DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • November 12, 2018 at 12:51 pm #807723

    I had my third date yesterday with a guy I really like. We went to have coffee and we closed the place and the took a walk. Still no kiss! I was gonna go for it but then I chickened out.
    I kind of know he likes me and we text every single day. He’s said things that make me think that he likes me too.
    Anyways he told me that he is planning to go abroad for school in the next year.

    November 12, 2018 at 3:35 pm #807743

    Arg frustrating he will be gone next year. I still say kiss him!

    November 14, 2018 at 2:47 pm #808036

    We finally hit a good low temperature here. This is my first real winter post op from my back surgery. I am in loads of pain today, and yesterday, from the weather changes.

    I demanded a lot of my back Sunday and Monday but not anything much more than normal and then this sudden cold….no bueno. Makes me feel less optimistic about my quality of life if I were to move back towards my home state.

    Last week I asked for some de-stress tips. I didn’t do wine, but I sure did take some time to myself and it really helped. I’m trying to not be as critical of things going on right now and that’s helping too. Growth and development! Tonight might be a glass of wine to help deal with my pain.

    November 14, 2018 at 5:41 pm #808085

    One thing I’ve started this week is getting up a bit earlier and making breakfast and coffee to take back to bed. It’s a simple thing but my god it feels nice, I feel much less stressed heading to work. I’m off traveling next week so I don’t know if I’ll get to keep it up but it’s helping me feel better going into it.

    November 15, 2018 at 12:25 pm #808239

    @Ange that sounds great and I tend to do that on the weekends. We live in a house with 2 levels so ain’t no way if I come back upstairs I’m going back down to go to work HAHA!

    November 16, 2018 at 8:47 am #808380

    @Ange. Good on the waking up a bit earlier for time to yourself. I find this changes my whole day. I cannot feel great just jumping out of bed, rushing to get ready then bolting out the door. I wake up a half hour before my husband and he knows that basically my time, also I don’t speak when I wake up, I am a grumpy morning person. I wake up, make him and myself coffee, get his lunch ready to go, enjoy my coffee, read the news, then get my butt in gear. It really helps me to feel calmer throughout the whole day.

    November 16, 2018 at 8:03 pm #808428

    I guess it’s a form of self care, I’ve never examined the concept too much but this feels like it. It got me through this week and it’s set me up nicely for my 8 hour drive to next week’s location tomorrow, I’m feeling a lot more Zen about the whole thing. Now I just have to get my butt into gear to clean this goddamn house. Hopefully everyone else is having a much more exciting weekend (it’s already Saturday here).

    November 17, 2018 at 8:36 am #808460

    Friday started relaxing but son was being out of hand and threw a huge fit, over taking a shower and he’s 16! I need a damn break. Can’t stand chaos in my own house. Snowed last night. Actually still is. It’s so pretty. I’m outside bundled up having my coffee. On the upside his mom finally booked his tickets home for Xmas. We were worried she wouldn’t and he would be heartbroken. We were about to offer to pay half and she did it the day after husband and i had discussed that but hadn’t yet told her. We avoid offering because she hardly even can pay child support so we don’t want to be financing her visits as well frankly. Also it’ll give us a little alone time which we could use right now. Let her argue over showers for a couple weeks. Ha

    November 17, 2018 at 9:06 am #808463

    My brother is 46 and my mom still has to ask him, did you shower? Did you use soap? She’ll make him take off his clothes so she can wash them, take a shower with soap, and then put the clean clothes on again, like when he comes over for dinner and he smells. She will also whip out a comb and comb his hair before we go in somewhere. On the plus side, the bar has always been very low for me. I basically just have to exist, and they think I’m a superstar. I got C’s in high school, partied a lot, smoked weed, whatever, and my mom was like, this is so great, I’m glad you’re having fun!!!

    November 17, 2018 at 9:16 am #808466

    Maybe it’s a man thing. All the men I know are always very clean. My husband is beyond most people. Arguing with a near adult over showering is enough to make me lose my mind. Like WHYYYYY would someone need to TELL you to do that at this age. WHYYYY is this even worthy of an argument. Good lord. Told him next time I’ll take him outside and hose him down, and it’s snowing now. Of course I wouldn’t do that but his face was priceless.

    November 17, 2018 at 2:11 pm #808509

    I know that this is no consolation but teenage boys are generally gross and terrible.

    November 17, 2018 at 4:28 pm #808530

    Yes this is true @fyodor. It truly is shocking how bad a human can smell after 24 hours. Read about it really just being hormones but wow, I don’t even go into his room unless I have to. He had a dirty shirt in his laundry over summer that he left while he was gone and the smell came downstairs. We had to go investigate and wash it. Over 1 shirt. I mean, how!? He’s the laziest kid ever he doesn’t even get the chance to sweat. Hahah

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