DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • February 26, 2019 at 11:13 pm #833876

    Congrats!!!! I know you’ll look beautiful no matter what.

    A couple weeks ago the husband and I were watching The Office episode where Jim and Pam marry. Part of me still wishes we would have eloped. I’m pretty private.

    Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED our wedding. It was totally “us”. Eloping would have been “us” too.

    February 27, 2019 at 7:58 am #833904

    @kmtthat congrats!!! You will be a beautiful bride! How exciting. In the end I think you’ll be happy you did everything so quickly. After a long engagement it’s been annoying. I’ve had stress-lite for 12 months and now stress-heavy for the remaining 6. I’d much rather stress-heavy 6 months and be done!!

    We’re dated for June and I’ve already sent out invites. The majority of my stress went away when sending those out 🙂

    February 27, 2019 at 8:11 am #833907


    I had to run to the store this am. Been having anxiety over driving in bad weather since i really haven’t in 17 years and the car is RWD, which for those who don’t know, is the worst possible option for snow. Of course he lived in CA when the car was purchased. Of course, going around two turns, crazy slow and safe I spin out both times. Had to give my husband shit since he said i was panicking for no reason. Glad no cars were close to me when it happened. Granted I do need to get more comfortable with it but I’ve alwyas has AWD in bad weather and I just haven’t had many chances to work on it since this winter hasn’t been kind of bad but insane so no one goes out in it when they don’t have to. It didn’t look bad this am either but guess I found some bad patches.

    Can’t wait to get I to another AWD car. We just are sticking with one car currently as there isn’t a huge need for both of us to have one when all my work is from home. Also his is almost paid off and we were going to pass it on to son eventually. I can drive husband to work if I need the car, it’s about 10 mins each way so not a big deal, but I don’t often have the need. Would rather save money right now rather than have a car payment for a car I rarely drive.

    February 27, 2019 at 8:40 am #833911

    Congrats kmen! That sounds great, really. This thread is full of success stories.

    This is for YOU and your FIANCE. Always keep that in mind. I doubt your dress will be tacky. And what if people don’t like it? This is for you, nobody else will pay for it or wear it. People will always have an opinion. You do this for you.

    February 27, 2019 at 8:45 am #833912

    JD, your husband is being a huge dick about this.

    In 2013 before we got married I impulse bought a bright red 2014 mustang. Traded in my Jeep. It was an amazing car, everyone hooted and hollered and asked about it. We LOVED it. But it was shit in the snow. I’m an experienced driver who was taught to drive in New England at 15 y/o in FWD cars, and this was just no go. We had it a year and traded it in on a AWD German automobile. You cannot drive a fucking mustang in snow, it’s stupid. For your husband not to acknowledge that is wack. He should be trading it in on an SUV for all your safety.

    February 27, 2019 at 8:50 am #833914

    He wasn’t being a dick at all. He was sarcastically giving me shit and once I told him what happened he felt bad and smooched me. I rarely drive and us paying for surgery takes importance over getting a new car just yet. We also want to wait to few months until his car is paid off so we still only have one car payment. His car is not good on the snow but when it is bad he can telework.

    February 27, 2019 at 8:50 am #833915

    My ex bf had a mustang when I met him. He’d weighh it down with sandbags in the trunk in winter, but he knew it was stupid and dangerous. He finally got a BMW instead.

    We were actually just considering getting a mustang again because I don’t have to drive to work anymore and we have a garage, so why not. But my husband was like, yeah, no, as much as we want that, we need AWD, and we got a used BMW instead.

    February 27, 2019 at 8:53 am #833917

    Oh and we are getting the Audi Q5 for me, which I have had before and loved and then once we move he will get a crossover as well. He can take the Audi on the truly crap days I wouldn’t want to go out regardless of my car if I didn’t have to.

    February 27, 2019 at 8:57 am #833919

    Good, that’s perfect. I’m sure he’s a good guy, but to watch you spin out twice (you could die, for real)) and not take it seriously isn’t cool.

    February 27, 2019 at 9:00 am #833920

    He wasn’t with me so he didn’t watch it. He was teasing me before I left because the news had just said the roads were fine but I was still being panicky. He felt awful once i told him.

    Worth noting, my anxiety is through the roof right now due to my heart meds making me feel like im freaking dying, or about to all the time. He knows, but I haven’t really been telling him how I feel every moment, since just not thinking about it or talking about it helps me a bit. Went back to the first medication they gave me even though I cannot take it when pregnant, just so I can feel ok until we figure it out and I can get in with my Dr. The first one made me feel amazing. The best I have felt in the 5 years this crap has been going on. This last one, I don’t know what was going on but it was fine the first month then suddenly chest pain, dizzyness like crazy.
    I ended up having a fun ambulance ride to the ER last Friday. Luckily everything is actually fine but that medicine is in the trash now. Luckily I was on a low enough dose that I didn’t have to dose down and could just stop and switch back to the first one. I am very glad I decided to try to figure out the right medication well BEFORE getting pregnant since dealing with this, while pregnant, with possible symptoms from that, would have been torture. My instinct on that was good even though the docs said “oh you can just switch once you are pregnant”. I will see him Friday and hopefully try something else. It’s difficult not to have anxiety when you are alone, driving, feeling like you are having a heart attack. My dad is an RN and reminds me that feeling like that causing you anxiety is a pretty reasonable response. Also, the best medics ever. I don’t think I have ever met, in any time in my life, nice, more compassionate or caring people. Last time I was in an ambulance after a bad car accident I was crying and in insane pain, terrified and the guy just sat there ignoring me and damn near rolling his eyes. Thanks dude.

    February 27, 2019 at 9:15 am #833922

    That’s all understandable, but being anxious about spinning out in the snow in a RWD car is totally normal and I’d freak out even though I don’t have anxiety or take meds. We have a 4wd truck too, and after that experience with the mustang, even though we loved it so much, and could get it again now, it just isn’t the right choice. So jealous of ppl in California and Florida who can drive whatever they want.

    February 27, 2019 at 9:23 am #833923

    Seriously. I used to live in CO and got pretty used to it. I did think it would be great to buy a brand new Integra for my first car. Man those were so cool in the day. I spun out and right away traded it for a Jeep. 17 years back in CA and I clearly forgot what it is like. We are moving to Utah, Salt Lake area. My research shows the weather is pretty similar to here so for sure the Audi. I actually used to work for Audi as well for a fun fact.

    I will say though my husband is ridiculously good at driving in this weather even with his car. I’d be freaking out and he just calmly controls the car. More experience of course but it always impresses me. We drove through an insane storm in Kansas when we moved here and he handled it so calmly while I had to close my eyes for sheer terror (there was no where to stop for a while). After he told me it was the most terrifying drive ever…and the man has been to war! Man has an insane ability to appear calm when he internally is not. Actually brings more of that out in me, which is awesome.

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