“My Boyfriend Went Out With Another Woman”
“He admitted that he had gone out on a date with another girl a week after we became official. He told me they kissed but haven’t talked since.”
“He admitted that he had gone out on a date with another girl a week after we became official. He told me they kissed but haven’t talked since.”
My fiancé, “Mark,” moved in with me 18 months ago when he lost his job. He gets some money from renting his old house for now, and some minimal money from odd jobs. Only recently has any of that money gone toward family finances. He has a son and we have a baby together. My full-time income barely covers the bills, but he has applied to only a handful of jobs in the entire 18 months he’s been unemployed. He has costly hobbies (where his little bit of income goes), which involve a lot of driving (my money pays for gas). I work nine-hour days, and he is home, but our baby…
“I have known my man for near seven years. He has a sister who he is “very fond of” and has indeed said he loves her very very much.”
Help – I have a first date and I don’t know how to act!
I have been with the same guy for fifteen years and we have two kids together. We were married for five years then divorced for one year and have been back together for two years. We live together now and his mom lives with us. He says that he has been thinking of marriage again. I am 32 and he is 31 and I know he’s not the type to propose because he didn’t last time — he just took me to the justice of peace and said we were getting married. I am thinking of proposing to him. Do you think I should? And if he says no do you think…
This letter is from a recent Dear Prudence column. It makes yesterday’s column from the woman whose young lover knocked up another woman seem mild.: My mind is still reeling. My fiancé confessed to me last week that his younger niece is actually his child. He had a short affair with his brother’s wife, who conceived the month her husband was away. They ended things just before finding out she was pregnant, and she lied about the dates to cover it up. My fiancé knew all this and said nothing because he didn’t want to break up their family. My fiancé’s brother is a good guy and I genuinely like him. I’ve…
In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: I’m 24, and immigrated from the Caribbean in 2001. In 2009 I married my boyfriend at the time so I could get my citizenship. We are no longer in a romantic relationship, but agreed to stay married until my citizenship goes through. We plan to get a divorce in about 6-7 months after the process is finished and carry on with our lives. This year I started dating this 27-year-old guy and it got pretty serious. We have been dating since May. The night we got…
It’s time again for Shortcuts. For every question, I’ll give my advice in three sentences or less, because sometimes the answer to a person’s question is so obvious and the need to hear it so great, being as clear and frank as possible is simply the best way to go. Today we discuss cyber dating and breaking up.
“He obsesses constantly about what he wants to do with his life, and has not yet figured out what will make him feel as though his life has meaning.”
“In the beginning, my boyfriend and I were both smokers. We kind of bonded over it, I guess, and it was something we shared.”
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