DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    July 25, 2016 at 4:02 am #609907

    Happy birthday Thread, and it was my birthday on Saturday as well! I had my first BBQ/house warming at my house and I had a great turn out. Everyone seemed to gel really well and other than the stressful actual cooking part, I had a great time! 😀 And then, because I am 36 years old, I went out dancing for hours!!

    And then, because I am 36 years old, I cleaned up from the BBQ, did three loads of laundry, and fell asleep on the sofa on Sunday.

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    July 25, 2016 at 8:09 am #609938

    Happy birthday thread! And happier birthday @Nookie!

    I think it’s okay to still be a little hung up. You really liked this guy. Take a little time to get over it.

    I had a date with a new guy last week and it was pretty good. I went in with zero expectations but he was actually kinda fun. The wine and painting night with the fire fighter was cancelled because he got put on call for the weekend, so no resolution there.

    I hope everyone had a nice weekend 🙂

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    July 25, 2016 at 8:23 am #609946

    Your date sounds a good one @veritek, where did you meet this one from?

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    July 25, 2016 at 8:30 am #609948

    @MissDre it all happened so suddenly, I can totally see why you’d still be hung up. I’m still inexplicably hung up on the last one even though I get that he’s a little nuts. I’m finding that dating people actually doesn’t help me because then I just compare. I get the needing to be single for awhile thing now.

    Wow can’t believe the thread is a year old!

    Happy belated!!! Sounds like a sold weekend 🙂

    As for me…went to some new club with the guy I’ve been out with a few times because he and his friends had a table. I was a huge club rat back in the day but once I got into my last serious relationship and hit my 30s just really over the scene. I went with my friend who LOVES clubbing still and I had a good time. Feeling kind of ambivilant about him at this point…my guard is WAY up and still sorting through my feelings from the last two break ups. He’s a very sweet, extremely fun, and a respectful guy who is clearly looking for a serious gf which freaks me out a bit. Just want to keep things light all summer.

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    July 25, 2016 at 8:31 am #609949

    Also total sidebar I had a dream last night that I sent a small donation to Wendy so I woke up today and did haha 🙂

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    July 25, 2016 at 8:43 am #609950

    @nookie I met this one on Tinder. I use Tinder, Bumble and Match. So far the two free ones seem to find me the most dates unfortunately lol. And this guy was respectful and nice from the word go, made it clear he wasn’t looking for a hookup, etc. It was actually pretty charming how nervous he was about the date. Whereas I had a shit day at work and was ready to cancel the thing all together and that would have probably put him over the edge lol. After a beer he chilled out and we had a nice time and talked for about 2.5 hours. Possible second date this week.

    July 25, 2016 at 8:54 am #609951

    @kmtthat yep, I am totally comparing every guy I see to Pilot Jones.

    It really doesn’t help that when we “officially” broke up he basically told me how deep his feelings are for me and sort of alluded to the possibility of a future for us. So, yeah I think this guy is going to take me some time to get over.

    But, I know I will move on sooner or later!

    Good luck with all your dates guys!

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    July 25, 2016 at 9:20 am #609957

    I like the no expectations you had there @veritek, then you can be pleasantly surprised! I hope the second date goes just as well!

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    July 25, 2016 at 9:46 am #609969

    I’m sorry things didn’t work out Dre. It just sucks, no other nice way to say it.

    And thank you, Nookie! I’m hoping all these first and second dates eventually turn into something fun! If for nothing else, I’d really like a date to Crossfit prom. (Yes, my gyms holds a gala each summer with formal dresses and drinks and food and we call it crossfit prom and I’d like to have a date for it lol.)

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    July 25, 2016 at 10:49 am #609981

    @missdre – How long is Pilot Jones’s assignment overseas? I’ve done the long distance thing that just required a bit of driving and that was rough, but if his assignment has a clear end date… it’s not impossible. (I’d personally go no contact and move along given distance and how he treated you leading up to the break-up.)

    I canceled a Tinder date over the weekend and got some dramatic responses to that. I wrote in the advice forums last week about my current shitstorm at work and spent a sad amount of time this past weekend trying to get some work in to make this week easier. I didn’t think it would take as long as it did so I asked to reschedule and told him the truth (just started a new job, we’re understaffed, I’m reallyreallyreally frazzled) and apologized. He wrote back accusing me of leading him on, telling me he didn’t want to force me to meet him, and that rescheduling would just mean another weekend day with canceled plans. I felt really bad, but good grief, I’ve had people reschedule on me and unless it’s a pattern, I don’t think it’s a big deal. Shit happens.

    The good news is that being this busy at work makes me not really give a shit about dating at the moment and has almost entirely distracted me from most of my Sadz about the guy who ended things with me a couple weeks ago. The bad news is that rough days at work, like last Wednesday where I went home in tears and could. not. stop. crying. just make me wish I had someone who actually cares when my day at work was just awful.

    July 25, 2016 at 11:35 am #609984

    @Copa it’s a permanent position. I don’t think he plans to stay there forever, maybe a few years… but that doesn’t even matter. There wouldn’t be any clear end date. And it would be really hard to see each other, even if he does get North American flights, because the airline he took the job with doesn’t even fly to my city.

    I really wanted to make it work, and he told me that he did too, but it’s just not worth that much hardship and heartache. And also, as wonderful and attentive and affectionate as he is when things are going well, I learned that he shuts me out when he’s stressed or overwhelmed. And that shit just doesn’t work, ESPECIALLY when you’re long distance.

    I know tomorrow is his last day with his current airline, and I’m pretty sure he’s leaving for UAE either Wednesday or Thursday. So, yeah I have the Sadz like you said.

    July 26, 2016 at 9:33 am #610131

    He left for Dubai yesterday and it hit me harder than I thought it would. I didn’t get to say goodbye properly. He had sent me several messages but I had the volume on my phone turned off. By the time I saw the messages and replied… he was already on the plane and my messages haven’t gone through.

    I knew this was coming. I guess it just stings worse than I thought it would because I’ve been holding onto my feelings for him, I guess in the back of my mind thinking nothing would really change, that we would keep on talking every day.

    Ugh, this sucks.

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