DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    April 21, 2016 at 3:08 am #482364

    My date on Tuesday went really well! We went to Indonesian food, which neither of us had tried before, and then to my fave craft beer place. So all in all we talked for about six hours straight and conversation flowed easily. At dinner, the server had to come try to take our order two or three times because we were so busy talking we hadn’t even looked at the menu yet. It’s been so long since I’ve been out with someone who opened doors for me and insisted on paying and all that stuff (well, the last person I dated was a woman so none of that stuff really applied) – it’s a nice change. He walked me home but didn’t kiss me… I think he chickened out. I did too. Normally I wouldn’t have had a problem initiating but it feels different with this one.

    He’s coming to my show tomorrow, which I’m little nervous about (it’s improv, and normally our shows are pretty chill, but we’re “battling” another group so there will be a lot more performers and a lot more pressure to Be Hilarious Now… and also we haven’t practiced in a while.) But oh well, should be fun!

    April 21, 2016 at 8:53 am #482738

    So after two super fun dates with the guy I mentioned, I’ve heard nothing from him since :-/ Perhaps I won’t have the chance to get to know him after all…

    April 21, 2016 at 2:29 pm #483085

    I have to side with Ver here. I don’t know that buying the star would be a red flag for me, it wasn’t a diamond ring or something crazy. It probably cost $20 and he was trying to impress her and in the moment it was sweet. Buying a bottle for a person you are dating and seeing on said birthday is NOT extravagant. It’s nice gesture.

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    April 21, 2016 at 2:41 pm #483117

    I had sex on my lunch break today! Then I ate mexican food. Today has been a good day.

    April 21, 2016 at 2:53 pm #483118

    @kare, I am extremely jealous. Mostly about the lunch break sex.

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    April 21, 2016 at 3:19 pm #483150

    One of the guys I hook up with (not my FWB or my coworker) lives a couple of blocks from me. Super convenient.

    April 21, 2016 at 3:28 pm #483159

    Who doesn’t like wineries?!

    April 21, 2016 at 7:11 pm #483406

    K – right?! One of the best weekends away my husband and I have ever had was to wineries. It’s a classier kind of drunken shitshow.

    Lucia that date sounds awesome! Indonesian food is pretty tasty, did you try gado gado or stick to delicious fried things? Fun fact: Bali is only a 2.5 hour flight from where I used to live up north. People would go there for the weekend.

    MissDre, sucks about your guy. 🙁

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    April 22, 2016 at 9:44 am #484401

    @MissDre, sorry you haven’t heard from him. Dating can be so frustrating!

    Also I have always wanted to try Indonesian food! How was your show Lucia?

    I’m in the process of moving and am finishing up on Saturday with the big stuff. I felt bad asking the guy I’ve been dating for all of a month to help, but he offered and his long time friend and my good friend who’s engagement party we met at are the ones helping me move so they insisted it wasn’t weird. Afterward we are going to his friend’s 30th birthday bbq/house party.

    Is anyone else really slow to want to meet friends or introduce new people you are dating to friends? This will be the third time we are doing something with his friends (always different friend groups, and he’s always more focused on me than them when we are out). It usually takes me like 6 months before I bring someone around, so I think I’m on the opposite side of the spectrum (paranoia) but I’m just rolling with it because it doesn’t feel weird and I have a pattern of dating emotionally unavailable men so it’s worth it to try something different.

    April 22, 2016 at 10:07 am #484421

    KM – Me and the guy were the exact opposite. I introduced him to a lot of people the first five months of dating. Including friends and family. He was integrated pretty early. It took him the five months to finally start introducing me to people. This was a point of friction for me… as I felt he didn’t care about me as much as I cared about him. I was wrong, of course, but anyway… we finally worked it out.

    I’ve been reading this thread, but obviously commenting less. I’m glad you’re having fun KM! And I’m glad this new guy seems pretty cool. Yay for you!

    Things are going well with the guy. We’ve talked about a lot of stuff. Kids. Finances. Houses. Marriage. We just went on a long trip together and survived a horrible airport experience. I guess things are more than well. They’re pretty great.

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    April 22, 2016 at 10:44 am #484481

    I’m so happy for all the happy dating going on! KM and Ktfran, you should bring your boyfriends to my place and see how they do around a baby with drool, boogers, and poo poo. (Too soon for that? Nahhh!)

    April 22, 2016 at 10:59 am #484486

    AP… he’s actually great with kids! Well, I don’t know about babies, but 1-yr-old+… he’s effing fantastic. However… the kids talk… we’re leaning towards a no. Neither of us feels strongly about having one, but would if the other felt strongly about it. So… unless in the next few years I decide I really want a child, or he decides he does, it’s not in the cards for us. The older I get, the less I want one, which I think is opposite of a lot of women. But I do know we’d both make great parents. Although, we should come see you!!!!! And your adorable little son!!!!

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