DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • TheHizzy
    January 9, 2019 at 10:49 am #814972

    When we were long distance FMH used to live in his BF’s house in that town. Monday night I had a dream about that house. I mentioned it to FMH’s BF’s wife and she told me BF was over at our house while I was out on Monday night visiting FMH. I told her I must have had some vibes in me that knew he had come by. Too funny!

    January 9, 2019 at 11:11 am #814976

    He has congestion and pressure headache. Currently at the pharmacy getting him some medicine while waiting for my medicine.

    The news even said this am that everyone had the sniffles in town.

    January 9, 2019 at 2:16 pm #815027

    Strep is going around the kids here (at least it usually doesn’t make it to the adults though I have had it as an adult and it’s miserable). At least it’s not that! Also, my nephew has the flu (diagnosed) even though he had the flu shot. Poor kid. And I am visiting family this weekend though I may have to skip this sisters house. I don’t want to get the flu!

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    January 9, 2019 at 3:30 pm #815040

    Yeah, I am still congested/sniffly/fighting something off a week later. The worst symptoms were the sore throat and headache (omg the headache), both of which were gone by Sunday, thank goodness. Still not 100%, which is frustrating, but glad to no longer feel miserable.

    January 9, 2019 at 3:38 pm #815042

    There’s been a sickness going around our region too. I had it back in December and I literally slept for about 3 days straight. I landed it on a Sunday night and just stayed home until Wednesday I think. I then had a horrible cough for about 2 weeks.

    Lots of friends are just now getting it and it seems to have gotten worse. I hear some have been down and out for a week!!

    January 9, 2019 at 3:44 pm #815045

    Grrr. Let’s hope i don’t get it. I just started a different beta blocker today, one that my fertility specialist recommended is safe and most effective during pregnancy, and I’m already feeling weird from it. No desire to add a head cold. Luckily the side effects fade after a week or two but feeling quite light headed today. Insta Pot dinner night for sure considering. Can’t wait for my HR to go back down though. The initial meds they switched me to that would be safe for pregnancy did nothing. Wanted to get the medication figured out before I ended up pregnant as mixing possible pregnancy symptoms with the side effects of a new medication could have been misery.

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    January 10, 2019 at 4:17 pm #815221

    @Copa, have you heard of Kitchfix? They’re a meal delivery or pick up kitchen in Chicago and they do whole30 meals that are amazing. I didn’t even realize it followed a diet, but a friend had given me a few meals when I was on maternity leave.
    On that note, I’m back to work full time. It’s like trying to jump on a treadmill already going 12 mph. Baby MaterialStar is doing really well at daycare and I’m a bit obsessed with watching her on the videos.
    Pants are kinda starting to fit.. I’m slowly getting back to running but the time for morning runs is no longer there when I’m stuffing a 3 month old into a snowsuit to go to daycare.
    Congrats on the move-in veritek! I was in your neck of the woods after Christmas visiting the extended inlaw family. We had a luncheon at Arris’ Bistro.

    January 10, 2019 at 4:39 pm #815222

    Hi MG!!!! Welcome back.

    Speaking of meal delivery services in Chicago… I was looking into it so we could send a gift card to my cousin. She’s having a difficult pregnancy. She’s currently on bed rest at home. If she and the baby are still ok in two weeks, she’ll have to spend the remainder of her pregnancy in the hospital. Sucks! She’s been on bed rest since early December. She’s due in early May. No matter what happens, the baby won’t be full term.

    Anyway… I was checking out Kitch Fix, Snap Kitchen and Cooked. I think Kitchfix and Cooked were the best of the three. Snap Kithchen seemed kind of blah. Cooked also has whole 30 meals.

    January 10, 2019 at 9:52 pm #815287

    I read an article recently that mentioned Chipotle was introducing some new bowls for various types of diets. It looks like they’ll have special Whole30, Paleo, Keto, or “Double Protein” bowls at least for the month of January (not sure if it extends past then). Seems like a neat idea for them to try out.

    January 11, 2019 at 7:21 am #815319

    Accord I saw that too. Motivated me to make a version at home. I’m not doing Keto, but it was so good and a little change from chicken and broccoli, even though i do love that.

    Made my first Instant Pot dinner last night. Did exactly what the recipe someone posted online said and wasn’t even close to done. Added more time and it was great but I was baffled.

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    January 11, 2019 at 7:42 am #815320

    Speaking of getting sick…I have managed (Knock on wood, fingers crossed!) to avoid all the flu/colds/coughs etc that everyone around me seems to be suffering. But my co worker had the worst sickness this holiday. She got back from Maui after 2-3 weeks, proceeded to get sick (presumably from flying), and was sick the entire break, and then took a week off after break to still recover. She had a mix of bronchitis and a nasal infection. All tied lovingly together of course. So she is just getting better, but seems antibiotics work wonders 😛

    January 11, 2019 at 7:56 am #815321

    Oh gosh bronchitis is just the worst. I avoid getting sick almost exclusively to avoid that. Once I got it (I passed out from coughing at jury duty, they made me reserve) I had it every year for 3 years after. I had been to the doctor the day before as I’d had the head cold for way too long, next day after I pass out, go back and bam bronchitis. I had an inhaler by the time it was over, sucky. Takes so long to heal and be back to 100%, months!!! Husband is almost better, still keeping me up though. The congestion is coming out now so it’s good it’s toward the end. So far the rest of the house isn’t sick, hoping that remains.

    Excited to go get new eyeglasses today. Mine broke but as I don’t really need them to function other than driving and I could still kind of wear them, we were waiting for the new insurance to kick in on Jan 1. I am needing them more often now so curious to see if my rx went up. Excited to pick new frames though. I also had found a pair of brand new Chanel frames on Tradesy a while back for $75. I plan to get those filled as well. They have a lot of unused frames on there of designer brands, which I never suspected but randomly came across one day. Great resource. I had tried them on another time so knew which ones I wanted already. Oh and blood work, must remember to do that, forgot last week.

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