DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    February 15, 2017 at 10:22 am #673569

    @kmtthat – it’s crazy how much can change in a year!

    My Valentine’s was great. We had so much fun making sushi together and did a pretty good job if I do say so myself. It was fun doing all the steps together and Banjo had candles burning and Motown playing while we cooked and drank whiskey 😀 We both agreed it was the best Valentine’s we’ve ever had.

    This weekend I rented a huge cabin in the woods (that has an indoor pool, sauna, pool table, fooseball table, a million beds, etc. etc.) and I’m spending the weekend there with 16 of my friends including Banjo. I can’t wait!

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    February 15, 2017 at 10:25 am #673573

    Lucia.. oh man that weekend you have planned sounds awesome!

    RadioStar and I had a quiet night in.. candles, two bottles of bubbles, cheese platter and oysters we shucked.

    and then we fell asleep. HAHA! not quite the sexy evening we had planned

    February 15, 2017 at 10:39 am #673576

    @lucia_la, sounds like a great V-day and that’s awesome about the cabin! I love renting vacation homes with friends.

    February 15, 2017 at 1:07 pm #673621

    @Copa – Awe…take comfort in that the puppy is going to a good forever home! I hope you have time to eventually adopt one yourself as it sounds like you’d really like to have a puppy!

    Everyone’s Valentines sounds so happy! My husband took me to…Waffle house. IT was so out there and totally unexpected. You had to actually have reservations. They went all out for decorations which was weird for a waffle house. But it was fun and memorable 🙂

    Hoping to get more hiking in this weekend. With the unseasonably warm temps, it’s nice to get out. Plus one of our dogs needs to loose weight and the other needs to strengthen her let up since she had knee surgery last November. Small trips until we all get into more hiking shape!

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    February 16, 2017 at 10:17 am #673914

    I’ll post about this here since it’s basically a break-up: my foster dog was adopted last night, and I ugly cried in front of the transport volunteer who came to pick him up. He’s a small, scruffy terrier mix and a total momma’s boy, and he was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, and kept trying to climb over the volunteer’s lap to get back to me. And then I ate like 3/4 of a pizza, and didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. Ha. I keep refreshing the shelter’s social pages because they post adoption “happy tails” and I just wanna see my pupper’s happy ending. And I hate that I don’t even know if she let him under the blankets of her bed last night — he loves that! SO, fostering dogs may not be for me and I might need to go back to cats.

    In my despair last night, I texted Dimples to see how he’s doing since we hadn’t spoken in a few days and I spiraled into a panic when I didn’t receive a near-immediate response. (I eventually got one at 1 a.m. letting me know he’s had a few rough days at work and was just finishing up for the night. Oof.) So today I’m in a significantly calmer panic that I’m about to be ghosted solely because he told me he’s busy. Annnnd I made an appointment to see my therapist this week because yesterday brought on ALL the emotions and anxiety.

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    February 16, 2017 at 11:28 am #673933

    I honestly do not think I could ever foster dogs.. I have wanted to try but basically your reaction is 100% how I would be. I think it is such an amazing thing you did though, giving that little guy so much love and stability in the time you had him. Either way though, it sounds very sad, also just losing that constant companion is probably a bit of an adjustment. 🙁 I hope you are able to bounce back and see that he gets adopted soon by a loving family.

    February 16, 2017 at 11:29 am #673934

    @Copa – I’m so sorry! I know that was incredibly difficult and heartbreaking. I would have done the same thing, crying non-stop that is. My little dog is a schnauzer terrier mix and she is MY dog meaning we’ve had a bond from the very beginning. She loves all the house members but ultimately, she’s always where I am, unless there is food. She’s a foodie. Definitely go back to cats if they are easier for you.

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    February 16, 2017 at 12:01 pm #673938

    I will say, though, one of the positive parts of letting my foster go is this: I kept thinking I didn’t have enough time for a dog because my job is unnecessarily high pressure. But he was pretty much the one thing that got me to pry myself away from my work, because he needed me. SO, now I’m reconsidering and genuinely thinking about getting one for real. One of my co-workers is really good at leaving his work at work, and he said he started being that way when he became a family man. A dog would be my version of being a family man, haha.

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    February 16, 2017 at 3:36 pm #673981

    I hate to highjack the thread away from foster dogs, because ugh God Copa I don’t know how you do it.

    But i’m coming off the high of this new job offer and quitting this job that I don’t like, and I spent most of last weekend with the new guy and was just on such a high. And now….he’s definitely moving. States away. To live with his dad until he can find a job. His field is pretty specialized and he’s running out of money since he graduated with his masters in December, so his dad said move in with him while looking. And he can’t turn that down.

    We talked and long distance from multiple states away just seems so hard. Especially when he has no extra money right now and I’m just going to be starting a new job and making more money, but starting over with vacation time. So we are going to spend this weekend together and spend as much time as we can together until he moves. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little crushed by this. We mesh so well together and have SO MUCH FUN together. I’m sad. But he has to do what he has to do.

    So I’m trying very hard right now to just let it go and whatever is meant to be is meant to be. But I’m a little sad. Timing sucks.

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    February 16, 2017 at 3:59 pm #673984

    Awww, Veritek! Please hijack away because this is bigger than a dog I knew I wasn’t going to keep from day 1. I’m so sorry. 🙁 Jeez. I was like “oh, great!” when he didn’t get those other jobs because it seemed like you’d get your chance.

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    February 16, 2017 at 5:51 pm #673996

    @copa I thought so too! But he’s right, he has to take this opportunity for free housing while he has it and is looking for a career jobs. He’s looking all over the country including my state, so I can just hope he finds a decent job and it would be a benefit if it were in this state!

    Just sad at the lost potential. It could have been a good pairing.

    February 19, 2017 at 10:49 am #674320

    @veritek33 Have you guys decided officially not to do the LDR thing? It really does suck when it feels like it could be the right person but just… the wrong time and wrong circumstances. I feel that way a lot with my dude. Sometimes I just think FUCK why couldn’t we have met 6 months earlier? Or even 3 months earlier, before he was offered this job. Blah.

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