“It’s Been Five Years and My Boyfriend STILL Won’t Propose!”

I’m a 27 year old female, and I’ve been with my 31 year old boyfriend for over five years now. We have made a happy and loving life together, including sharing a home, sharing our finances, being closely involved with each other’s families, and we even have two cats and a puppy together. About a year ago we started talking seriously about getting engaged within the next six months, but by the time fall rolled around, my boyfriend told me that though he loves me and wants nothing more than a future with me, he was just not ready for an engagement yet. He had some issues from his parents’ divorces, and…

“Should I Reach Out To My Ex’s Estranged Wife?”

About six and a half years ago, I broke up with my ex-boyfriend. I concluded, at the time, that he was borderline abusive and cut him out of my life. Three years ago, I moved back to the city where we had both lived, and got back in contact to clear the air in case I ever ran into him. The contact went well, we updated each other on our lives, and have had very occasional contact since. He seemed to be living the happy life that he’d always wanted, and I was glad for him. Then, nine months ago, his marriage broke up. He and his wife are in the midst…

“Why Haven’t I Met His Family?”

I’m 25 and my boyfriend is 31 and we’ve been together for eight months. He’s close with his mom and his sister, and spends a lot of time with them (he goes over to his mom’s once or twice a week to cut her grass and fix things around the house, etc.). I know that he’s told them all about me and that they keep asking to meet me, but so far he has not introduced us to each other. He’s shared some of my baking with his mom and she loved it, so several times I’ve baked cookies or cakes for him to bring her when I know he’s going to…

“I Created A Fake Boyfriend on Facebook to Make my Ex Jealous”

I’m a 39 year-old woman and I broke up with my boyfriend of three months about two weeks ago. We broke up on bad terms; I had a hunch he was cheating because he suddenly, for no reason, hid everything on his Facebook page. I told him I didn’t trust him, and he basically said that we should just be friends. I was crushed and haven’t contacted him, but I knew he was still my friend on Facebook and would see my posts. So … I decided to invent a fake boyfriend. I created a fake Facebook identity, complete with fake friends and even a fake profile picture and then basically “friended”…

“I Hate the Gift He Gave Me”

My husband is deployed in the middle east, and he really wanted to get his daughter (my step-daughter) and me something from that area for Christmas. He asked me what I would like from there, and I told him anything pretty, and that I would like enough saris to be able to make a canopy for our bed. He sent his daughter a beautiful camel bone jewelry box, but he sent me a rhinestone-encrusted scorpion pill box. Scorpions aren’t my thing. I don’t like them; I don’t like bugs in general, and this is just plain ugly. My concern is that if I tell him that I like it, he may continue…

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