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    March 25, 2017 at 10:17 pm #679526

    How were drinks, @veritek? Cute story! I could really go for margaritas now.

    , I can see how the mom part makes it more complicated. I am sorry you have to go through this.

    Second date with the guy went really well. He’s just so flipping interesting. Intellectual but down-to-earth. Kind of nerdy but dresses really well in that hipster sort of way, ha ha. We had lunch, went to another place for tea, went to a free chamber music concert which was great and then got a drink!

    I think it is in my nature to always have doubts in life, so I am really trying to enjoy this. I don’t know for sure if I see long term with this guy (is that in the back of your mind if that’s what you’re looking for? or is it too early?), but I also know I don’t want today to be the last time I see him. In my past (limited) experience, there were things about guys that I knew I didn’t like, but I kept going out with them hoping it would go away. With this guy, maybe he is a bit awkward, but it’s also endearing? I realize there is some risk of I just want to be friends with him, but I do find him attractive. We haven’t kissed yet, but we’ve only had day dates. We’ve already arranged dinner Wednesday night so I’ll see if there is more chemistry there.

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    March 25, 2017 at 10:48 pm #679527

    @Kate It’s so interesting that you bring up networking events because I’m going to my very first one ever this coming Wednesday. I am looking around for other jobs and trying to network in my city now that I have some solid years of experience in SaaS sales & training. I never thought about it as a place to meet guys but hey, maybe it’ll be a twofer at some point!

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    March 26, 2017 at 9:32 am #679545

    Hfan- date never happened. He was out of town and we hadn’t set a time yet. I checked in with him at 5 PM and he kept putting me off saying he was still out of town and finally canceled at 9:00 Because I told him I was not gonna wait till midnight to go on a first date. So honestly I’m a little bit pissed. Waste of a Saturday night.

    March 26, 2017 at 9:37 am #679546

    @TheLadyE, guys are definitely going to be in that mindset. Are you going alone, or getting a friend to go with you? I think in our case it helped that we looked like we were having fun, so we were easily approachable. BUT, the flip side of that is we didn’t really have control over who came up to talk to us, and once someone was in our space, we couldn’t really move on. If you’re alone, don’t be afraid to walk right up to people, smile, and ask what they do, with your goal being to find out if they can help you in any way. Maybe someone can, but it’s statistically more likely you’d get a date, in my opinion.

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    March 26, 2017 at 12:18 pm #679554

    Seriously? Wow, fuck that, ver. I don’t understand why he’d ask you out and then go out of town without at least rainchecking first or something.

    There are young professional networking events in my town. I have trouble separating “professional” and “personal” since I do need to make professional connections. Obviously both can be done but I’m too rigid.

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    March 26, 2017 at 2:47 pm #679564

    @Kate I hadn’t thought about this networking event as a way to get a date at all! I was actually planning on going with a married (male) coworker because we are good friends, similar personalities, and sort of the same situations professionally. He’s looking for other positions too and we’re both rather introverted. However, I guess that could backfire on me.

    My issue is that I work with a lot of younger people – age 24-30ish – and I’m further along in my career and networking skills than they are. I’m a mentor (literally, trainer) to them. Then the people on my immediate team are all sales analysts, CRM admins, or engineers, and this is a sales event that they wouldn’t really be interested in.

    There is a woman my age who recently started in sales and she’s single too. We got along really well when she went through my training classes. Maybe I’ll ask her if she’d like to go with me. 🙂

    @Veritek That sucks about your date/drink being cancelled. 🙁 I’m sorry. I’d be pissed too. It just shows very little consideration for your time.

    March 26, 2017 at 4:12 pm #679570

    @veritek I would be pissed too, that’s kind of a dick move. Are you going to give him a second chance or forget his dumb ass?

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    March 27, 2017 at 8:14 am #679600

    Yeah I don’t think this guy is gonna get another chance. I talked to our mutual friend about him doing this and she said unfortunately that’s kind of how he is. He apparently gets very one track mind and jumps from one thing to the next without regard for time or other people. He was 3 hours out of town and didn’t think to leave until 9 pm? Clearly at no point did me or my time schedule/feelings cross his mind. And if someone is like that on a first date, I can’t imagine they get much better.

    It mostly pissed me off because we rescheduled this twice. Because of him. He clearly wasn’t that interested in going on the date.

    March 27, 2017 at 8:50 am #679604

    Whaaaat? You guys rescheduled twice? Fuck that noise.

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    March 28, 2017 at 9:10 pm #679799

    Wow! Veritek – how annoying! I personally wouldn’t give that guy another chance, especially since it sounds like this is his reputation, and these weren’t just isolated incidents of bad lucky/bad timing/inability to get out of whatever he was doing at the time he thought.

    Not much new on my end with dating. Still texting the guy I went on a first date with recently. He was out of town for vacation, back in town for 22 hours while I was out of town for my new job, and now I’m back and he’s traveling for work. (Another work traveler!) So, we’ll see. We check in briefly every few days and I’m at least glad I haven’t been ghosted yet. Ha. Potentially going on a first date this weekend, but it’s still tentative.

    I started my new job, and I’m wondering just how much my last job messed me up. I’ve only been there a couple days so I still don’t own anything yet, but it’s weird that I no longer have to rush through the work I’m doing. My new supervisor is so, so nice. He keeps telling me that it’s okay to just ease into things. He told me it’s not a sink or swim environment, that he and the other staff want to help me succeed and grow. My former supervisor left work on my last day without saying goodbye to me. I know our relationship wasn’t great — and to be honest I didn’t really want to acknowledge him on my way out, either — but I was planning to be professional and courteous and thank him for the opportunity because I wanted to leave on a high note. Nope!

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    March 29, 2017 at 12:03 pm #679863

    Congrats on the new job, @copa! Sounds like a much better environment to be in mentally.

    Some cool stuff going on over here – my comedy group got asked to be featured on a South African TV show! It’s a travel show called Wingin’ It about two guys who show up in a new city with zero plans and see what adventures they can get into. So one of them participated in some pars of the show with us, they filmed, and we’ll be on the show when it airs in 5 weeks. I’m sure it’ll be a tiny part of the episode, but still pretty cool! The guy was really fun and we had a great time.

    In other news, my college roommate (who I haven’t seen in a few years now) decided to come over to Europe for a week so we are meeting in Bulgaria in May. I picked Bulgaria kinda randomly, mostly cause it’s a European country I haven’t yet been to and I’ve heard Sofia is nice and the black sea is great. Anyone been?

    Banjo and I are also planning a trip to Montengro this summer but haven’t booked it yet. I would also like to take him to my Italian cousins’ place in Sicily if they’ve got a free weekend. And every year I plan a big rafting weekend trip with all of my friends and a trip to the wine region. SO I am already stressed out about fitting everything in this summer! Ahhhh! But all great things. And things are great with Banjo!

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    March 29, 2017 at 9:46 pm #679931

    Glad to hear your new job is going well so far, Copa!

    Went on a third date with the Guy for dinner. Sadly, I guess I am not “Feeling it”. It sucks, I want to like him. Probably the most decent guy I’ve met from online. Part of me is grateful because it’s made me appreciate being single. No, the dates weren’t bad, but I realized with texting him and planning dates, I really like my freedom. I am also just tired; I don’t want to go back to swiping and swiping, but I guess it is what it is now.

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