DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • January 15, 2019 at 5:25 pm #815848

    When we drove here, 2 15 hours days, ughh, we got hit with the snow in Kansas. Insanely scary we should not have been driving but it hit while we were on a lonnnggg toll road and there was no where to stop for a long time. By the time we could’ve stopped we were out of it. Husband says it was the scariest drive he’s ever done. It was insane. There wasn’t even really a restaurant to stop at. I had to lie back and close my eyes I was so scared.

    I’m hoping no flu too. I’m getting worse not better currently. Pretty miserable.

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    January 15, 2019 at 5:55 pm #815853

    I’m back to being a non-stop faucet. I otherwise feel good, but this is probably the most annoying symptom for others to be around with the constant sniffling and nose blowing. Ugh.

    Today marks the halfway mark of my Whole 30! Woo!

    To bring this back to date, I’ve started reading Is He Mr. Right? by Mira Kirschenbaum, which gets recommended around here a lot and seems like a fitting read for the stage of relationship I’m in with BG (I think we’re creeping up on six months), and am liking it so far.

    January 15, 2019 at 5:59 pm #815854

    I don’t want to say I told you so, but.

    January 15, 2019 at 6:09 pm #815856

    Ugh on the faucet. That part of this current sick is so annoying. Mine will stop then just turn on. One second fine, next snot dribbling down my face. So attractive. Glad my husband is legally bound to me hahahha

    January 17, 2019 at 12:06 pm #816141

    I did something to the right side of my neck/shoulder Tuesday night. I did an upper body strength workout then as i was coming downstairs just turned my head and bam! Pain in my neck…I couldn’t turn my head left/right or move it any direction without shooting pain. Its finally better today but still hurts. I can at least move my head to the left almost normally and the right still has pain. But it also just hurts sitting here at my desk and I left my ibuprofen at home 🙁 Grrr…I don’t know how this happened.

    January 17, 2019 at 12:08 pm #816142

    Your instinct will be to heat it. Ice it! From having similar problems and seeing professionals about it, they all said to ice the area. 10 minutes on, some time off, 10 minutes on again.

    January 17, 2019 at 12:26 pm #816146

    I’ll try that @Ktfran. I did use the heating pad on it yesterday and it seemed to help. But I’ll ice it tonight instead. Thanks!

    January 17, 2019 at 12:49 pm #816148

    NP! I’ve had similar issues in my neck and lower back. It’s usually caused by a muscle strain, which inflames it. Ice and a muscle relaxer should help. And rest. After icing it a bit, I also like to take a steamy shower to help loosen it up.

    EDT: I’m not a doctor by any means. I have seen a Physical Therapist and Sports Injury person and have had the same suggestions given by both and that treatment has worked for me.

    January 17, 2019 at 1:02 pm #816150

    Did anyone notice that the page number of this thread reached the ominous 666 ?
    No ? Glad to bring it to your notice. Lol.

    January 17, 2019 at 1:03 pm #816151

    I was also advised ice even though I wanted heat when I pulled my back a month or so ago. He said heat after 3 days from the injury but ice the first three.

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    January 17, 2019 at 1:20 pm #816153

    @saneinca I’m commenting in the hopes it will bump us to 667 lol.

    Also, I get to look at rings with MofV this weekend <3

    January 17, 2019 at 1:55 pm #816160

    So, I kept dating a guy I posted about earlier. He is great, although I kept hoping for more sparks, we kept dating and seeing what happened. But, as it turns out, he still has strong plans to move to Europe in a couple months. I definitely don’t want a LDR and it’s not in my plans to move abroad anytime soon. So, this really kept me from investing more in this relationship and this guy caught on. So, yesterday we had the talk. He says he is more than happy to go on as friends, and hang out when we can, and all of that because in my mind he will always be the guy who wants to leave. I can’t stand the thought of being with someone if they plan on leaving.
    Anyways, this has really bummed me. I feel down. I think I will take a break from Tinder and trying to meet new people because I keep thinking why make all of the effort if it all ends like this. It’s really tiring. And I know I haven’t been on as many dates as many people have, I’ve only met like 5 or 6 people of Tinder, but I kind of have the feeling today that it’s never going to happen.
    Holiday blues is still affecting me I guess. But anyways, I guess I’ll be ok, I am busy with a lot of stuff right now, training for the inka trail and my first 10 k.

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