DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    April 18, 2016 at 11:40 am #479889

    It used to be that meeting on a dating site was taboo and now it seems like meeting online not on a dating site is still an awkward thing to mention to some people. I know people who’ve met their partners on Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, Kik, Facebook, and a few others. All through some sort of shared interest.

    I had a 3rd date with this woman I’ve been seeing, and I love the new and exciting stages of dating. We click really well…I don’t want to get my expectations too high, but I think she’ll be meeting my husband pretty soon.

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    April 18, 2016 at 11:42 am #479890

    @lucia_la How exciting! I love that he messaged you the second he thought it was ok to. enthusiasm is really exciting 🙂

    That sounds like a cute date! I love the warmer weather so many better possible date activities, especially casual day time dates. Two dates isn’t a ton to go off of, maybe if he kisses you you’ll have a better sense?

    So things are good on my end, for the 4th date we went to a benefit that his friend’s wife was helping throw and it was really classy/fun and we all had a lot of booze haha. I’m kind of a generic early 30s yuppie type so it’s right up my alley. He’s out of town for work till Thursday but things are really great 🙂

    April 18, 2016 at 11:48 am #479892

    We’ve kissed on both dates. I feel like we’re a little out of sync when it comes to kissing styles. I know that can change, though. I’ve dated other guys where the kissing was a little off at first but once we figured out each other’s rhythm things were great.

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    April 18, 2016 at 11:58 am #479895

    Yay!! I love all of the great dating success stories right now.

    Kmen so glad you are happy with this new dude.

    I have a really good friend who has been single since we were 20 I think, and literally in the past 9 years has gone on maybe 3 dates and she refuses to try online dating. I really wish I could get her past the idea of thinking it is weird/only people who are desperate do it (which I think used to exist and isn’t there at ALL anymore). I know she wants to be in a relationship, but just won’t take the plunge. IDK a nice way to be like, just do it. I think to meet someone organically is really hard now a days because we are all so programmed to a) not pay attention to anything around us and b) think most people who approach us are creeps and not really give them the time of day. I am going to keep working on it, but kind of want to show her this thread so she will have a bit more confidence.

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    April 18, 2016 at 1:28 pm #479913

    muchachae, i have a friend who is the same. She is truly one of the best people i know, she’s intelligent, funny, confident, vibrant and happy and uhh loves sports. I swear, it’s amazing to me how she has NOT gotten swooped up yet, but when it comes to trying to find dates she’s very shy!

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    April 18, 2016 at 1:28 pm #479914

    Hi peeps! Glad to hear people are having awesome dates these days! 🙂
    I had a first date on friday. It wound up being really really fun. I met the guy at a German beer hall/pub type of place that has lots of outdoor seating for some beers and some sausages. I didn’t really feel like we warmed up to each other until about an hour in or so, then after that we really started talking. We wound up closing the place down, actually. At the end he was like, so, you’re really great! And I was like, yeah, you too, this was… a pleasant surprise! And he agreed. We texted a little on saturday, and he said he was interested in getting together again. Now, I don’t know if that will actually happen but I let him know I’m available, and maybe we can plan something. (I haven’t heard from him since, so who knows.) It was a nice change from the so-so meh dates I usually go on. I haven’t been on more than 3 dates with anyone since the end of my last relationship (2 years ago) so it’s an understatement that I’m ready for *something* to change here.

    I also re-activated Tinder, got a couple of matches but no conversations yet. I also downloaded Bumble, but that one seems to be a lot of guys who look like candidates for The Bachelorette, and I have gotten no matches. (Has anyone here used it?)

    April 18, 2016 at 2:23 pm #479927

    I’ve been out with the quiet one five times in the past two and a half weeks. We’re hanging out again this week at some point, and we’ve slowly begun introducing each other to our friends. He was a champion with my friends this weekend, and they can definitely be overwhelming. So far, so good!

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    April 18, 2016 at 2:52 pm #479933

    Yay for everyone’s awesome dates! I got…..nothing lol. Except the new guy really showed his ass and went all crazy train yesterday via text and OMG BULLET DODGED.

    Happy hour guy wants to take me to a play when I get back from my vacation so I’ll do that and I’m sure we’ll have fun. Glad everyone is having a good time!

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    April 18, 2016 at 2:58 pm #479935

    oh! almost forgot! @lianne I downloaded the meeting your half orange book to read on vacation. I remembered you mentioning it so I went ahead and bought it. I’ll report back on my thoughts if anyone cares lol

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    April 18, 2016 at 3:42 pm #479940

    @veritek…do we get any details about crazy train? I’m so curious!!

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    April 18, 2016 at 4:35 pm #479943

    I so want to hear about the text crazy train also.

    Yay for everyone’s awesome dates!

    I have high hopes of things getting less complicated with Physicist soon. J and I are taking a break also, so I have had so much glorious alone time lately.

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    April 18, 2016 at 4:41 pm #479945

    lol @ladyinpurple sure! It’s really crazy.

    Yesterday he sent me a (now I know he was drunk) text asking how many random dudes I talk to on the internet and how slutty I am. I’m like, WTF are you talking about and where is this coming from? He proceeded to tell me that this wasn’t worth salvaging and that he needed to focus on work and keeping his head in the game and I was a distraction. Then shit got REAL weird.

    He said we had no real relationship and that no one knew about him and that I have no mention of him on my social media (um yeah because we’ve gone on TWO dates and also because I don’t air that shit on my social media) and that I didn’t profess my love for him. Because if it was meant to be I would have fallen in love with him immediately.

    I responded that that’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works…..

    And he told me yes, that is how this works. And I’m not right for him and that I should have closed my dating accounts and put myself as in a relationship on facebook. IT. WAS. CRAZY. He couldn’t find time to go on a date with me but I’m the slut that won’t get off okcupid? WTF

    I told him he was nuts and to go find his woman that falls immediately in love with him and to never contact me again. Then I blocked his number because he was pissing me off calling me slutty and such and I didn’t want to be tempted to write back and rant on him.

    So I took the bottle of Jack Daniels I had bought for his birthday (when we had planned on spending it together) returned it to Target and bought stuff for my vacation! If I drank Jack I would have kept it, but SPF 70 seemed a better investment.

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