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I remain confused at the reaction to this letter. NEWSFLASH —- it’s not that hard to NOT repeatedly get pregnant in 2018. Sorry, it just isn’t. My patience for those unable to figure that out ended long ago. ANYBODY who has popped out four unwanted kids SHOULD fucking get their tubes tied. I stand by that opinion…
Frankly, the knocked up stripper anedotes only strengthen this belief.
Kate, maybe you should stop patronizing establishments that exploit women. And on tubal ligation, you still can get pregnant (though its low). It is the most effective type of birth control for women. Tubal ligation reversal is about 70 percent effective and there is always IVF. I would not consider this to be sterilization. Removal of the ovaries would be that.
Reading comprehension, Oracle, get some. “I have in the past” = don’t currently. That happened 15 years ago.
Now I donate to Planned Parenthood, ACLU, and SPLC. I hope you do too.
Someone literally screamed at the LW “GET STERILIZED!” For like the 80th time, its deleted. For the 81st time, I am saying as moderator, please do not scream at someone to get something invasive done to their body. For the 90th time, I’m saying it’s ok to present tubal ligation or whatever other form of birth control as an option, if you’re giving advice.
So would everyone please stop arguing why tubal ligation is a viable option for this woman? That’s been established. Sure it is. Next.
Closing this topic.
Again, key points are:
1) Don’t scream (all caps, exclamation marks, whatever) at someone to get sterilized or get any other operation. Yes, someone did exactly that. No, you don’t see it because it’s deleted.
2) If you want to give advice, and part of that advice is about birth control, that’s valid.