DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • March 8, 2019 at 7:30 am #835097

    Good point on grain free for skin issues. Our now passed German couldn’t do grain on jenhas heat rashes.

    March 9, 2019 at 9:48 pm #836249

    Lurker here…. @copa, my vet told me the same thing. She advised to avoid grain-free because studies show it’s linked to a heart condition. I feed mine the Wellness brand – vet said it was a good one.

    March 10, 2019 at 11:20 am #836319

    Frustrated this morning with my medicine. In general the side effects aren’t bad and only occasional but hitting me hard today and making me feel like crud. Have been crying in frustration about it all. It’s annoying to feel so bad you can’t just go do the things you need or want to do. I feel bad having to rely on husband to take some of those over and even worse as he’s working 40 hour a week of overtime the past two weeks for a project. Luckily it is over today but he is working today all day. Don’t want to put all that on him too although he’s wonderful about it and feels equally awful that I feel bad. Just over it. This medication has the least side effects for me which is great but they still exist and I’m frustrated I even have to take it. Just want to feel good like I did before the day this all began when i ran 8 miles a day, felt great and wasn’t dealing with this heart crap.

    There’s my whine for the day. Thanks for letting me get it out here. On the upside son thought he lost his wallet before we took him to the airport early yesterday am and I found it this morning. Luckily we keep his military ID in the safe so he could get on his flight. That saves me from a day at the DMV with him so selfishly very happy to avoid that. Ha.

    And as my travel note to all, take copies of all IDs and CCs and keep them in your safe. I convinced my ex to do this and when he lost his passport in another country i was able to overnight the copy and it made his life a lot easier, still not simple but they said it was key in getting him back home on time.

    March 11, 2019 at 7:14 am #836405

    Back from my bridal shower.

    While I am forever thankful someone offered to host one she ended up not hosting. 4 people got lost, a table fell and spilled some wine, we started 45 minutes late due to people being lost, a bridesmaid who was so fed up wouldn’t help when asked, and the host kept disappearing. It was way more stressful than it should have been. I had messaged the host last week that I thought people might get lost, can she do some preventative measures. She did not.

    So, while I am so blessed so many people showed up, it was so heartbreaking to feel like I ended up hosting my own shower. It was bad enough and 2 of the girls were at each others throats enough I wanted to ask them both to not be in the wedding. So dumb.

    March 11, 2019 at 7:31 am #836409

    Oh good grief. Weddings really bring out the crazy in people, and oddly, often, not even the bride. Sorry it was drama.

    March 11, 2019 at 7:52 am #836411

    Oh @theHizzy, that sucks! I’m sorry your shower wasn’t enjoyable. People be crazy.

    March 11, 2019 at 8:09 am #836414

    Hubby is home from work today! And sleeping in. So happy. He ended up working 53 hours of overtime this week, and over 45 the prior. Poor guy is so tired. The whole team was working this. Pretty much everyone callednik today and his boss said he was barely working this week at all. The project was turned in yesterday afternoon so they get some rest. At least he gets paid overtime so a fat paycheck coming soon. Feel so bad for them all for working so much though. Baking some cookies today for the team. So happy he can relax today. Also since son is at moms on spring break he didn’t have to wake up to take him to school, although if he did i of course would have. I miss that surly teenager and he’s only been gone a day and a half.

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    March 11, 2019 at 8:18 am #836416

    People still have bridal showers? I didn’t have one myself and I’ve never been to one. Do people *like* bridal showers? Like, anyone? Elderly aunts seem to because they’re the only ones I’ve ever heard push bridal showers before (and the ones I’ve been invited to – but didn’t go to – were hosted by elderly aunts), but I thought among younger generations they were sort of falling out of favor. No?

    March 11, 2019 at 8:22 am #836417

    It was a bridesmaid that wanted to throw one. And a second bridesmaid wanted to throw one if the first didn’t. They’re very popular where I’m from and it was expected by everyone else in the family I guess.

    I could have gone either way, shower or no shower. It was very nice to have so many people together to celebrate. I kind of wished I had said no to the shower now. Bridal showers and bridal portraits are an expected where I live now. I won’t be doing bridal portraits.

    March 11, 2019 at 8:41 am #836419

    I had one when I was 21, organized by his elderly aunts and grandma! At that time, we needed stuff for a household, and it was nice. But I think they’re ridiculous once you’re out of the nest. A baby shower for first baby I can get behind. Though, no, I don’t know anyone who really likes going to those things.

    March 11, 2019 at 8:51 am #836420

    @theHizzy -what brought the ‘maids to near blows?

    I’m living in crazy town. On Friday night, my mom left her golf cart plugged in, which, when it over charges causes a back up of hydrogen, which turns on the carbon monoxide alarms and requires a visit from the local fire department. At 2:30 in the morning. On Saturday I went to home depot and now there is a timer connected to the charger to prevent this.

    Up in the “guest quarters” are two full baths. Downstairs, we noticed a leak coming through the ceiling so both are getting redone. That was 2+ weeks ago. As a result I shower in my mom’s bathroom. On Saturday night, after a nice night out and a little TV, I was getting ready for a shower, peeing, naked, and a mouse ran out of the WC right past me. I yelled, mom came running. I toweled up, then I put on pants and a tee, and we chased the mouse around the bedroom, then into the shower stall. Where we had it trapped. Long story short, it managed to escape when we were going for a more aggressive approach. We put traps everywhere. Sunday morning I went back to Home Depot and bought several more traps.

    We have caught three mice since Saturday night. They are currently in the freezer awaiting garbage night (tonight). We have tried to find the hole where they are getting in. So far no luck.

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    March 11, 2019 at 9:01 am #836422

    @Kate, yes I can understand and appreciate bridal showers for very young brides/couples who need/want help setting up a household. That was the original purpose of a bridal shower, after all. But so many of us are getting married later in life now, after establishing full households (either on our own, or, often with our significant other before we tie the knot). I’ve been a little annoyed being invited to cousins’ bridal showers (many states away) when I’m already going to be sending a wedding gift and they’re like around 30 and have been living on their own for years. Like, enough already. But elderly aunts love throwing bridal showers so what are you gonna do.

    All that said, when I got married, my friends did surprise me with what they called a “bridal picnic.” It was super casual, at the beach, and no gifts. It was pretty perfect.

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