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I had to google a wild serval cat, and whoa, they’re interesting looking! But, uh, wow, only 4, huh? (*eyeroll*)
@ dre hollllleeeee crap that is so tacky and disgusting. What a perv!
Also screw the serval mix, get a bengal, cheaper and just as cool. I may be biased due to out cat being one… haha
I have an update on last night’s date.
I, Veritek33, for the first time in my adult life, took a man home on the first date. And it was FABULOUS.
I’m running on about 2 hours of sleep right now. NO RAGRETS.
(Please tell me you get the “We’re the Millers” reference??)
ohhh yay @Ver I’m so glad it went so well!
I’d also like to echo the eyeroll on the ‘only 4 of them’ ridiculously expensive cat. That is ridiculous
@ veritek33 I’m glad it was fabulous! I went home with a man last week and it was awful… he was rushing through everything and it only lasted like two minutes. So so disappointing.
Hope your new date isn’t a douche so you can continue enjoying the fabulousness.
Does not seem douchey. There was middle of the night sex, break of dawn sex, and beat the alarm clock sex. Then he found my kuerig and made me coffee and let the dogs out while I showered this morning. Already asked me out for a second date.
A good time was had by all.
hahahaha I love GI Ginger. That is fantastic.
I am taking a half day today so that I can go home and get super dressed up for my date with Physicist tonight. (If I worked a full day, I would have to go home, change as quickly as possible, forego makeup entirely, and leave). I might even paint my non-existent nails