DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • February 7, 2019 at 3:46 pm #830072

    I’m in COS, an hour south of Denver and they did get hit with way more than we did. Not sure how it’s affecting the airport at this point in the day though. That would def suck to drive 6 hours to catch another flight. Hopefully all will be on schedule when he gets there so he can make it back sooner rather than later!

    February 7, 2019 at 4:23 pm #830080

    Good grief it is cold and windy. Going outside was a mistake.

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    February 8, 2019 at 10:29 am #830171

    BG got to Denver and his flight was delayed. Didn’t touch town until after 1 a.m., guessing he didn’t get home until after 2. His first call of the morning was at 7:30 a.m. My poor guy. 🙁 One of the things I like about him is that he’s really good natured and even tempered, and even via text I could tell he was in a bad mood yesterday. Felt bad, I didn’t know what to do or how to help. As of right now he doesn’t want to cancel our plans tonight but I suspect we’ll have a super early night.

    I’m down another .6 pounds! This week I wasn’t expecting to lose anything because I’ve been losing slowly and veered off course a little bit Sunday night, way off course on Monday. In the last four weeks, I’ve lost a little over five pounds, and I’d wager 7-8, possibly more, since the year started (didn’t weigh myself until Jan. 11, so impossible to know, but I do know I was bloated af after the holidays). Still a little disappointed it’s slow progress — I wanted to look amazing in Cape Town — but happy things are moving in the right direction. On Wednesday after work, I noticed a long sleeved tunic/sweatshirt that I’d bought leading up to Christmas fits better. That was validating. Oh, and probiotics! I reintroduced those into my diet this week and it now appears my GI issues are starting to clear up.

    February 8, 2019 at 10:33 am #830172

    Glad you are doing well with your diet. I know I had to basically loose xmas bloat first too. I lost about 5lbs pretty quick and now it is slow, like yourself. Also like you though, some clothes just starting to fit better.

    Glad the guy is home, sounds like a crap tastic travel day.

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    February 8, 2019 at 10:41 am #830173

    I am a little curious how much water weight I lost in the first two or so weeks of January. I waited until I was visibly less bloated to weigh myself cause I knew I’d be unhappy with my Jan. 1 weight. I know it doesn’t really matter. As of right now, I’m about three pounds from what I’ll call my first mini-goal, eight away from what I consider my goal weight (was planning to reassess overall goals when I reached a certain number). Seems close yet far since I’m only losing about .5 lbs per week. But what I’m doing feels sustainable. Hoping to maintain while on vacation. I feel good about things today. 🙂

    February 8, 2019 at 10:45 am #830175

    Don’t push yourself too much to be good on vacation. You don’t want to miss out on new food experiences, assuming they hopefully don’t mess with your GI more.

    Thinking I am off to either the cardiologist or ER today, ugh. Heart is being a pain with some other symptoms. I am guessing he will tell me to go to the ER since they don’t mess around with chest pain and such. That’ll be fun.

    February 8, 2019 at 11:43 am #830186

    Monday starts week 4 for me and I’m struggling to maintain. I was cranky last night – just super hungry and since dinner had to be cooked I had to wait longer. I thought I’d be feeling great but the diet isn’t helping me feel better than pre-diet. I do feel better about myself not eating sugar though And I haven’t noticed anything fitting better. I’m wondering if the medications I’m on hinder loosing weight. Or it’s my age or it’s…who knows.

    Glad your doing good though Copa! And like JD said, enjoy vacation food! It’s part of what makes a vacation fun, I think at least!

    Sorry to hear that JD. Hope all is ok!

    February 8, 2019 at 11:54 am #830189

    Yesterday the AG texts me and says all casual like – “hey my cousin is back and is having an annual wine tasting party thingie this weekend. Wanna go?” One aunt and uncle and their adult children are the only family he has in the state. He doesn’t see them all very often because of schedules, but I know they are super important to him.

    We’ve been dating for 8, 9 months and I haven’t met any of his people yet (other than his amazing realtor friend) so I’m very nervous. There’s going to be a mix of like 20 of his friends/family there. I also have no idea what you wear to a casual wine tasting thing in someone’s house. I’m in the LA area, so it’ll be cold but clear tomorrow I think.

    So I am becoming THAT LADY today. My brain is kinda going into overdrive. I’ve actually been thinking about throwing myself at the mercy of the MAC or Bare minerals counter ladies and buying makeup (I normally slap on moisturizer and lipstick and call it good) I could use a good talking down today! The last time I met the significant other’s family was over 14 years ago.

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    February 8, 2019 at 11:55 am #830190

    Oh, I’m not too worried on vacation because I assume indulging will be counteracted by being more active (I’m sure we’ll walk a lot throughout the city, and we have activities like hiking and bike tour of the vineyards planned). I won’t be sitting in from of my computer screen working like 9 hours/day – wahoo!

    @Ramgerchic Sorry you don’t feel like it’s helping! 🙁 I used to lose weight very fast when I’d decide to clean up my habits and have wondered myself if the slower pace this time around is age-related. I’m only early 30s, but… not 22 anymore! I guess it just goes to show that diet really is so individual and what makes one person feel great makes another feel worse.

    February 8, 2019 at 11:58 am #830191

    You would wear a nice sweater and nice jeans and boots, I think. I would not be freaking out about makeup, just look like you usually look when you go on dates with this guy. And if you do feel compelled to do makeup, they do a great job at Benefit.

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    February 8, 2019 at 12:00 pm #830192

    @alafair Do you have a weather appropriate casual but nice dress? That’s what I’d wear to a casual wine tasting! I was really nervous to meet BG’s family/friends — I think it’s normal — and for me that came in the form of BIG holiday get-togethers, which aren’t my thing. The nice thing for me (and probably you) is that I feel like people WANT to like their son’s/brother’s/cousin’s/best friend’s significant other. I felt way less nervous when one of BG’s friends approached me at a holiday party to tell me how happy he was to see BG so happy, it helped me relax and realize I was liked before they met me for that alone. You and the AG seem to have something good going, so I’m sure everyone will be excited to meet you and already liking that you’re someone who brings him happiness.

    February 8, 2019 at 12:04 pm #830194

    I get frazzled with meeting family too so I get it for sure. I for one, hadn’t had to meet a new family of a significant other in many years and the prior two, my ex and my prior boyfriend had mothers that were just horrors. Just rude to me from the first moment for ZERO reason. Glad I didn’t marry into that family.

    Of course, know that it will be fine, they will surely be just lovely and you will likely enjoy it. I don’t think you need to worry about the makeup, at most throw on some lip gloss and mascara if you just want to feel more put together.

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