DW Community Catch-up Thread
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- This topic has 11,838 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 8 hours, 33 minutes ago by
shakeourtreeJune 5, 2016 at 1:24 pm #533951
Just catching up on this: @stone Dodged a bullet! Yeesh! @missdre That’s awesome!
This is not my own dating story, but my best friend introduced me to this new guy she’s been dating last night, and it did NOT go well. He was antagonizing me and challenged basically everything I said, and since I am not one to back down, it devolved pretty quickly. She said today that she was sorry that we didn’t hit it off, and I’m worried that this is going to drive a big wedge in our friendship.
AleJune 5, 2016 at 3:52 pm #534147@shakeourtree I think that your friend should see that being a jerk meeting friends for the first time is a red flag.
June 5, 2016 at 10:44 pm #534694@MissDre that is fabulous! Yay for Mr. Attentive.
I had drinks with the
PhysicistSociopath’s partner yesterday. She is a really lovely person. We spent a few hours comparing notes. I am still having a rough time. I’m so angry, and I really miss him at the same time. But I keep reminding myself that the person I miss never really existed. He was a character created to appeal to me. But it’s still rough. I’ve been trying to keep myself distracted. Lots of friend time this weekend. It’s terrifying to know that if he came to ask for me back I don’t 100% trust myelf to say no and remember that everything he says could be a lie. It’s easier to just not be alone. Just in case.
How can a six month relationship fuck with me this much? I’ve been in a lot of relationships of varying degrees of seriousness, two of them were actually abusive, and nothing has ever had this effect on me. I know that I will be fine, eventually, but right now I feel like kind of a mess and that seems ridiculous to me.I would not keep up a friendship with his partner. Even meeting her for that drink… I guess if getting the info from her helped you see more clearly or get closure, there might be some purpose in that, but you know you’ll be better off if you cut off all contact, including with her. You don’t want any part of that mess.
Also, there’s a website called lovefraud.com, “how to recognize and recover from sociopaths” that you might find helpful. I found it years ago when my neighbor was dating a true sociopath and scammer. He had done the same things to a large number of women and was finally exposed, and was in a news story and everything. I can’t remember all the details anymore but I recall he drove a Bentley. I would see it parked in our lot and be like who TF is living here and driving a Bentley? He needed it as a prop to look rich. And he had all these ways of scamming women out of money. All the while he’d be buying you a $25K engagement ring but because of some complication it had to go on your credit card, just temporarily.
This same woman, a very attractive, fit, late/30s divorcee, was dating yet ANOTHER sociopath, a classic control freak abuser, who was the head of our condo board. They got in horrible violent fights.
Anyway, web sites like this can be comforting and empowering because you gain knowledge and don’t feel so gobsmacked. I don’t know if your guy was a sociopath or what, but certainly a liar and a creep. By the way, “love bombing” in the early stages of a relationship is definitely a tactic that sociopaths use.
Here’s an example story:
Come to think of it, living in that condo taught me a lot about bad relationships. It was gut-rehabbed 2-bed 1-bath townhouses that attracted a lot of single professional women home buyers with dogs. And we’d all talk. I was in a bad relationship too. Another neighbor spent her entire adult life entangled in this on and off thing with her male “best friend” from college, who would spend a lot of time with her, hook up with her, and sometimes act like they were dating, but then he’d have a skinny, small-boobed girlfriend and tell my neighbor that was really his type (she was curvy with huge boobs). And guess what? Last I heard she was giving it another shot with him. Which didn’t work out. Again.
Sorry for the Melrose Place walk down memory lane…
kareJune 6, 2016 at 7:05 am #535359That kind of reminds me of this story: http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/01/celebrity-surgeon-nbc-news-producer-scam
Whoo, that looks juicy. The important thing to remember is it id unfortunately not uncommon to find out you’ve totally been lied to. And when you do, unless you have to testify in court, the only thing to do is completely distance yourself from the liar / user. 100% no contact with him, his gf, wife, mom, friends, kids, all social media, etc. otherwise you let yourself remain his victim in some way and you’re not free.
MissDreJune 6, 2016 at 9:03 am #535512@veritek33 and everyone else, thank you for the good wishes 🙂
@Stonegypsy I’m so sorry this guy is a douche, I hope you feel better soon and can forget his dumb ass.