DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    October 28, 2016 at 11:06 pm #655634

    @Ver that is the movie with Tom Hanks who manages a female baseball team right? If so, love that movie!!

    I am going to a costume party a friend and her siblings are hosting. So before I went away this week I went to Value Village and picked up my costume. I had two ideas in mind, then while searching I spotted some items that would actually come together to make me Ariel! Woot! So looking forward to wearing it tomorrow night 🙂

    I think my Hot Tinder Guy is ghosting me…he was super chatty last week with me, which is kind of out of the norm, and he also expressed interest in seeing me. But then he never followed up and he kind of went off the radar all this week. I think he is supposed to be in Ontario…so not sure if that is why. Regardless I am not active on Tinder much anymore, slowly fading from that and just keeping a couple of the guys I met through there at arms reach when I need it. But if things fade out I am just gonna do my own thing, focus on my workouts and social life. Winter is coming… hehe

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    October 29, 2016 at 5:37 am #655649

    Speaking of rockford peach costumes, how adorable is this??

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    October 30, 2016 at 1:50 pm #655714

    So, one of my friends likes me as more than a friend. I like him a lot as a person and have even wondered a few times if I have romantic feelings for him. I spent the day with him yesterday and it was great! He went home at one point to get his costume for the night and we were going to go out with a few other people… and then he texted me telling me that he’d given my address out to his buddies and we’d all be meeting at my place to kick off the night, so hurry on up to get ready because they’re gonna show up soon. And I was so annoyed. It’s like every time I wonder why we’re not more than friends he does something that irritates the crap out of me.

    October 30, 2016 at 1:52 pm #655715

    Um yeah, that’s really stupid.

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    October 30, 2016 at 6:36 pm #655728

    Another feeling single AF pile: all the couples costume photos on Facebook. And they’re good and cute not cheesy but ah, I guess this is 27 and on social media.

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    October 31, 2016 at 9:49 am #655800

    @hfantods So I guess it is safe to say you aren’t dating that guy anymore from earlier?

    You can also dress up with friends and do a photo shoot with them 😛

    October 31, 2016 at 7:14 pm #655963

    @Copa .. definitely no point complicating things with this guy.. he seems difficult enough even as a friend.

    The guy who I was so excited about seems so disinterested to the point that I wonder why he asked me out in the first place. We went for dinner one more time and it was better than the first time, but it didn’t feel like a date at all. He messages me regularly and talks about himself 95% of the time and doesn’t bother to even ask me a single question. I’m always interested to know about other people’s lives, but I would think if someone is interested in you he would at least bother to show some interest in your life too. Not to mention he isn’t suggesting anything about meeting up again. Thankfully we had only met twice before he asked me out, so I wouldn’t mind having him as a friend, he’s a cool guy.
    The other guy who wanted to buy me dinner the next time I go to his city but didn’t bother to talk to me at all after this: huge surprise, cancelled the dinner while I was on my way to the city (just the day before he had confirmed again that we’re going on a date).
    I guess the lesson I am taking from this is not to accept “dates” from men who don’t show enough interest in the first place. Although that first guy did ask me about the type of music I like etc, but with time I realised he really is only looking for a new friend to listen to him (as he is new to the city). Which as I said I don’t mind, I love spending time with new people. It’s just frustrating the whole process..

    Up until recently I thought I was staying on top of this whole dating thing (resilience is my second name by now) but lately it genuinely is starting to get depressing.. Hence my rambling about it over here, as well as to my closest friends who are probably getting sick of it by now. :/ To make it worse all of my friends are getting coupled up (including the “I don’t need a man because relationship are total bullshit and aren’t for me” friends.. also got in relationships) so of course I don’t get to see them nearly as much anymore.

    Okay I am done rambling. Thanks to anyone who read my depressing essay lol 😉
    Good luck to everyone.. looking forward to reading more stories 🙂 even if I don’t reply always ..

    November 1, 2016 at 9:45 am #656220

    He messages me regularly and talks about himself 95% of the time and doesn’t bother to even ask me a single question.

    The worst.

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    November 1, 2016 at 12:52 pm #656279

    Dating can be rough. I’m just kind of annoyed with the other guys I’ve been seeing, so for now just sticking with my FWB. We went out Friday night and yesterday since it was his birthday. He gets kind of sad on his birthday though because he’s “middle aged”.

    My coworker went to lunch with me and two other female coworkers and spent the whole time talking about this other girl he is seeing. Like graphic detail about what they did and what her body was like. I’m glad he’s found someone on his maturity level, but an office lunch hardly seems like the place to discuss it. Maybe I’m weird but my policy is to disclose that I am seeing other people and be honest about who I have plans with, but not to give a play by play or any sort of comparisons. So for now I’m just not replying to my coworker when he drunk dials me or sends me dick pics on Saturday mornings. I’ll stay polite at the office, but we are on completely different teams with different VPs, so we don’t have to work together or anything.

    @veritek and @moneypenney, I love your halloween costumes!!! They turned out awesome!!!

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    November 1, 2016 at 1:53 pm #656296

    Kare, thanks!! I’m happy my costume worked, considering it didn’t take much effort. 😛 I liked yours as well! Very cute. Also, your fwb is very handsome- he definitely doesn’t look “middle aged!”
    Also, I would be really uncomfortable being at that lunch with your coworker. Talk about TMI. Work is not the place for stuff like that unless you’re really close with certain people, and even then, I’d talk about it *outside* of work with them… I totally would have the same policy as you, if I was in the same situation.

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    November 1, 2016 at 3:13 pm #656321

    @Kare your pics with the FWB were so cute! And agree, he doesn’t look middle age.
    As for your coworker, in a lot of places, that would be grounds for a lawsuit or disciplinary action depending on who he’s talking to. I work in a place where on my first day I (and everyone else who starts there) did sexual harassment training because it can be so prevalent in this environment. I’d maybe mention to him, if you feel comfortable of course, that maybe that kind of talk isn’t the best on a work lunch.

    And thank you Kare and Moneypenny for the costume compliments! I almost won a contest at the party I went to lol. Not as cute as the baby Wendy posted, but I pulled it off 😉 I even wore it again to my part time job last night and got lots of compliments from customers.

    November 6, 2016 at 10:08 am #657260

    The recent letter from the LW who was upset that her brand new BF didn’t plan anything for her birthday got me thinking. I’m thinking about all the advice out there for single women, and how sometimes it’s hard to find a balance between all the information coming at us.

    On one hand, we have books like Why Men Love Bitches. It’s been ages since I’ve read it but I know the premise was something a long the lines of never bend over backwards for him, let him step up and make the effort. Single women hear all the time that we need to raise our standards, hold out for the man who will treat us the way we deserve to be treated, etc. (I feel like the LW in question has probably been told this a lot, as it taking it to the extreme probably after being treated poorly in the past — and she hasn’t figured out the balance yet.)

    On the other hand, we have books like The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough (I didn’t read the whole thing, I got about half way through it and all the statistics about how much harder it is to find someone the older you get got me all depressed). But my understanding is that the book is about recognizing the things that are important in a partner and letting go of the things that aren’t deal breakers.

    There’s different info coming at us from all directions and while it’s easy to understand looking from the outside, I’ve got to say, it can be pretty confusing to find the balance when you’re actually in he thick of it all. “Raise your standards! Hold out for what you deserve!” but then “You’re being too picky, you’re not a special snowflake, guys aren’t mind readers, etc.”

    It honestly gets really confusing at times. The last few days I’ve had a lot going through my head, trying to figure out how I feel about a friend of mine (I haven’t figured it out yet). And when I think of things my therapist has said to me, things I’ve read here on DW, things my former life coach used to tell me, I just confuse myself even more because I feel like it’s all conflicting information.

    Anyway, sorry for the long ass post. Just been thinking a lot, and I felt sympathy for the birthday girl LW the other day. I felt that she was probably conflicted too, and hasn’t figured out how to find the balance. Thought I’d share a bit of what’s been on my mind.

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