Want a Better Relationship with My Abusive Father”

My father had me relatively late in life and raised me by old-school parenting methods. He wasn’t around much because of work, and, when he was at home, he had a quick temper and extremely flexible definition of “spanking” (which resulted in more than one ER trip for me as a child. I think the only reason he got away with it is that we were a white, well-off, white collar family). I grew up terrified of him and hating him. I never wanted to be around him as a child or let him hug me. He was upset about this and really did try to get close to me, offered to…

Your Turn: “Should I Get Back With Him Now That He’s Got Some Money?”

In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: I wrote in two years ago about having never been kissed. Well, now that I’ve been kissed and have had my first relationship, I have a new question for you. I broke up with my boyfriend of over 1 1/2 years in April. I love him very much, but I don’t feel like I’m in love with him. Meaning, I care about him and his feelings but want to date other people. I’m 24, just out of college, and he was my first and only boyfriend….

Updates: “Needy or Not?” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Needy or Not?” who wrote in over two years ago about how she felt like her boyfriend wasn’t making her a priority in his life. “Between volunteer groups, organized sports, and networking events, I pretty much never see him, yet we live only a few miles apart,” she wrote. She wondered if she was reasonable for feeling ignored or if she was simply being “too needy.” Keep reading to see where things stand now, over two years…

Three’s Company: “My Fiancé Lied About Going to a Strip Club”

Here’s another 3-in-1 column, a feature I’m thinking of calling “Three’s Company” (thanks to MaterialsGirl for the suggestion): I am getting married in a destination wedding in less than two weeks. My bridal shower is this weekend and I am in panic mode. I was perfectly happy until last week when I found out that my fiancé lied to me about his bachelor party not including strip clubs. The two times he has lied to me (that I know of) involve strip clubs. The first time I explained that it wasn’t that I was mad he went; I was mad that he didn’t fess up until I confronted him. Now that he’s…

Updates: “Not Into Helping My Friends Shower” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Not Into Helping My Friends Shower,” the woman who was creeped out by her (male) friend in a wheelchair who would ask for help showering and going to the bathroom. Keep reading to see how she’s handled the situation.

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