DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • shakeourtree
    June 18, 2021 at 2:48 pm #1091440

    I will also admit that I lost my mind earlier this year and thought I’d try out some mom jeans in the midst of the skinny jeans debate. And it looked so awful on me. So, so awful. I don’t think that dressing for your body can ever really be “unfashionable” no matter what teenagers say, so I’m sticking with skinny jeans for the most part. I’m still open to new styles, but so far all I’ve got are some cropped boot cut jeans that did not look as silly as I thought they would.

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    June 18, 2021 at 3:14 pm #1091441

    @ktfran I have two pairs of those as well! I got mine in black and white with blue strips (although now they just look like pajama pants haha) I also ordered a couple pairs of their linen shorts. I was always wearing jean shorts and they are so gross in the humid weather here in the PNW/BC. So linen has been a great addition to my summer wadrobe

    June 18, 2021 at 3:28 pm #1091442

    Chicago had been hot and gross too. Linen has been welcomed! I think I want the mustard color next @cleopatra_30. And maybe chambray.

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    June 18, 2021 at 3:50 pm #1091444

    @shakeourtree I’ve read good reviews of A&E curvy mom jeans. Haven’t tried them myself but probably will order some eventually. And Abercrombie.

    And yeah, Chicago has been HOT already. Most years it’s basically not even consistently warm until this point in June, but this year we’ve already seen a handful of 90+ degree days. Last year, I believe we set a record for days in the 90s and above and I bet we’ll break that this year at the rate we’re going. I like summer, but I HATE high heat/humidity. I wore a maxi skirt to an outdoor brunch a few weekends ago and was dying.

    June 18, 2021 at 3:55 pm #1091445

    Yeah, I’m not down w/ this hot of weather so early. I need at least a month of 60’s/70’s w/ sun! Not 85+ with sun.

    The farm where I get my CSA said the sweet corn isn’t looking good this year because of the lack of rain. We need rain!!

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    June 18, 2021 at 4:04 pm #1091446

    On the bright side, this is my first summer (as an independent adult living on her own) with central air. I’ve otherwise gotten by with fans and, in some apartments, inefficient window/wall units.

    June 18, 2021 at 5:27 pm #1091449

    I just got a bikini in the mail that I bought from an Instagram ad, and it’s actually really cute.


    Not cheap, but good quality. I looked all over the place, including everything on Amazon and there were plenty of cute suits but nothing I felt like was just right. This one is flattering.

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    June 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm #1091639

    I think Aerie swimsuits are cute.

    Also in need of sunglasses! Mine broke last year. I also usually buy cheaper sunglasses that say they have UV protection but probably don’t, because I lose them or they break on me. I do want to better protect my eyes.

    I will say something that is nice not to cheap out on is an umbrella. I have had mine for 9 years!

    I’m in a rut with office clothes. I also gained weight and the clothes I bought in March 2020 don’t fit. I do have clothes in a larger size, but it’s just a bit frustrating. In response to Kate, I usually wear dresses when I don’t feel like wearing pants that are a bit snug!

    June 21, 2021 at 4:51 am #1091650

    The issue for me was that most casual clothes, including jeans, have stretch. Or casual dresses sized XS, S, M, L, XL etc can span at least 2 numerical sizes. So I was able to gain literally 15 lbs and not realize because I could still put these clothes on, or new clothes in same sizes. But then when I started trying to put on numerical-size dressy dresses that fit in 2019, whoa. The ones that have some stretch are super snug, and the ones without won’t zip.

    If this were the 90s with the rigid denim, or unforgiving office clothes, I could totally go by how my clothes fit. I see now that I do need to keep checking in with the scale. But if that is just not going to work for people, i would say keep an article of clothing like a non-stretch jeans or a certain dress around for a control. Pre-pandemic we did wear stuff like this, but then during lockdown it was all comfy stretchy things.

    June 21, 2021 at 4:54 am #1091651

    But the good news is if the weight went on recently and you want to lose it, it should come off pretty easy.

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    June 21, 2021 at 9:16 am #1091692

    I’m quietly hoping to not have to go back to the office until fall/when it gets a little cooler out so that I won’t have to deal with my summer work wardrobe, which I had planned to overhaul last year but for obvious reasons did not. And with any luck won’t really have to deal with it this summer. I have way more fall/winter work clothes that I like and that I assume still fit.

    I didn’t shop a ton during COVID, but last summer did buy some deeply discounted tops from LOFT, which isn’t my favorite store, but the prices were great and I have a few items from there that I do really like. Anyway, just about everything I bought has lost it’s shape even though I follow the care instructions. Like a normal t-shirt now looks like a crop top.

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    June 23, 2021 at 10:52 am #1092133

    @ktfran I was trying to get chambray, and they kept selling out! Also why I ended up with the pajama striped style. I am too nervous to do any of the bright ones, but have been eyeing the Myrrh ones. They have a sale on the Canadian site, so resisting for now!

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