DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • September 7, 2015 at 6:14 pm #380495

    Hfan, I agree with others in that you should check in with yourself and see how you’re truly feeling about this guy. It does feel great to be liked, but to move into an exclusive relationship without even kissing seems to be moving a bit fast. I suggest proceeding at a pace that feels comfortable to you in checking in with yourself every couple of days. And also, when you’re out, flirt a little more so the kiss happens. Arm touching, leaning in, smiling… They’re all great indicators that you want to kiss. Amp that up and hopefully he’ll take the lead.

    In other news, I think I might have a “boyfriend” on my hands. He wants to tell his main boss about us, who is someone I happen to work closely with. I’m still a little (ok, a lot) cautious, but he definitely likes me and I for sure like him. Anyway, that’s what’s new on my end.

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    September 8, 2015 at 4:05 am #380512

    hfantods, it kinda sounds like this dude is great on paper but doesn’t really inspire any strong feelings in you.

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    September 9, 2015 at 8:15 am #380772

    @hfantods with regards to being 26 and no kissing (and i would assume no sex) I will tell you a secret. Psssst….. I didn’t kiss or lose my virginity till I was 26. It’s really not a big deal 🙂

    But, that being said, if you only like him because he’s showing interest, then you can do better. Make sure you really like him if you want to continue dating. Good luck 🙂

    Also, I’M GOING TO SEE TINDER TEACHER IN 3 DAYS AND I’M A LITTLE EXCITED!! His band is playing the halftime show at a game Saturday so I’m driving up to see it and spending the weekend. How’s that for a third date? lol

    September 9, 2015 at 8:55 am #380778

    Ver…. I’m going to let you know next time I’m in Quincy. We should happen to run into one another. Just saying.

    Also, H… my middle sis was 28 or so the first time she had sex. I’m not exactly sure when she started kissing. I’m a big advocate of doing what you’re comfortable with and when and not rushing things.

    September 9, 2015 at 8:59 am #380781

    Ditto, but I’m not a big fan of agreeing to exclusivity before anything physical even happens.

    September 9, 2015 at 9:12 am #380785

    Ooh, Kate, I do agree with that too… Chemistry is a very important part of a relationship and it’s better to find out sooner rather than later if all that is going on.

    The guy spent a couple days with his parents over the three day weekend. He showed his mom a pic of me. She thinks I’m super cute and she asked when he was bringing me around. So… there’s that.

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    September 9, 2015 at 9:30 am #380786

    You mean your boyfriend, ktfran?? 🙂

    And hfantods, don’t be Charolotte!! I know that’s extreme because you’re not marrying this guy, but you should definitely check in with yourself and really decide what you want to do with regard to dating this guy. If you’re not ready for exclusivity, then don’t do it yet. If he’s worthy of you, he will understand. If he gets upset, that might just be your answer.

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    September 9, 2015 at 10:15 am #380809

    Hi everyone…
    I don’t usually post (in fact this may be my 2nd or 3rd post EVER lol) but had to post about my last two dates with awesome, nerdy, activist, math teacher, single dad.

    1st date was tapas, sangria and walk along the NYC high line.
    2nd date was hike, followed by farm stand and BBQ joint.

    We have plans to see each other next Friday and where I think we’ll spend quiet evening in, cooking dinner.

    We both have kids around the same age, mine is 6 his is 7. And this is the first time I have felt really squinchy about someone in a long, LOOOONG time.

    Here’s hoping for more awesome dates!

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    September 9, 2015 at 10:32 am #380818

    That’s awesome, Floats! Both the guy and the dates sound great!

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    September 9, 2015 at 11:26 am #380837

    Yaaaay everyone for awesome dates!
    @Veritek – 7 times?! Awesome. That’s my record (my partner and I have been trying to get to 10 in a day, but I start getting kind of raw about halfway through.

    I am so tired of dating, you guys. I have the same issue as Moneypenny where I’ll chat a few days and then he’ll disappear, or I don’t get a response at all. The last time I made a date with someone I met in person was a disaster, and it seems like most of the people I actually end up going on dates with I just don’t feel any chemistry. I did have a pretty nice date last night, like we had a ton in common (we spent an hour swapping D&D anecdotes) and he makes me laugh, and he was a pretty good kisser, but there’s something there that is making me hesitate and I can’t put my finger on what it is exactly.
    And I have posted a few times about the problems I’ve had with my partner, and they go away for awhile and everything seems shiny, and then slowly but surely the same stuff starts to happen again and it’s getting exhausting going through this cycle over and over again. But when things are good, they are *so good*, so I can’t bring myself to just end it.

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    September 9, 2015 at 11:33 am #380840

    @floats YAY!! That’s awesome

    I would love to “accidentally” run into you in Quincy 😉

    @stone I hope things get better on all fronts for you.

    September 14, 2015 at 8:29 am #381459

    Ver – how was your weekend date?!?

    So… I kind of think I’ve fallen for this guy. He was out of town over the weekend with friends, but we texted a little bit. During the exchange yesterday, my heart grew three sizes too big and I could have easily said the l word.

    I’m not good discussing or even saying feelings. It makes me extremely uncomfortable and the words always get caught in my throat and I can never quite say them. I know he really likes me. He tells me and shows me. And I want him to know that I really like him. Is it stupid to leave a little note either in his work bag after he’s stayed at my place or on the counter after I leave his? I either want to say “you make me very happy” or “I really like you. You always make me smile.” or something. Both of those have little inside jokes, like the use of the word very. Is this ridiculous? I just feel more comfortable sharing things that way….

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