DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    October 17, 2016 at 6:06 pm #651412

    Do you feel stigmatized and judged because you’re divorced? I didn’t.

    October 17, 2016 at 6:08 pm #651413

    I live in a liberal state though?

    October 17, 2016 at 6:39 pm #651438

    Well I’ve only just turned 30. Where I live, most people my age (especially men) have never been married. So I’ve never met anyone before who has been divorced. It’s hard enough finding a 30 year old man who has a career and doesn’t live with his parents.

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being divorced. Both my parents are twice divorced. I have a friend currently getting divorced.

    But marriage is a really big deal to me, and at my age, I imagine finding my life partner, falling in love, getting married, and that marriage being a once in a lifetime thing for both of us. The idea of being somebody’s second wife is uncomfortable for me. I imagine my wedding day, exchanging vows with my life partner in front of witnesses, I just don’t like the idea that I’m the second person he has exchanged vows with.

    I also wouldn’t date anyone with kids. And at 30 years old, I don’t think my preferences are unrealistic.

    I’m sure as I get older, it will be more and more common for me to meet divorced men. So if I stay single and continue to date, I may have to adjustment my attitude and be more open minded.

    But for now, yeah. Finding out that a guy I might like used to have a wife, that’s a shocker.

    October 17, 2016 at 7:01 pm #651452

    I get that… but then shouldn’t you just not see this guy again even if he asks you? You already know he was married.

    I think prior marriage might become less of a big deal to you as time goes on, but for now your tastes are your tastes. I didn’t want to date a guy with kids either.

    October 17, 2016 at 8:31 pm #651509

    @Kate I think I was sort of curious about whether he’d tell me or not?? but you’re totally right I’ve kind of lost interest. I haven’t heard from him anyway.

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    October 17, 2016 at 10:19 pm #651571

    I don’t mean to jump in, but I’m very interested in these types of preferences too. I’m 33, and several of the guys I have dated/would date are divorced. Honestly, it does bother me a little, but it doesn’t bother me as much as children. Children are…I mean, used to be…a dealbreaker for me.

    But then this past week, I reconnected with a guy friend of mine from a couple of years ago who’s separated from his second wife at 34 and has a 1-year-old daughter, and the connection he and I had/have is so strong that honestly, for him, I would reconsider. Mostly, though, I don’t even consider men with kids.

    Soooo interesting.

    October 18, 2016 at 12:08 am #651639

    It’s definitely interesting as a married and child-having person to read this. Why wouldn’t you consider a divorcee or man with a child, assuming you don’t hate marriage or children? To be the “first?”

    Asking as a friend, not as a criticism.

    October 18, 2016 at 4:48 am #651792

    I don’t hate kids but didn’t want them. Please understand there’s a distinction 🙂

    October 18, 2016 at 5:11 am #651804

    I just think marriage is a really huge, significant, “forever” deal to some people. To me it’s none of those things; I know it doesn’t fix anything that was already messed up, or keep you together as a team forever, ???,and since I don’t want kids, I don’t really care about whatever “protections” of marriage. But I respect that a lot of people see it as a very significant life event and would want to know if you already did it, or at least are you tied to a crazy spouse forever. A lot of people, like Dre, are sure that they will get married once and once only, and it will be forever. They love that vision. My ex boyfriend felt that way, and he did end up marrying a woman who was significantly younger and had never been hitched. It’s just how people feel. Maybe there were guys who avoided me because I checked the “divorced” box, but that’s ok. If I’d checked the “single” box, I’d be going out with some guys who see and care about the distinction, and then it might get awkward. I don’t really see Stone’s point about self-selecting the other way.

    October 18, 2016 at 5:31 am #651817

    Oooo, E, I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you this, but don’t get any more involved with a guy who’s separated and has a baby.

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    October 18, 2016 at 5:52 am #651827

    I’d prefer not to be with a man who has children with someone else. I know it’s selfish but if you have children, they have to be your first priority and I wouldn’t want my relationship to have to take second stage.

    October 18, 2016 at 8:05 am #651901

    @Anonymousse, when I was single I wouldn’t consider a man with children either, even though I was open to having kids. The thing about dating a man with kids is you have to know that you’re ready for kids. I wasn’t ready. As to divorce, I might have dated a divorced guy, but I preferred a never-married guy.

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