DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    January 29, 2018 at 12:57 pm #737116

    Yeah it’s not shareable IRL but DWL.. yes!

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    January 29, 2018 at 1:16 pm #737118

    Congrats, MG! 🙂

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    January 29, 2018 at 1:42 pm #737120

    Ooh, exciting, MG! Congrats! Keep us posted.

    January 29, 2018 at 2:52 pm #737131

    Congrats MaterialsGirl! Wishing you a healthy and safe pregnancy!

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    January 29, 2018 at 3:57 pm #737144

    CONGRATS MG!!! That is fantastic news!

    Unrelated but also awesome, I met Moneypenny this weekend and we winery hopped in Napa/Sonoma and she’s as lovely in person as she in here.

    And after two weeks in Cali I fly home this weekend and get to spend THE WHOLE weekend with MoV (manfriend of Veritek) and I’m pumped. I missed him. And my bed and my house and my animals. But him too. 🙂

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    January 29, 2018 at 6:21 pm #737158

    Oh so fun! So obviously loving this job still?

    Sad news: my friend just had her 8 week and no heartbeat 🙁 so yeah, one month til mine and then I’ll be more ‘this is real’

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    January 29, 2018 at 6:38 pm #737159

    Congrats MG! How exciting! 🙂
    Aw, Veritek, you make me blush! Haha. I can attest that Veritek is super nice and funny and very fun to drink wine with. From the sound of your work schedule, I’m happy for you that you’ll get some R&R time with MoV when you get home!!

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    January 30, 2018 at 10:51 am #737210


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    February 6, 2018 at 11:12 am #738037

    This isn’t even remotely related to dating, but I need to rant/vent.

    A cousin of mine, D, moved to my city 6 months ago. He’s unemployed and job hunting, so he’s been staying with another cousin, G, whose brother, A, also lives here. On Sunday morning, D overheard G, G’s husband, A, and G & A’s parents (my aunt and uncle who flew into town for the weekend) making homo- and transphobic jokes the other morning over breakfast. (D was in his room and they thought he was asleep.) We have gay people in my family, including D’s brother (another cousin, who really, REALLY struggled coming out and is FINALLY able to live his life authentically) and my dad (who has, sadly, lived most of his life in the closet, including marrying a woman and having kids, but my extended family knows as of a couple years ago). I am really upset by the comments, even though I wasn’t there to hear. I knew they were more conservative. I assume they voted for Trump. But I didn’t think they were like this. So hearing that they sit around the breakfast table joking about stuff like this with one another is really affecting me today.

    February 6, 2018 at 4:52 pm #738100

    Sorry your going through that Copa. It sucks when you learn family is not what you thought. Some people in my family (on my dad’s side) are very judgmental, especially if you are overweight. It is so so important to them to be skinny (why, I have no idea). I’ve never been skinny! Anyway, I didn’t realize to the extent they were judgmental until I overheard a conversation one day. I now don’t really speak to most of those people. It was so hurtful what they said (even though it wasn’t to me personally). It’s like, now I know what they really think and what they are thinking every time they see me!

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    February 11, 2018 at 9:42 pm #738969

    Well finally said those 3 words to my BF! It was reciprocated as well 🙂 Very happy with my relationship so far. We talk about travelling together soon, and I am a plus 1 to two of his friends weddings this year. Everything has been organic, and no hesitations.

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    February 12, 2018 at 10:32 am #739032

    Yay @Cleopatra_30! I’m assuming you said it first? Good for you!

    I finally exchanged numbers with my neighbor who I have a crush on and we hung out on Saturday night. It was super low-key, just hanging out at my place for a bit with our dogs, then walking them together. We kept taking turns to make the walk last longer. He’s SUPER nice. I can’t tell if he has any romantic interest? But, also, have never had a guy ask for my number just to be my friend before. So who knows. He’s visiting his mom this weekend and mentioned bringing back some local beer that can only be purchased in her state for us to try together, so if nothing else sounds like he wants to hang out again soon!

    Edited to reduce, but not totally eliminate, excessive use of the phrase “hung out.” Jeesh.

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