DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • November 6, 2018 at 11:14 am #807117

    Also I just want to say a lot of doctors suck – at least in my experience. It’s like they don’t really believe you if you don’t have something obvious like a simple cold or flu or something easy to diagnose and/or treat. I feel like they treat patients like they are making all their symptoms up. I just want to scream at them that no, I don’t want to be here seeing the doctor anymore than you want to see me. It’s expensive and time consuming and I don’t feel well or I wouldn’t be there! Anyway – I hope this doctor works out for you @JD.

    November 6, 2018 at 12:06 pm #807128

    I’m sorry you’re going through that JD. Internet hugs your way

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    November 6, 2018 at 12:49 pm #807141

    Big hugs, JD.

    November 6, 2018 at 2:39 pm #807155

    @JD – I have a friend that specializes in coordinating healthcare for women who have issues getting pregnant. She went through it herself and learned that doctors are really good at not learning the latest techniques or making assumptions about needed tests, procedures etc. If you’re interested let me know and I can put you in touch with her.

    November 6, 2018 at 2:55 pm #807158

    Thanks guys. It’s not on my end otherwise I would take you up on that.

    November 8, 2018 at 8:15 am #807289

    @copa, totally missed your update. That’s fun! If you read through the first few months of this thread, you’ll see that the husband and I went through something similar. He had met most of my friends and family and I hadn’t met hardly any of his. It bothered me. I finally talked to him about it (I think the words I used were “break down”). Two weeks later, he had me meeting everyone. Anyway, glad things are working out!

    , again I’m sorry! Sending you and your family good thoughts.

    November 8, 2018 at 9:39 am #807307

    Thanks all for the love. Trying to just let myself be bummed right now but life has been busy the past few days. Kind of odd thing lately, I can’t cry. I have always been able to cry, not randomly like some weirdo but my emotions come out that way easily. The last year it is just not happening. It is kind of weird. As silly as it may sound I would love a good cry to get my emotions out. We are getting a referral to a therapist to talk to for other reasons as well, just dealing with family dynamics of bringing a step parent in, stuff like that. I am a big believer that continuing to work and talk through your marriage is important, even if it is going fine, as is husband, so we intended to go anyway. Hopefully I will be able to let some emotions out. I think I don’t want husband to feel bad so I am maybe kind of just holding it in. He would be so supportive of me if I did break down but subconsciously I think I am keeping it in. Luckily husband works half day Fridays and has Monday off so we have a nice long weekend ahead to relax and connect and talk. Son is mad at us because he was punished for not doing things he was told to do so that has been the focus of the house the past couple nights which is taking most of the energy.

    I did do an hour of yoga yesterday which did really calm me and let me clear my mind a bit.

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    November 8, 2018 at 10:22 am #807317

    @ktfran I went to dinner with my sister + cousins a couple weeks ago, and they were telling me to bring him. I thought about it but decided against it because I was starting to feel a little self conscious that I kept bringing him around new people. So yeah, I can relate to feeling bothered by it. But then I think, he’s in his late 30s and it sounds like in the past couple years, his friends have slowly but surely moved to the ‘burbs as they marry or start families. He’s originally from this area and I’m confident his local network is way bigger than mine is — it just happens my friends are almost exclusively other city dwellers.

    November 8, 2018 at 10:49 am #807322

    @copa… that was exactly a lot of it! Most of his friends had moved to the suburbs and had families and mine were all city dwellers. He rarely even saw his friends. I think you’d be totally fine to invite him to meet your family. He wouldn’t think anything of it.

    , I totally know what you mean about a good cry. Sometimes it just feels good. I oddly get my best cries on the subway or in the shower. Maybe watch a sappy movie to help the water works flow? Or mince a strong onion then just don’t stop?

    November 8, 2018 at 10:59 am #807323

    I did cry at every somewhat sappy commercial last week. Apparently the hormones were running, but not an actual cry about what is going on, just sad that the kids phone didn’t work so he should switch to Verizon. ahahhaha.

    November 8, 2018 at 11:30 am #807328

    I too love a good cry when needed. Unfortunately around that time of month, I get so emotional over EVERYTHING. I feel on the verge of tears all the time during that time. It kind of sucks actually. I hope your able to have that good cry! I like the onion suggestion from ktfran 🙂

    November 8, 2018 at 11:40 am #807330

    I asked my husband for onion goggled for xmas. I am a mess when I cut onions!

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