DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    October 3, 2015 at 2:07 am #385044

    YOU GUYS!! I hope this doesn’t get lost in the shuffle but I just got home from my date with the Lion Tamer a little while ago.

    It was SO GOOD!! It was really really…easy and fun. We met at 7 and shut the place down at after 1am. He actually got into a minor car accident about an hour beforehand (it’s RAINING here b/c of the hurricane) and he was not in the best mood, but as the night went on he got more relaxed and we had such a good time!

    Mainly, we had a lot of really important stuff in common, like faith/religion, values, and philosophies. We did not stop talking for 6 hours, and he made it very clear he wanted to see me again and we made plans for next weekend right there at the table.

    He paid the check; I said I wanted to contribute and he said “you can get it next time – that way I can know there will be a next time!” It was really cute.

    Then he walked me to my car and hugged me three times and kind of lingered with sort of holding my hand. No kiss on the first date but that is ok by me. Since it was really storming I asked him to text me when he got home and he did!

    Also, he is really really cute in person, he has a great smile, and it was so…easy.

    OK…cautiously optimistic now, but this is really promising. Yay!

    October 3, 2015 at 6:09 am #385047

    Sounds like a great first date! I’m happy for you.

    October 3, 2015 at 7:48 pm #385084

    *waves* I’m a very occasional poster who hasn’t been around for a long time, but I’m delurking to say hi! Lion Tamer is an awesome pseudonym – hopefully things continue going well for you!

    I just moved to a new town where I don’t know anyone. I’m thinking about reactivating Okcupid or trying Tinder just to make myself get out and meet people. Do people still even use Tinder? For anything other than hookups?

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    October 3, 2015 at 7:52 pm #385085

    @nickel_5 Thanks so much! 🙂 I can personally vouch for OKCupid – it’s where I have met my last 2 boyfriends and the last 3 guys I have dated including Lion Tamer. I really like it and I’ve had far and away more success with it than anything else (and I’ve tried nearly every other dating site/app there is). I’d also try meetup.com if you’re looking to expand your social circle & make friends with people of similar interests. Good luck!

    October 3, 2015 at 9:01 pm #385088

    Ha, yeah, I’ve used OKC before and dated a guy I met there for about 6 months. I’ve gone through waves of appreciating that it’s a way to meet guys that I probably wouldn’t otherwise, alternating with getting a bit overwhelmed with the sheer number of messages you get as a woman on the site. Meetup doesn’t seem to be very active in my area. It’s a bit strange being in a small college town in my late 20s – there are tons of clubs through the university, but they’re very undergrad-oriented. I am planning to check out the small local blues/swing dance scene soon, as it’s a hobby I enjoy and a good way of meeting people.

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    October 4, 2015 at 8:42 am #385103

    Emsz, care to elaborate on the ‘ugh’?…KISSING AND MAKING OUT SHOULD NOT BE UGH! Bottom line. 🙂

    And TheLadyE, I’m so happy for you! Sounds like an awesome date!

    October 5, 2015 at 4:57 am #385164

    @Regina Chapman: Yeah. I’ve already decided I probably won’t be seeing him again. Apart from the kissing being ugh (it just felt wet and blegh…) he made a sexist joke and did some stuff that annoys me. Also, it’s probably not a good sign when you try to find excuses to leave the room, and want to kick the person out as soon as the movie is over, right?

    October 5, 2015 at 8:01 am #385173

    LadyE, I’m glad you had a good date with the lion tamer! Fingers crossed for a second.

    Emsz, that sucks he’s a bad kisser. That’s the worst. I’ve dated a couple bad kissers that I was able to guide… But there was a definite attraction there and I wanted to kind of help them. But there are some that are just gross! I feel you there.

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    October 5, 2015 at 8:52 am #385181

    Update: Lion Tamer already contacted me again and he said he had a great time with me, and we are planning to go out again on Friday!! He seems really excited, too. He’s adorable. 🙂

    October 5, 2015 at 10:06 am #385189

    Ktfran: Well, I’ve come up with three hypotheses, since this was my first time making out, really:
    1. I am a bad kisser
    2. He is a bad kisser
    3. I simply do not like kissing

    I am unsure which of the three it is, but I think I don’t really want to see him again, regardless…

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    October 5, 2015 at 10:17 am #385190

    @Emsz, this is going to sound cheesy, but with someone you’re really interested in, the kissing [most likely] won’t be bad. It wasn’t my first time kissing someone, but when I got to kiss my first love at 20 – who I really really loved – it was the best kissing ever and I was no expert by any means. It was our genuine connection with each other that made it great.

    Good for you for moving on and good luck finding someone new to kiss! 🙂

    October 5, 2015 at 11:25 am #385197

    @TheLadyE, another North Carolinian! I’m glad y’all had a good time.

    , I really doubt that you don’t like kissing. He might be a bad kisser, or you just might not have found a compatible kisser. I don’t like really wet kisses either. I think the best kissers are the ones who notice what you’re doing and adjust accordingly.

    I had my second and third dates with that guy I was seeing, but I’m over it. I was kind of lukewarm about him, and after sex, I went from lukewarm to cold fish. What a shame because he really is quite cute. Now it’s back to square one! Or more like square two because there is another guy in the picture, someone I have many mutual friends with. I haven’t made any moves on that one yet, but our friends are really excited about the prospect. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

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