“Oops, I Cheated”

My boyfriend and I met my freshman year of college and we were dating by the next semester. We have now been together for just over two years. He graduated the year we met and moved about 5 hours away. He works long hours overnight, so when he is not working, he is sleeping, and we don’t have many opportunities to talk. The long distance has been really tough on me because he’s not as good at telling me how he feels as he is about showing me.Everything is going along smoothly and seems to be heading in the direction of us being together for a very long time. The only problem…

“My Boyfriend Doesn’t Pay Attention to Me”

On paper I have a good boyfriend — he is sweet, helpful, willing to accommodate my needs, and always has my back. However, I have been feeling for a long time like something is “off” and only recently figured out what it was. He has been described by others as self-centered, an attribution that he willingly admits to. I told him that I feel like he is generally more interested in and entertained by whatever is in his own life and his own head than anything I have to say. For example, he laughs far more at his own jokes than he does at mine (maybe I’m just not funny?…) and while…

“Can I Have a Real Relationship with my FWB?”

Since September, I’ve been having a “NSA”/ very casual relationship with a guy I met online. We’re both in our mid-twenties. Initially, we met solely for sex. We’re both in high-pressure, time-consuming professions. The thing is, I’m starting to develop feelings for him and want an actual relationship now and I’m wondering if that’s possible. We only communicate with one another in order to find out if the other person is available to hook-up. We usually meet about once every week or so. After sex, we don’t usually cuddle and one of us usually makes an excuse about needing to go do something because we’re busy. This past week, however, he started…

“Should I Stay Here for My Boyfriend?”

I have been dating my boyfriend since I was 18 (I am now 23). We only had a brief period in college where we broke up, but I pretty much feel I’ve been married since the beginning of college. After our break up, I always questioned getting back together with him since I enjoyed the single life so much. I fell back in love with him, but then I graduated two years ago, got a job out of state, and waited for him to graduate to come to me. Well, he actually got a job in our hometown, and I quit my job a few months ago and moved back. I had…

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