DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    October 14, 2015 at 10:08 pm #387830

    Haha, Kate, thanks for asking your husband! The only thing that really gives me pause right now is the $5 for the beer. It really did bum me out. The rest of it, I am ok with for now, though I’ve given myself a time limit in my head for when he needs to kiss me. And I was the one who got the Groupon because I thought it would be a fun thing…but obviously that kind of backfired. So I learned my lesson!

    I’ve decided what I’m going to do is wait for him to reach out to me about this weekend and then tell him it’s his turn to plan something. Since he nixed the idea of going to the Melting Pot, he actually told me he would make it up to me, sooooo I’m going to let him. He *says* he is a romantic so I’m going to see if he really is!

    October 15, 2015 at 12:08 pm #387943

    @TheLadyE – I agree with others. Actually, I’m more annoyed that it was ONLY $5 and he asked for separate checks. Sounds like a friend zone move to me and at the very least a yellow flag. But I would give him a chance to redeem himself.

    – do you have the Bitmoji app on your phone? I only ask because these are fun single text avatars (made up to look like you) that you can send just to stay in touch throughout the day when you don’t really have much to say. My husband is NOT big on texting but when I started to used these avatars messages to send him, he LOVED it and he set it up on his phone and now he sends me these funny, cute Bitmojis throughout the day. Just a thought. 🙂

    October 15, 2015 at 12:11 pm #387945

    Haha, her avatar IS a bitmoji. So is mine. Not sure if you are seeing those versions or just the generic avatars, depends on if you’re logged in.

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    October 15, 2015 at 1:02 pm #387959

    @Kate – Ha! OK, I guess I’m on the late-train! I changed it to my Bitmoji avatar 🙂

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    October 15, 2015 at 1:21 pm #387968

    Lol bubbles, Kate is the bitmoji queen and introduced me to them. Our avatars actually look a lot like us in real life 🙂

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    October 15, 2015 at 1:22 pm #387970

    I’m logged in, but I can’t see anyone’s avatar or my own. It shows the generic one on top, but when I click to change it, it shows my regular one. Maybe it’s because I’m on mobile?

    I miss my Milhouse 🙁

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    October 15, 2015 at 1:27 pm #387971

    I can see him Kare. I think mobile changes all of the things you can view.

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    October 15, 2015 at 1:30 pm #387972

    Okay sweet! I’m basically Milhouse in real life. Except my hair is platinumish blondish blue grey instead of just blue. But otherwise Milhouse is my spirit animal.

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    October 16, 2015 at 8:27 am #388067

    so Bubbles, I totally tried adding the bitmoji keyboard on my phone and it just won’t do it. Alas, I’m not destined to have bitmojis.

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    October 17, 2015 at 9:58 pm #388400

    I went to goth night with my FWB last night. We had fun! We also met up with one of my former coworkers and caught up. Then of course went back to my apartment for amazing sex. Of course today I was woken up at 7 am by construction right underneath my window. It’s a Saturday! Wtf.

    Oh and last night my coworker I used to hookup with texted me “accidentally”. But I actually didn’t end up sexting him, so score one for me! (I may have low standards for what constitutes a successful night.)

    But seriously, what is going on this week? That’s the 4th past guy to reach out to me wanting to hang out this week. Maybe it was becasue of the spandex I wore to work Thursday for 80s day…

    Not at all related, but I met up with my parents for lunch today. My dad excitedly told me he got my mom flowers yesterday. For bosses day. 37 years of marriage, and they still act like lovesick teenagers.

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    October 19, 2015 at 9:11 am #388552

    @kare, that sounds really fun! May I ask…what is goth night? Is that like a special event? And you know what they say…when it rains, it pours. I’ve found that to be true with men too!

    On Saturday night, Lion Tamer came over to my house with his dog. We went to a lake close to my house and walked our dogs (about 2 miles around, looking at the foliage – which here in NC hasn’t even really started that much yet), and then we went back to my house and I/we made tacos and ate dinner together. He brought a bottle of wine and he RAVED over the food even though it was just tacos & a side of bean dip that I made. He even took a picture with his phone of the table. Then we sat on my couch & I introduced him to some stand-up comedy, and we talked until nearly 3am.

    He did lose a job this week (long story, it was one of his several sources of income – he’s an independent contractor) and he said “that’s why I’ve been distant” which to me was pretty cool because a) he’s acknowledging he was being distant and b) explaining why instead of just making me accept it. He *had* been a bit distant (and also worried about money, obviously). The more I learn about him the more I learn that he is very frugal, and I definitely out-earn him, so it makes sense.

    Unfortunately, earlier that day I went to the doctor for a persistent cough/general feeling of sickness and was diagnosed with bronchitis, and Lion Tamer said he is really susceptible to sickness and actually said we shouldn’t kiss that night because of that.

    He shared with me about his last relationship which was a big deal because it was a pretty terrible story, and just opened up to me a lot. We snuggled on the couch but didn’t of course make out or anything.

    I like him and think he’s sweet, but I’m going to need us to move forward physically to see if I actually want to be exclusive with him. He has already said we are dating and he acts like he really likes me, as well as saying that he wants to see me a lot more. However, now *I* am on the fence until he actually kisses me.

    Also his dog (an 80lb lab) had TERRIBLE TERRIBLE gas while we were all snuggled on the couch together and it kind of ruined the mood. Heh. But it was a nice evening overall. 🙂

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    October 19, 2015 at 9:11 am #388553

    @kare umm, yay for amazing sex! Just ignore the rest lol 😉

    Okay, so two things.

    1. May I be petty for a moment? I’d really like to be petty. I was driving my little sister to the YMCA yesterday because she likes to swim and I saw a guy out walking a dog. Didn’t recognize him at first. Got closer and realized, holy shit, that’s my abusive asshat ex boyfriend. HE LOOKED LIKE SHIT. Ton of weight gained, lost more hair, etc. Man, I hate to be petty, but KARMA is a bitch.

    2. I’m not really asking for advice and I won’t get into too many specifics but I kinda started a convo with Tinder Teacher about what he’s looking for (casual/serious/etc.) and maybe I shouldn’t have asked, but he basically said he doesn’t know. That he likes me and talking to me and spending time with me – but that’s the answer I got. We still talk every day, plan to see each other again in a few weeks. I just don’t call him my boyfriend because I don’t think he is. And it’s annoying when all my friends around me call him my boyfriend – because I’d love to call him that, but I just don’t think he’s there yet. After all, it really has only been four dates in person despite that we’ve been talking since late June.

    And also, is this weird: (TMI WARNING) Last weekend when he was visiting we might have been having some fun adult time and he might have mentioned that he wished we had a little lube and I might have said “oh i think I have some!” and reached into my top drawer and found a tiny bottle and carried on with our activities. But later on he asked me if I had a vibrator. Which I do, so I said yes. And that was the end of the discussion. I thought maybe he was going to follow up on that but he didn’t. WAS HE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHY I HAVE LUBE??!! I mean, I’m a 31 year old sexually active woman so is it shocking that i have condoms and lube in my night side table?

    Or did I read too much into that? I’m weird. Happy Monday.

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