DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • MissDre
    February 20, 2017 at 4:31 pm #674515

    Has dating always been this hard?? To be honest, I find it a bit comforting that others have been going through the same shit that I’ve been going through. Hard to believe I’ve been single for 2.5 years now, and constantly dealing with this whole ghosting thing. It’s always the same shit, and each time I’ve been ghosted I struggle with feeling like I’m unloveable or undateable or something.

    You know what’s a great book, though? https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00DGZI9O0/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

    It’s Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons You’re Single

    February 20, 2017 at 4:43 pm #674516

    No, I do think it’s gotten a lot worse in just the past few years, honestly.

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    February 20, 2017 at 5:06 pm #674681

    I haven’t been in a serious relationship in about as long, @MissDre. I’ve had a lot of first dates, some second dates, and a handful shorter and more casual relationships (2-6 months) since. Dating was never this hard for me when I was in school and into my mid/late 20s. (I’m 30.) I dated the same guy for a long time in my early/mid 20s, was single for about a year, then met my next serious boyfriend online. He was my first attempt at online dating — first and only person I corresponded with and set up a date with — and it just worked. That was 2012. I’m told online dating has changed a lot since then, but since my experience early on was limited to one guy, can’t compare. I’m also not sure how much my location at the time (suburbs with fewer options) factored in. (My ex did use online dating to cheat on me with his now-wife, so if nothing else, online dating has made it easier for assholes to be assholes.)

    In my dating life, I’m typically the one to end things. Most men who have ended things with me, be it after two dates or 12, have at least been forthcoming. The ghosters and faders have thankfully been fewer and farther between than I may make them sound — they’re just so memorable! — but they do exist and bring out the hot mess in me.

    It’s frustrating when shit like this happens, but I also do believe I’m a catch and worthy of love, and while I do get frustrated — because OMG just be direct with me, I have shit to do — I also have hope that there is a good man willing to meet me halfway, and who WON’T make me feel like an anxious wreck. And that makes it easier to deal with the bullshit.

    Also, my single friends mostly live in other large cities around the U.S. — San Francisco, DC, NYC — and I hear a lot of the same. And for whatever its worth, I know a lot of men feel the same way we do.

    February 20, 2017 at 5:15 pm #674687

    It was after 2012 that all the apps came out (Tinder, etc.). When I was online in 2011-2012, it wasn’t a picnic, but the “Tinder mentality” hadn’t yet ruined it for everyone.

    February 20, 2017 at 5:19 pm #674688

    Yeah I met my ex online in early 2010 and we broke up in 2014. I feel like things were definitely way different even back in 2010. I didn’t get on the Tinder bandwagon til 2015 I think? And since then it’s been a bunch of first dates, a couple of second dates, one relationship that lasted 8 weeks (PilotJones) and I can’t even count how many times I’ve just been ghosted.

    February 20, 2017 at 5:21 pm #674689

    I can’t even get back on Tinder. I’d like to, just to browse. But I’ve been having an issue with the app since December. Apparently a ton of other people have been having the issue too, but Tinder Support has been useless. They just told me to try again later and I’m like “I’ve been trying since December!!”

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    February 20, 2017 at 5:35 pm #674690

    Can you create a dummy Facebook account and use Tinder that way?

    February 20, 2017 at 5:40 pm #674691

    I tried. The problem is when I log in, it asks me to verify my account. You have to enter your phone number for them to send you a verification code via text message, but I never get the code. I’ve tried a new FB account. I’ve tried using one of the online SMS services. I just can’t seem to get a damn verification code!

    February 20, 2017 at 5:47 pm #674692

    I can see how sometimes people who have experienced certain type of bad experience in dating might want to try to screen people out. I just recall a guy I dated who said he wanted to be with someone who communicates well, and later, I found out he also believed that “all women are bad communicators.” Some people say things and just mean what they say, and some people say them because they stereotype. I think a lot of people know how it comes across, so they rein it in, which is why it might seem cringey if someone chooses to say it.

    I do agree that dating seems to have gotten worse. I’ve wondered if it’s a snowball effect. People experience ghosting or other bad habits, and then feel like “everyone is doing it,” so they ghost too. Not that all ghosting is bad, but the kind that really should be a conversation instead.

    February 20, 2017 at 6:07 pm #674695

    I was ghosted in, idk, 2010 by someone I had been seeing for several months. It was a dude I met in a bar. The first time I had ever dated someone I met so in a bar.

    Anyway, I don’t know if it’s gotten worse. Like I said. Some people suck.

    Maybe it feels like it’s worse because dating apps have made it easier to go on dates, ergo more dates, ergo more people sucking.

    February 20, 2017 at 6:09 pm #674696

    That guy who ghosted. We had plans. I tried to confirm. And literally nothing ever again. No text. Nothing. It was crazy.

    February 20, 2017 at 6:31 pm #674701

    It *is* largely due to the apps. That whole experience is different from traditional online dating (which already created more of a shopping cart mentality than traditional dating), and absolutely has made people less willing to make any kind of a commitment (“I’m not seeing anyone else” means nothing), and way less conscious of how they treat people. If it feels like there are limitless options and everyone is just a handful of filtered, pretty pics, you don’t have to worry about common human courtesy. If you read dating blogs, and have been doing so for years, there’s consensus on this. It’s gotten really awful.

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