DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    August 16, 2018 at 4:04 pm #788092

    With my ex of 10 years every milestone, vacation, etc I had that wondering and anxiety. After a while just disappointment it never happened, although that turned out to be for the best since now I have a great husband.

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    August 16, 2018 at 9:57 pm #788105

    @ale. I love it!

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    August 17, 2018 at 12:40 pm #788167

    So Bumble Guy and I were supposed to meet for dinner tonight. He’s been traveling this week and we’re now having to reschedule for brunch tomorrow because of flight delays. Bah. I’m a little disappointed, was hoping for alone time and relaxing Friday evening together (we’re both boring Friday people and I was finally going to have him over for a nice relaxing evening at my place after dinner). I have a dentist appointment and plans in the afternoon so I know our brunch will be kinda short. He’s gone all of next week, too. Half the time I’m honestly glad we’re not moving too quickly so I can really assess things, half the time (like right now!) it’s a little frustrating with busy schedules.

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    August 17, 2018 at 12:45 pm #788168

    Oh and @kmtthat, can you just tell yourself it’s not happening on a trip? I have no good advice. I’d get anxious, too. I’ve definitely been the friend who brays about how OMG YOU’RE GONNA GET ENGAGED IN [DESTINATION]. And even though I love when I’m right, I understand why it’s annoying if you’re the one anticipating a proposal.

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    August 17, 2018 at 3:46 pm #788176

    Ale – I would LOVE advice for what to do in CR! He’s wanting us to do something romantic on 11/20, the actual anniversary. I’m like um…horseback riding on the beach? I don’t know what would be romantic there? If you know any amazing restaurants/food tours /eco lodges or treehouses / off the beaten path things to do I am all ears 🙂

    @Copa – that’s a bummer, especially in the beginning when it’s still super exciting. It is nice to be able to take your time and build up though, and helpful to see how you communicate while separated. Bf was gone for two weeks after 6 weeks of dating and wanted to call me every single day because that’s just how he is. It was sweet. Hoping you guys keep the chemistry bubbling while he is away!

    Yeah I don’t think it will happen in Paris since we will be with 4 other people (he did say more than once he wishes it was just us there). But Costa Rica, maybe? I’d be happy if he proposed over a bowl of Cheerios, so the anticipation is killing me.

    August 17, 2018 at 3:52 pm #788177

    LoL I am so sick of everybody asking when I’m getting engaged. Every 5 seconds someone is like “OMG do you think he’s gonna propose soon??” or if we talk about doing a weekend trip my friends are like “OMG is he gonna propose????”

    It’s annoying because I don’t know the answer and if it were completely up to me, he’d just say “Hey do you want get married on X date?” and I’d say yes and then we’d go shop for a ring together and be done with it.

    But I guess he wants to do things his own way, in his own time. We’ve talked about it enough that I know it’s coming. I’ve just told myself not to expect anything before Christmas.

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    August 17, 2018 at 3:58 pm #788178

    MissD we are in exactly the same place. Bf is keen on doing it “the right way” so I know it will happen, but just mentally giving it space to happen (hoping by the end of the year). I will never bug a woman wanting to be married about when she is getting engaged ever again, even teasingly!

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    August 17, 2018 at 4:15 pm #788179

    Duly noted! I’ve never done it with my friends but none of my close friends have been/are at that stage.

    That’s too bad copa. Have you guys been texting while he/you have been away? I hope brunch is still fun though!

    August 17, 2018 at 4:17 pm #788180

    @MissD I hope he has a ring ready for you when you get there. You quit your job, sold your house, and are putting your kitties on a plane to move in with him, and you’ve communicated how fundamental this is to your values.

    August 17, 2018 at 4:38 pm #788184

    Yes, and I wouldn’t have done all those things if I wasn’t 100% sure that a proposal is coming! I’m not just sitting around hoping. It has been discussed and, unlike my last relationship, I feel secure, happy and confident that we’re on the same page.

    August 17, 2018 at 4:45 pm #788185

    I’m sure he wouldn’t let you do all that and not be intending to propose, but like just do it. Why wait? I hope he meets you at the airport with a proposal.

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    August 17, 2018 at 4:56 pm #788186

    @hfantods We text daily at this point, so yeah. I’m sure brunch will be fun tomorrow. Anyway, on one of our dates he mentioned he wanted a new job in 2019, but wanted to wait until after he got his big bonus in December to look around. His flight home was last night, it was delayed and then he had the pleasure of being stuck on the tarmac for awhile. He was texting me at this point, saying one of his co-workers quit, he thinks that means his work life is probably about to get worse for a little while, and he’s super burned out on the travel. He sounded so frustrated (I would be, too!) and I felt so bad. So it sounds like he’ll be job hunting sooner rather than later. My job is usually good with work/life balance, but even keeping my hours as close to 40/week as I can (my goal), I struggle to find the time for everything. I think I’d hate a job that required travel.

    Don’t you want to see how living together goes first? IDK, I think I would.

    Anyone else around my age (early 30s) suddenly feel like everyone around them is divorcing? This week alone one of my best friends from high school and my freshman year roommate from college told me they’re calling it quits with their respective spouses, and one friend from law school and I were catching up and she told me she and her husband divorced this past winter. Are divorce waves a “thing” like marriage waves?

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