DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • MissDre
    February 8, 2017 at 8:30 am #672660

    @Veritek – So, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy hasn’t really been effective for me. So when I was seeing my counsellor, he tried doing guided imagery with me. Kind of like a form of meditation. In the beginning he had me imagining a situation where I felt completely loved and safe, with no doubts. Imagining the feelings in my body, etc. I would think about when I was a little girl and my mom would hold me in the rocking chair each morning.

    And as time went on, my counsellor had me try to expand that imagery into imagining that feeling of being completely loved and safe with a man. And I struggled with it. He asked me why I thought it was so difficult for me to imagine, and I realized it’s because I’ve never experienced it. So I told him, it’s like asking me to imagine being in Paris when I’ve never been there. I can imagine photos of the Eiffel Tower, I can think about fleeting scenes in movies, but I’ve never been there so I don’t know the sounds or the smells, I can’t see the whole picture, only bits and pieces.

    I’m supposed to be practicing “mindfulness” daily, so I got this app for beginners, little 10-minute guided meditations, and I hate it. I just get so restless and frustrated. The stupid voice telling me to focus on my breathing, just think about my lungs filling up with air, focus on releasing the tension in my body, blah blah blah. I hate it because I can’t feel any of the things I’m supposed to be feeling, I can’t relax, my mind wanders. It’s like I can’t even count to 10 without my brain getting distracted and thinking a million other things before I realize “Oh yeah I’m supposed to be counting!”

    TLDR: Counselling sucks and I still can’t imagine what it’s like to feel completely loved by a man and safe in a relationship.

    February 8, 2017 at 9:14 am #672664

    I don’t know, I couldn’t really imagine that kind of thing either. I didn’t really think it existed. But when it came along, I was able to recognize it. Your therapist is doing what he or she knows how to do and is getting paid to do, but don’t freak out if you can’t clearly envision something you’ve never experienced.

    February 8, 2017 at 10:10 am #672670

    @MissDre, It was frequently suggested to me to practice mindfulness, and I freaking hated any kind of meditation. HATED THEM. What ended up working for me was…knitting. When bad thoughts started swirling, I’d start knitting. I’d pick a more complicated pattern where I would have to count stitches or something. It forced me to concentrate on what I was doing and otherwise quieted my mind. That’s my version of mindfulness, and it really does help. I hope that’s encouraging for you. It doesn’t have to be a meditation to be mindfulness, so keep looking until you find something that works for you.

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    February 8, 2017 at 10:33 am #672673

    Agreed with shakeourtree, I can’t just meditate on my own, but other activities can put me in a mindful state. I think I experience something like that when I throw pottery on the wheel, where I can focus on the current step of what I’m doing and it pushes out other thoughts. So I also think that there can be other things that can get you to be mindful, not just sitting in a room and forcing yourself to meditate. If there’s something like that in your life, or something you’ve been thinking of trying out, it might not be a bad idea to get creative with it.

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    February 8, 2017 at 10:43 am #672675

    @MissDre – I think I’d HATE guided imagery. Years ago, I tried getting into yoga after my first big break up/when I had just graduated from school and had literally no job prospects in sight and the instructor was big on meditation, always telling us to clear our minds, let go of our worries, imagine ourselves doing things we wanted to do. What I wanted was to stop thinking about my ex, and to imagine better things for myself. And I just… couldn’t, not in that quiet, sweaty room. Being told to clear my mind just seemed to make me focus on my stress and sadness more and it frustrated me. Like @shakeourtree, I had to find something that required concentration to quiet my mind. A couple years ago (after another breakup) I started running, and it helped because it was just me and my goals and my trail, and nothing else mattered for those 30 minutes. Nowadays, I get that same hour of peace of mind at Crossfit of all places — the movements require so much concentration that it’s become the one hour of my day where I literally think of nothing but the task in front of me. Point being, keep looking for other ways to get that peace of mind if meditation isn’t working for you. Physical activities that I think I can’t do work for me — and there’s that added confidence boost that comes with accomplishing goals you never thought were possible.

    @veritek – I’m sorry you were laid off! I’ve never been through that before, but I have been prone to thoughts of “omg, I have no skills, nobody is going to want to hire me ever again and I’m going to die at this job” — I have those about once a week right now, even though I’ve gotten a couple interviews. It helps me to remind myself that no employer is interviewing me to be nice, and that there is interest in my skills — so even if THIS opportunity doesn’t work out, someone will be interested in my skillset again. Good luck! I hope you get good news about the jobs you’ve been interviewing for soon.

    February 8, 2017 at 11:35 am #672678

    LoL glad I’m not the only one who gets annoyed with meditation 🙂 Now that I have a normal day job that actually pays me, I think I’m going to get cable (not a big netflix fan, long story) so I can watch the news and zone out. Also going to renew my gym membership so I can clear my mind on the treadmill.

    I’m not seeing anybody right now. Still talking to New Dude, we talk every single day. But we’re not dating.

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    February 8, 2017 at 11:50 am #672679

    I find running pretty great meditation! And I also find myself completely incapable of meditating when directed to or in a yoga class. I’m not really into yoga at all; I prefer more intense exercise classes like kickboxing where I have to concentrate on what I’m doing.

    Last night Banjo and I went out to a new Korean place, which was pretty good. Then we were on the tram home and he started telling me about his good friend who’s seeing someone. Apparently his friend was the one escalating things and saying he wanted to them to “be something for real” but now that it’s getting relationship-y he’s gotten all scared of commitment. Banjo tells me this story and says, “isn’t that weird?” So I tell him, no, not only is that not weird it’s a thing men do all. the. time. He was pretty surprised. So then later we were lying in bed and he brought it up again and said he hoped I don’t think he’s leading me on in that way because he’s so into me and he would never do that. He’s always so straight-forward. He says exactly what he means and there’s no games – it’s so refreshing!

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    February 8, 2017 at 11:51 am #672680

    Mindfulness didn’t work for me either, so we’ve been doing EMDR therapy and that seems to be helping. I do try to find peace and mindfulness doing other things, and like Copa, I’ve found crossfit to be the one hour a day I don’t think about anything other than surviving the workout.

    @Copa thank you, I was laid off in August and unemployed for 5 weeks before finding a new job. My new job is okay, but I just don’t think it’s a great fit so I’ve been looking around more since Christmas. Actually have another interview today at lunch, so we’ll see what happens. Just such a blow to the confidence to have them say “It’s nothing personal, but we ran out of money and had to cut a position so we chose yours. But really, nothing personal and you didn’t do anything wrong.” It felt pretty personal.

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    February 8, 2017 at 12:47 pm #672690

    @veritek33 I’d take it personally, too. It’d be hard not to even if you logically know it’s not performance-based. I don’t think my job is a great long-term fit, but I genuinely like and care about my team, and one who started here a few months after I did was laid off from her previous job. My team is pretty close for a group of co-workers, and she didn’t tell us until recently that she was laid off. Not that she owed us that, obviously, but she felt embarrassed about it because it still felt like it must’ve been at least a LITTLE personal. So yeah, I’m sure everyone who has been there feels the way you do!

    In other, non-news news, Dimples wants to go out tomorrow and I have a (super late!) holiday party for one of my client teams. I’ve been looking forward to this party for months, but I’m so sad I won’t get to see Dimples again as soon as I would if I were free.

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    February 8, 2017 at 4:08 pm #672717

    Have you guys ever watched You’re the Worst? The third season deals with one of the characters in therapy and trying to practice “mindfulness”. It’s pretty hilarious. It’s one of my favorite shows because I think it has more realistic relationships than other comedies.

    It sucks to feel like a guy is going to ghost you. I haven’t met anyone new in awhile, so I haven’t had that fear in a long time. I just don’t feel like meeting new people at the moment. I have my hookups,and that’s fine for now. I’ve been trying to focus on my relationship with myself: organizing my apartment, working out, and possibly doing some certifications for work.

    Is anyone making plans for valentine’s day? My FWB and I plan to have sex then go eat mexican food. 🙂

    February 8, 2017 at 5:38 pm #672723

    Aaaaargh another You’re The Worst fan! I thought I was the only one. It’s so funny and smart, I can’t wait to see next season, should start as a doozy.

    I got made redundant a few years ago from my very cool and prestigious job, it really stung. But they weren’t lying, the money really had run out and they still had to pay me a really fat redundancy package as well as figure out where else to cut corners. Eventually my whole department went and most of the people I worked with. It led to a few years in the wilderness but I’m back in my field and loving it now, I hope you find that place again Veritek. I must admit the best part was them having the meeting with me and it being rather awkward and unpleasant. The idea was I was to leave straight away afterwards but that day I had taken my car to the mechanic and had to wait for my husband to come and pick me up, which he couldn’t for hours. So there we are, all sitting around staring at each other being hostages. Eventually we kind of shook it off, they took me to lunch and I ordered the most expensive food and wine on the menu while making jokes about being unemployed just to watch them squirm. Good times lol. (I should mention we were all on good terms and I visit whenever I’m in town to say hello)

    February 9, 2017 at 4:31 pm #672822

    House got weirdly hot and cold and now seems to be fading out. Meh, we had some fun dates but I’m over the on/off again behavior, not going out of my way to contact him again. I’m meeting one new guy tonight and another tomorrow afternoon – one advantage of being back in a big city is that there is no dearth of attractive, educated, outdoorsy men here!

    Best of luck to everyone who’s job searching. I’ve been slightly stunned at my luck in the last few months at finally getting to a place where my work is satisfying, pays well, and has a lot of flexibility. While I haven’t been laid off, I did recently make a major direction change after years of working my ass off trying to break into a niche part of my field. That work is really cool on paper, the pay is terrible and the attitude is that there are hundreds of overqualified people ready and willing to replace you, so be grateful for whatever you get. Realizing that it was soul sucking and quitting was one of the best decisions I ever made.

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