DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    September 27, 2017 at 4:26 pm #719053

    At least for me, physical attraction is either there or it’s not. I’ve had several guys grow on me before, and I thought they were total babes *after I got to know them*, but that’s limited to guys I’ve met organically, and who I didn’t meet/get to know with the intention of dating. If you met this guy online, maybe give it another date, but I do think that if you’re not there yet, you’re unlikely to get there in one more date.

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    September 29, 2017 at 1:45 pm #719301

    I don’t have anywhere else to vent this – but you know how I hate my job? Well my boss insisted on a going away lunch today. Fine, whatever. I picked out something very cheap – $8. Traditionally the boss pays for the person going away. She didn’t even try to grab my bill. My coworkers were shocked. One tried to grab mine from me to pay it and I just smiled and said it was fine. $8 is not a big deal at all, but don’t insist on “taking me out to lunch” and then making me pay for it.

    If I needed confirmation that I made the right choice in leaving this shitty boss, that was definitely it. My exit interview is going to be interesting

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    September 29, 2017 at 2:14 pm #719306

    @veritek33 Yeah, that’s weird. And kinda rude. I was going to take the high road when I left my last job and shake my boss’s hand and thank him for the opportunity. He left early that day without so much as a word to me. Probably shouldn’t have been *too* surprised since the guy barely spoke two words to me after I put in my notice. I do still kinda wish I’d been more candid in my exit interview, but was nervous to do so and so I kept a lot of things to myself. I hope if you take the brutally honest route, you enjoy it. 🙂 I imagine when you hate a job it can be so liberating to say the things you’ve felt for a long time aloud and to people who should hear it.

    September 29, 2017 at 3:26 pm #719315

    @veritek33 – that is extremely rude! Glad you are moving on! And maybe you can say somethings in the exit interview if it won’t come back to haunt you.

    September 29, 2017 at 3:51 pm #719317

    @Copa, you did the right thing. There’s rarely a good reason to bare all in an exit interview.

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    September 30, 2017 at 10:25 pm #719583

    @ver wow. That is really disappointing. Glad you are onto better things!

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    October 1, 2017 at 1:38 pm #719617

    @Ver, that’s so bizarre and definitely a good sign that you have moved jobs.

    I’m not really sure why I wrote my last post. We met Friday night at MG’s place. He made dinner and we watched a movie. It was a really nice and relaxing night, after we had both been away the last couple weekends. There’s no good way to say it, but “for the record”, I am attracted to him/want to continue seeing him — it might be a growing in attraction/comfort/he’s not my usual type thing.

    Yesterday my friend had some people over for a games night because one of our friends was in town. I think it was also for us to meet the host’s new girlfriend, hehe. I felt it was a little early to invite MG to this but it was also a good opportunity to meet my friends at a low-key occasion, so I asked to him come on a no pressure basis and he was happy to. I’ve never brought a guy to see my friends so I was nervous but it was a nice evening so I’m pretty happy.

    It’s MG’s birthday next weekend. It’s still early, but I know I want to make some cupcakes. Since he made dinner for me though, I’d love to make dinner for him too. I don’t have my own place, so we could meet up at his, which we’ve been doing, but it’s a little awkward to cook in his kitchen? I was thinking of making chili and then heating it up on his stovetop. But also it’s a crazy week so I don’t know when I have time to do this. Well, we’ll see!

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    October 1, 2017 at 2:35 pm #719622

    I went out for drinks with C.T. last night and had a ton of fun. Talking to him/being with him just feels easy. I recommended a snack I like from Trader Joe’s and he brought me some. 🙂 He walked me back to my place and ordered his Uber home, and we made out outside my place until his car came. I guess we missed enough texts from the driver that he started honking at us. Ha. We’re running a 5K together for his work next weekend.

    Tonight I’m going out for dinner with A.T.! It’s been a couple weeks since we last saw one another (I was out of town, then he was out of town) so I’m glad we were able to coordinate for tonight. This week I have a work trip, he has a pretty major international work trip right after I come back, and then I have a for-fun-trip back home. Eeshk. We haven’t lost momentum (yet?). But I still have the same concerns. In any case, just planning to see how things go tonight.

    I’m playing the field like a champ, guys!

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    October 1, 2017 at 8:46 pm #719666

    @hfantods So glad to hear! Sometimes it takes a bit to really know. Cupcakes and dinner sound like a good low key idea for celebrating his birthday at this stage 🙂

    I think I mentioned doing ziplining for my guys birthday this past weekend, ended up getting cancelled on account of high winds. So got my money back and told him to tell me if he wanted to do something else to replace the ‘gift.’ We ended up killing the extra time taking a walk along the river, as the colors are AMAZING here in Calgary. Such bright yellows! Not quite the same as Ontario fall colors, but still great 🙂 Then we went back to his place and made some tasty red thai curry.

    We are co-hosting at his place a friends-giving this upcoming weekend. I am excited as it will be all my buds and lots of awesome food. I feel so adult 😛 Haha He managed to meet most of my friends on Friday as well for my get together, which also went really well! He was a bit quiet, but seemed to fit in when he could for the conversation.

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    October 2, 2017 at 12:21 pm #719987

    @hfantods I think sometimes attraction can definitely grow. It’s happened for me with several of my exes. It also happened with my husband. It’s not that I thought any of them weren’t good looking, it was just in the moment, they weren’t what I was looking for. I am glad you’re feeling better about things.

    And @Copa, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you’re dating multiple guys and enjoying it. What empowerment! Get it, girl.

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    October 2, 2017 at 4:52 pm #720026

    How was your date with AT, @copa?

    @ver, sounds lovely! I’m afraid the leaves will fall before they turn red here in Ontario so you aren’t missing much.

    Mini update, I kind of did a shitty ask for his birthday, so in the meantime he suggested going out for sushi which I was totally cool with and I was planning on treating him for dinner (plus cupcakes, of course). Then he asked if he could invite his friend and his friend’s girlfriend. This is of course fine and is a good sign, although I’m a little nervous and a bit “woah are we moving too fast” even though I invited him to see my friends first and it will have been six weeks. But do I pay for our half at dinner for his birthday if they can come? Is that emasculating? The obvious answer is no. We’ve be pretty good with alternating but I don’t know what it’s like with other couples/his friends. Agh, totally overthinking!

    October 2, 2017 at 5:03 pm #720027

    Um no, that’s not emasculating. You should do that.

    Have you ever paid??

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