DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    January 17, 2019 at 2:15 pm #816163

    @Ale – I know it’s not the same, but I dated a guy that ended up moving across the country. It sucked. I REALLY liked him. We only dated for about 6 weeks before he left though. I will say I have zero regrets about dating him and I really enjoyed out time together. He and I are still friends on Facebook and text occasionally. He has a new girlfriend who is lovely and he seems really, really happy.

    When he moved two years ago I was really sad, and I had the same feelings you’re having right now. And I did take a break. I don’t think I went on many dates at all that spring or early summer. Maybe one or two but I can’t really remember. I stayed busy with my dad in the hospital and crossfit and planned an awesome vacation. And then I met my guy. So I guess I’m saying you are totally okay to feel the way you feel, but I think it will get better. I think training for your 10k and the trail could be a very fun distraction.

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    January 17, 2019 at 2:19 pm #816164

    @Ale I misread that last sentence at first, and thought you were running an Inca Trail 10K and was like :-o. Anyway, sucks that this guy is leaving, but it’s good you know that this is a dealbreaker for you early on so you won’t be emotionally wrapped up in someone who is moving. Take a break if you need to! I took a lot of breaks while I was online dating because it really is exhausting to meet dud after dud, or to get your hopes high about someone only to have them come crashing down, over and over. I went through periods where I was super optimistic, but also would find myself getting really down about my prospects and I’m embarrassed to admit I sometimes even thought kinda mean things about friends who’d had dating success where I wasn’t having any. It’s draining, so take as many breaks as you need.

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    January 18, 2019 at 10:25 am #816245

    I’m turning this thread into my personal diet/weight loss update thread. Sorry! But, down 3.4 lbs from last Friday! Woohoo! My new goal before going to Africa is to lose 5.8 lbs, which is a more aggressive goal, but that would put me at a nice, round number. We’ll see if it’s doable!

    January 18, 2019 at 11:12 am #816254

    You got this @Copa!

    I’m about to sign up for some nutrition coaching to learn even more what can help me reach my goals too!

    January 18, 2019 at 11:13 am #816255

    Thanks for the advice. I am definitely going to take a break. Good for you Copa!

    January 18, 2019 at 11:55 am #816262

    @Ale – I’m so sorry that happened. But at least you know now. I admire you taking the time to refocus on what you need and taking that breather…and the inka trail sounds exciting!

    @Copa – that’s awesome! You are doing so well. I’m getting inspired to get off my still dragging from sick butt and restart my exercise routine.

    My update – I guess I was quiet yesterday because the AG asked me what was up. So I told him it was time we had the dreaded relationship talk – that I was worried because he didn’t introduce me to his people and seemed disinclined from meeting mine. I told him I hadn’t planned on bringing it up till this sprint (work thing) is over because I didn’t want him to feel even more pressure right now.

    He said basically he hadn’t realized we hadn’t done that, because his time has been so packed and he hasn’t hung out with too many friends over the last few months. Work, travel, buying and remodeling a house and spending time with me have eaten up his free time. We made tentative plans to meet each other’s people when the sprint is over. We also talked about what we want longer term – neither of us wants marriage again, so that’s a relief to be on the same page. We really are in a good place.

    The nice thing was, this is one of the first few serious discussions we’ve had, and we “argue” well together – no one did any of the dramatic explosive anger types of things my ex used to. Instead we listened to each other and talked while being close. I felt like he heard me and I heard him and at the end of our discussion we understood each other better than ever.

    Tonight I have a date with my sons to go see the Dragonballz Broly movie (anime) thats in theaters for a couple of days. The boys are excited so I’m looking forward to it.

    January 18, 2019 at 12:02 pm #816263

    @alafair that’s so great that you had that convo and it went well. I know it still shocks me that if I tell my husband that I’d like something to change, he just does it. Like what?!!! I’ve never been with someone that would actually stop doing something that frustrates me. Nothing big but even “hon can you put your phone down for a while so we can hang out”. So nice to be with a person who you can just communicate with right?

    @copa that’s awesome! I’ve been mostly maintaining my diet with this head cold but not working out, which I am really missing. I think by next week I should be able to get back to it. Starting to feel a bit better. Actually about to leave and go grab some new leggings just for my workouts. My last pair of the type I like to work it in finally gave out on me when my nail snagged then and tore a nice big hole.

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    January 18, 2019 at 12:50 pm #816266

    @alafair You must be relieved! Based on everything you’ve written here, I’m not surprised he didn’t realize it hadn’t happened yet. Glad things are going well.

    I feel really good, but Whole 30 is getting a little old. Though I guess that was bound to happen! I’ve decided to keep going through the 31st because I ate dairy on day one when BG made me breakfast and wasn’t aware it was off limits. Then will do the reintroduction for the first 10-14 days of February. I am most curious about my reactions to dairy and gluten so I’m debating if I should do those first or save ’em for last.

    I have a surprise (to me) three-day weekend. I didn’t know we are closed for MLK Day until this week. So this weekend, BG has an annual tradition with his nieces where they spend the night (along with his bro) so I’ll be participating in the daytime activities with them (bowling). Spending Sunday with a couple girl friends. Monday, BG and I are going to a museum that I’ve wanted to go to since moving here but haven’t, so I’m excited. Hoping the weather won’t be as bad as predicted so that it doesn’t affect any plans!

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    January 18, 2019 at 12:52 pm #816267

    I don’t comment on this thread very much, though i should considering i’m in the single camp. I did want to say CONGRATS Veritek, ring shopping and him moving in are such big but awesome steps!

    Also Alafair and JD a relationship where you’re on the same page and can communicate easily is definitely on my list. lol

    January 18, 2019 at 2:52 pm #816280

    We just had some great news told to us that will make this year not as financially hard as expected. We are planning a wedding, as frugal as we can, and just had a huge pre-wedding (not wedding related) expense get pushed back to 2020! Woohoo!

    Short weekend trip this weekend to somewhere sunny, and beachy. Couldn’t be more excited. I’m having a hard time focusing at work.

    January 18, 2019 at 4:32 pm #816285

    My neck is feeling better…icing it helped I think! yay!

    I’m excited to start my “diet” this weekend. I’m doing a modified whole 30 mostly to get off the sugar train (no added sugars and no dairy but I will eat oats and beans and if I have a bad flare up day with my Crohns then I’ll eat bread otherwise that is out too). So this weekend is going to be filled with planning and prepping for the week so I have no excuses to not do it.

    The weather is dreary today – cloudy, snowy and cold. So I’m jealous about your beach weekend @thehizzy! Sounds fun!!

    January 20, 2019 at 3:32 pm #816484

    SOF* and I have been selling girl scout cookies. Everyone starts off by bringing up their new year’s diets but we wear them down with the many delicious options. I explain that peanut butter comes from the earth and is thus natural and healthy.

    ** Spawn of Fyodor

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