DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    March 24, 2017 at 8:43 am #679369

    Thanks KT and Copa! I’m looking forward to meeting him since he seems very nice. I think we are just going to grab some margaritas and take it from there.

    Unrelated but worth shouting from the rooftops: I have ridiculous insomnia that I inherited from my mother and average about 3-4 hours of solid sleep each night. Last night I was out at happy hour and got a call that my massage place could get me in RIGHT NOW so I got a deep tissue massage that was amazing. Slept a solid 7 hours last night and feel like I can take on the world now haha! Apparently all it takes is a beer and a good massage!

    March 24, 2017 at 10:17 am #679376

    Late to this because I’ve been at a work conference this week, but @Ale – I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. My boyfriend has said the same thing, although he’s scared of marriage, not of moving in. His parents are divorced, mine are divorced, his sister is going through a divorce, and he had a broken engagement with his ex after she cheated on him with multiple guys. We’ve been dating for 3 years and our relationship is great. Either he does have a legit fear because of what went on with his ex and because he’s seen a lot of divorce, or he just doesn’t want to marry me. I don’t want to walk away at this point because the only thing wrong with our relationship is that he hasn’t proposed. But, getting engaged and married is important to me.

    March 24, 2017 at 10:30 am #679377

    @K does he actually talk to you and try to work things out?

    March 24, 2017 at 10:54 am #679381

    We last talked about it in October or November. He said he thinks about it all the time, but just hasn’t been able to pull the trigger. He said that his dad had offered to pay for him to go to therapy after things ended with his ex, and he probably should’ve gone but didn’t. He said he would like me to have a better job (I don’t make much and I am unhappy in my job), but that was the only “reason” he gave. When I asked if it was marriage or me, he said it was marriage, but of course he could just be saying that. We have a very caring, respectful, fun relationship with lots of shared interests. The funny thing is that he almost seems more ok with the idea of us having a baby together than getting married. A baby is what ties you to someone for life, while marriage can be undone!

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    March 24, 2017 at 12:58 pm #679394

    @veritek – I don’t have insomnia, but I do sleep very poorly many nights — so any night where I get 7-8 uninterrupted hours of sleep is amazing. So I hear ya!

    So, this may vary from person to person, and I’d be curious to hear what others have to say, but my parents have/had a terrible marriage. They’ve talked about divorced. They’ve ANNOUNCED their divorce. The paperwork is the only proof of their “marriage” at this point. I do not understand people who say they fear marriage because of their parents’ divorce. Despite what I’ve witnessed, been subjected to, and felt about their marriage, I still want my own. I’ve never dated anyone who says they’re fearful of marriage because of their parents’ divorce — so I suppose I don’t know how I’d feel or react — but because of how I feel, if a guy told me that, I think I’d be inclined to think they just don’t want to marry ME.

    @K – I think your boyfriend could still go to therapy and find it beneficial.

    March 24, 2017 at 1:13 pm #679397

    I think it varies a lot and is personal. Both guys I married were totally into getting married, more so than I was, and neither of their parents were together… both quite messy families.

    Here’s the thing, if a guy is proactively committing to a future with you, and his only issue is with legal marriage, maybe you can work that out. Maybe you can deal with not being legally married. Maybe he can get over it.

    But that’s different from a guy who won’t even talk about a next step like moving in, and can’t cite things he’s worried about that you might be able to work in together.

    March 24, 2017 at 1:55 pm #679402

    Like Kate says, I think it’s personal and varies. My BF’s parents divorced when he was 8-9. His father cheated on his mother and, as a result, got the other woman pregnant with twins. His sister was not even a year old when all of that happened. He was a child and suddenly, everyone started telling him that he was the man of the house now and that he had to take care of his mom and sister from now on. After that, his father stayed with the other woman (they’re still together and married) and his mom raised both kids almost by herself. His dad has a relationship with them, loves them very much but never helped them financially. Never bought them anything, not even a pencil to go to school. His mom had it rough. He says that by moving in with me he would feel like abandoning his mom. He has a hard time expressing his feelings. I don’t really think that he is afraid of commitmment with me, because he seems very committed with me and we don’t have issues outside of this. Like @K, I am thinking if walking away is the only solution to this. And getting engaged and married is not important to me. So, I’ve been thinking and thinking.
    This week we haven’t talked much because he is out of town. We talked on the phone a little and he says that he will agree to any timeline I propose. But I want him to want it, not to just roll with me. He says he wants to be with me forever and sees himself with me in the long run. We’ll talk this weekend and we’ll see.

    March 24, 2017 at 2:03 pm #679403

    He lives with his mom now?

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    March 24, 2017 at 2:20 pm #679404

    @Ale – That’s hard. This isn’t quite the same, but I moved back home for a couple years after grad school and my mom was relying on me for things you’d normally rely on a partner for, from emotional support to money. I felt like the biggest jerk in the world when I moved back out, but had to for my own sanity and because I want my own life. Your boyfriend’s situation sounds way more intense, so I can understand why he’d feel that he’s abandoning her. (Though it’s unclear if he still lives with her?)

    March 24, 2017 at 3:05 pm #679412

    @Copa I agree, my parents are divorced but I’m not scared of marriage. My boyfriend and I are much more compatible, or so it seems, than my parents were or his parents were. My parents are such different people that I can’t picture how they ended up together, but my mom was 16 when she met my dad. We don’t officially live together but we essentially do as I spend every night at his place. I’m very close with my mom and she highly disapproves of living together before marriage – a whole other story. Anyway, we did look at places together when I thought I was going to have to move out of my apartment last year, and I know he isn’t afraid of living together. Now that we’ve waited so long, I’d rather be engaged before moving in together.

    – good luck with your talk! It really sucks that his mom had a hard lot in life, but is he just going to live with her forever?

    March 24, 2017 at 3:23 pm #679416

    Yeah, my parents’ divorce hasn’t scared me off from it. I associate their issues with them, not with marriage as an institution. I know there are legal issues that can be obnoxious to deal with, but breaking up with a long-term partner of like 10 years is not going to feel much better than breaking up with a spouse of 10 years. I think I’m more realistic about marriage, though. Part of why I don’t want to change my name if I get married is that I don’t want to have to change it back if I get divorced, but I certainly hope that if I get married, it lasts. I just know that it doesn’t always, and that’s OK, too.

    March 25, 2017 at 2:58 pm #679493

    You guys ever go to business networking events? My friend and I went to one at this fancy “Innovation Center” near MIT that has a networking night every Thursday with free drinks. We found a little space over by a window and kind of faced outward and just talked to each other for a few, laughing a lot. Pretty quickly guys started coming over and talking to us. We met a bunch of them, and the ones we gave cards to are emailing and trying to get drinks. I guess they don’t notice rings, but whatever. Anyway, it ended up being really fun. And free wine.

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