DW Community Catch-up Thread
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- This topic has 11,829 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 4 days, 4 hours ago by
LianneMay 2, 2016 at 2:55 pm #496638
@veritek, everyone is entitled to how they feel about things. I think the thing is you had fun but seemed like you were complaining. I miss my single weekends but I’m super excited for my new life with baby, even if it does scare the shit out of me. I think it’s just important to consider the perspective of others when framing certain conversations. Embrace and enjoy your single days while you still can. Marriage and babies will come and that will be fun too, but the days are not leisurely or your own.
May 2, 2016 at 2:55 pm #496639My weekends aren’t usually so exhausting as this past one, but they do always revolve around caregiving as any parent’s usually does. To have a morning to myself to go to an exercise class and run errands in peace really is a morning of leisure these days (and I do get those mornings — Drew and I take turns taking time four ourselves — I just didn’t get it this weekend is all). I just wanted to give a little perspective. If you’re single and childfree and don’t have anyone else to worry about or schedule your weekend around — difficult parents, aside — try to appreciate the “me time” you get, even if it feels busy. I definitely try to enjoy the family time I have, even when it feels so exhausting. All these stages in life pass, after all…
kareMay 2, 2016 at 2:57 pm #496641Idk, veritek. Your weekend sounds more stressful to me. Mainly because of the uber part. Driving gives me such bad anxiety, and it’s worse if there’s someone else in the car. I can’t imagine driving strangers around in unfamiliar parts of town. I would have a panic attack. But I’m glad you liked it! I’ve heard it’s an awesome way to make extra cash.
MissDre, tell us more about the shoot! I’m glad you had fun.
I tend to lurk on this thread, but not comment because I am not going on dates. 🙁
Veritek, I didn’t perceive your comment to be complaining or anything. You literally just listed the things you did and said you were tired. I didn’t read anything negative in there at all, and I didn’t perceive that you are lacking perspective on the fact that other people might have busier weekends. There’s always going to be someone who is a busier. A person with three kids might be busy, but a person with 8 kids is probably busier than that. I don’t think it’s bad to say you’re tired if you are, even if someone else feels that they are more tired than you.
May 2, 2016 at 3:14 pm #496644Wow. Ok. I honestly didn’t see Veritek’s post as complaining- mostly just a “here’s what I did, and wow, I was beat!” Of course, different activities are more stressful to some people than others. Whether it’s driving, or chasing kids around, or doing yard work, or whatever. I would never want to be an uber driver because I live in a really dense urban area and I hate traffic which seems to be everywhere these days. But everyone has different feelings about it!
lucia_laMay 2, 2016 at 3:32 pm #496652i had a lovely weekend in wroclaw, this adorable little city in poland. there are little gnomes hidden around the city (212 to be exact) so the whole place is like one big scavenger hunt. we spent the time gnome hunting, day drinking by the river, and eating a million pierogies. wroclaw is also the 2016 european cultural capital (which we hadn’t even realized till we got there) so that was cool. on sunday, 7,000 guitarists gathered in the main square to try to beat the world record for most guitar players playing the same song at the same time (it was purple rain).
the firefighter just moved into a new flat so he’s having a housewarming party on wednesday that i’m going to. and then he’s coming to my friends’ cinco de mayo party on thursday. things are still going really well!
May 2, 2016 at 3:56 pm #496655Lucia_la, your weekend in Wroclaw sounds so cool. I would *love* to go to Poland! It’s on my bucket list of places to visit. 🙂
My weekend was pretty fun. Friday night I went to a brewery that was having a big brew/food truck event with music and food, with my friend Sam and a couple of her friends, as well as a guy I’ve gone on 3 dates with. We all had a fun time, and he and I stayed til the bitter end. Saturday night I went to a college friend’s birthday bbq, and it was great since I haven’t seen him in a couple of years! On Sunday, I spent 4 hours at work (work is crazy busy) and then met some coworkers and former coworkers at this great Italian place nearby for dinner. A former coworker was in town visiting from back east, and so it was a little reunion. Plus, she had her 11 month old daughter with her! Such fun.AngeMay 2, 2016 at 5:22 pm #496668It did kind of come across as a bit snotty though Lianne. When you say veritek sounded like she was complaining then throw in this line: ‘I think it’s just important to consider the perspective of others when framing certain conversations’ it sounds like you were throwing your hat in the ring for the tired Olympics and/or the ‘singles don’t get to participate in these discussions’ marathon. Both are so played out by the way everyone, we are all tired from different shit and everyone has shit to do so yay us.