“My Wife Exposes Her Breasts to Other Men and I Cannot Stand It Anymore!”
“My fiancée is 5 feet tall and 115 lbs. — a very classy lady who dresses very classy. But we have one problem that has caused arguing…”
“My fiancée is 5 feet tall and 115 lbs. — a very classy lady who dresses very classy. But we have one problem that has caused arguing…”
I have been dating a man, “Henry,” who had a relationship over seven years ago with a woman who had three children — two sons and a daughter. They dated for eight years, so he raised the children along with his own two sons for the eight-year period they were together. Once they broke up, the mother would not let him see the children, so he was out of touch with them for seven years. “My Boyfriend Has Remained Close to His Ex’s Daughter” About the time we started dating (seven months ago), he said that his ex-fiance’s daughter, Loretta, had contacted him. Since then, she’s texted him prom pictures and has…
My boyfriend (37) and I (30) have been seeing each other for a year. We both own condos in the suburbs, fifty miles away from each other. We started discussing moving in together about five months ago as I am tired of the distance between us and only seeing each other on the weekends. I work at a university in the city, fifteen miles away from my home. I also have one semester of grad school left at my university, and my tuition is free since I work there. He is self-employed, working from home, and makes three times my salary. His sister is moving back to this state this week and…
“Fiona” and I have been friends since freshman year of college, and we have been close for more than a decade. About a year ago, Fiona got married and gave birth to a lovely baby girl, whom I adore. I am thrilled for her new life. However, as she transitions into a new mom, I’ve realized that our friendship has gone downhill. After Fiona became pregnant, she quit her job and is now a stay-at-home mom. We used to hang out every couple of months before her pregnancy. Now that she is a mom, we have seen each other four or five times over the past year. I adore her daughter; however,…
I’m a recent college graduate who, like the vast majority of my generation, has found herself living at home while trying to save up enough to move out. I live in a large house with my sister, her two young children, and my aging parents. I have three other siblings older than I am. My two brothers live in the area and my oldest sister lives out of state. My problem is the somewhat “uneven” distribution of household chores. I find myself spending an upwards of four or more hours a day before and after work cleaning up after my sister’s children, taking care of her dogs, and trying to get as…
I am a gay Irish man and have been dating my Mexican boyfriend for the last five months. He is twentyyears my junior at 31 and it is going really really well — the age difference isn’t a problem, the intimacy is perfect, and we are so comfortable in each other’s company. He even told me recently that he is falling in love with me. But a couple of days ago I went to the cinema with him and his female best friend. He was sitting in the middle seat with her sitting to the left and me to the right. During the film he started rubbing my knee which he usually…
“I am a 27-year-old female and for two months have been seeing someone who is 31. We are both at the point in life where we want a family.”
I’m 35 and have been with my boyfriend for six months. I never had kids because I was waiting for that special someone I could share moments and grow old with, but my boyfriend has three beautiful girls. It took a while for them to warm up to me, but today we all get along very well. My boyfriend shares 50/50 custody with the kids’ mom so he has them for a week and then she has them for a week. The week that we don’t have them it’s easier to get attention from my boyfriend. When we have the girls, I feel left out and don’t get much attention from him….
This by no means is a large problem but more of an annoyance. I have a niece who is 32 years old and, anytime she wants to send me an invitation, thank you, or anything, she emails me for my mailing address which has been the same for over ten years. Not only have I given it to her multiple times, but I’ve also sent her cards and packages with my address label and printed up a card with my address and sent it to her. The reasons it annoys me are: 1) one of then nicest things about getting a card is the surprise of it; 2) it makes me feel…
To say that my in-laws are difficult is an understatement. Two years ago we moved fifteen minutes away and, to them, a fifteen-minute drive is like driving out of the state, so it helped quite a bit to limit the weekend stop-overs. One of the issues I am currently having is that, when they do come over, they stay for five to six hours and take up our entire day with us doing nothing but hosting them. Lately, they will come over with our niece. I have two little ones (ages four and two) and a third baby on the way. The last time they came over with my niece they stayed…
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