Quickies: “My Boyfriend Has Been Sending Love Messages to His Ex”
In today’s three letters, I advise the LWs to listen to their gut – and listen when someone says he’s no longer feeling it.
In today’s three letters, I advise the LWs to listen to their gut – and listen when someone says he’s no longer feeling it.
I’m 45 and have been separated for several years. I have two kids from my previous marriage, and they’re 11 and 12 now and live with me every other week. Their dad and I co-parent amicably. I started dating fairly soon after our separation. I dated a lot of jerks, fakes, and assholes for a couple years. I was really looking for a long-term relationship, and last year I met an amazing man, G, on a dating app. He’s 49, super handsome, fit, intelligent, gentlemanly, and caring. G has also been divorced for a few years now and has two university-age kids who live with him. G and I see each other…
I am getting married in less than two months. My fiancé and I have been together for 15 years. Both of us were married before, and between us we have five adult children. His children are all involved in the wedding while my two sons refuse to come. My mother isn’t coming either though my father is walking me down the aisle. (My patents are divorced.) My fiancé shares different political views from most of my family who are extremely liberal, as am I. They don’t think I should marry him, but I love him. And we already own a house together, share finances, and are domestic partners. Other than with politics,…
I’m 28 years old, and after I graduated from college, my first job experience didn’t work out as well as I wanted it to and I got depressed. My older sister encouraged me to become a certified teacher, so I did, and I’ve now been teaching for five years and am even more miserable than I was before. I’m underpaid and I can’t enjoy anything in life without worrying about money. Whenever I try to find better opportunities, it feels like all doors are closed. I’ll be 30 in two years, but I can’t afford to move out of my parents’ home even though my environment is very toxic. I keep trying…
I am a 30-year-old Asian woman in the middle of a divorce from my husband; we have no children. I have a great career and my master’s degree, and I work with the at-risk children and youth; on paper and to my community, I have a perfect life (just missing the children). In my culture, I am considered a very old woman to not have any children, and the pressure is extremely high when I am at any family gatherings. My mother, sisters, and extended family believe I should be happy and start a family with my husband and stop talking about the divorce. I got married very young — at age…
I need your advice on what to do or how to move forward with my in-laws. I’ve always loved my mother-in-law and thought my husband’s siblings were sweet until this weekend. Let me explain what happened. My husband and I went in on a shore camper with his brother, “Eric.” The camper is right next to my mother-in-law’s camper as well as their aunt’s camper. I was hesitant to buy a camper with Eric, but both he and my husband assured me that he would more than likely use it during the week since he “works from home” and we could have it most weekends. I even got a shared calendar app…
Barb and I were childhood BFFs. Since we graduated high school in 2007, we’ve steadily drifted apart. Around 2015, when we were living in the same city again, I tried to revive our friendship. I invited Barb to events and to meet other friends of mine. She seemed disinterested and often declined. I grieved it, but I accepted that our friendship would take a different form. We continued to text updates and hang out once in a while. In 2020, I was in her 12-person wedding during Covid. I was surprised she chose me instead of two other friends of hers (they were not even invited to the wedding!). In 2021, I…
I have been seeing my boyfriend for about a year now but have known him for about two years. When we met each other, both he and I were in a similar situation. He had emotionally, mentally, and physically checked out of his twenty-something year marriage and I had checked out of my seven-year relationship. He finally moved out of his ex’s home and now lives with his adult children (youngest is 18) – three girls and one boy. He has been in the process of divorce but nothing has been official yet. My concern is that I have already introduced him to my family and friends, especially all my kids ranging…
I’ve been with my husband for three years and married to him for a year and a half. It’s been an adventure, let me tell you, and I’m ready to cut off my in-laws. I’m done dealing with them. I’m done fighting with them. I’m done trying to be accepted. I’m just done. Let me explain why. Reason #1. My husband and I had a small courthouse wedding and invited just his parents, but his mother didn’t come. She said she wasn’t invited, even though we verbally invited her while sitting on her couch, and she said she wasn’t invited because my parents hate her. They don’t hate her – they’ve only…
I know you have been in a successful long-distance relationship, and I’m really hoping you can help me.I have been in a long-distance relationship with a man for nine months. We live three hours apart and see each other three weekends out of the month. It has been an ideal situation, and I would like to say we are pretty happy. We’re both 25 and have had some pretty crappy relationships, so we agreed to take things slowly. We have similar backgrounds in religion, family, and what we want out of life. Day-to-day has been great, but whenever we start to talk about the future, panic mode sets in. We talked for…
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