DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    June 14, 2022 at 2:50 pm #1110369

    I did mention that my friend may want to reach out to her or her husband’s EAP, so thanks for that suggestion.

    We’re such a fatphobic society that it doesn’t surprise me that people use it as an insult… and I’d not be surprised if it does hurt to be called that for the same reason. As if it’s worse to be fat than a racist, homophobic, fatphobic, drunk neighbor.

    This is totally unrelated but your comment reminded me of it, @TheLadyE. Probably 11-12 years ago, a HS friend of mine had an on/off boyfriend. After one of their break-ups, the guy took her dogs and then let them out on the side of the freeway. OMFG. By this time, she and I weren’t really in contact — I only know because she put a desperate plea out on FB for help finding them — so I never found out how the story ended. I’m guessing not well.

    Sorry to hear your friends are moving, though, @TheLadyE. It sucks to lose your people nearby. I’ve had a handful of good friends leave the city I’m in after having kids, so I get it. Hopefully they’ll be close enough that you can still visit, though.

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    June 20, 2022 at 4:06 pm #1110558

    The wedding was amazing!! Honestly pretty much perfect. The weather held out for us. Came back from our honeymoon yesterday. Did a local field trip.

    Also catching up on neighbour issues. Strangely our rear neighbour rang our doorbell at 9 pm the Tuesday before our wedding. We didn’t realize it was so late. He wanted to replace a 4’ strip of our fence that overlaps with his (kind of kitty corner). He basically assumed we would say yes. He had no plans or drawings. He wasn’t even going to put up the same style of the rest of the fence. He also didn’t introduce himself! He also wanted an answer the next day because the contractors were coming the Thursday. He clearly didn’t plan it out very well. On Wednesday we told him no and he said ok. We were afraid he would just replace the fence when we were on our honeymoon (didn’t tell him we were going to be away). So far it’s ok.

    Hope your friend’s living situation improves, copa. Ugh what an awful neighbour.

    June 20, 2022 at 4:21 pm #1110559

    So glad your wedding went so well hfantods!

    Sorry about your friend’s neighbors @Copa. Neighbors can be weird! I feel pretty lucky that our direct neighbor (to the side as the other side is a dead-end like area) does is smoke weed in his garage with the garage door cracked. I can always smell it and anytime I see blueberry in the driveway (his friends car with tags that literally say blueberry) I know what’s going on in there.

    We just got back from vacation. It was much needed. We did get to swim with sharks which was really, really awesome! Highly recommend 🙂 (Galapagos sharks – and the water was not churned).

    We did wear masks on the plane to the island but then didn’t really wear them anywhere else, including the plane ride back. Most people weren’t wearing them except for employees of most stores/restaurants. I feel lucky we haven’t gotten sick. But honestly, it was just too hot to wear them constantly.

    June 21, 2022 at 7:29 am #1110577

    @hfantods – wonderful!

    So someone walked into the lobby of my building with a gun and was threatening the staff I guess. I don’t know – I got the story third / fourth hand from my mom who got it from her friend who knows someone else who lives in this building.

    I’m only moderately surprised, because Florida. Honestly, I just kind of shrugged it off because I can’t even. I live in the burbs. In a luxury building with saunas you can schedule, an outdoor yoga patio, free water aerobics classes in the pool 2x a week, a salon room if your hairdresser makes house calls.

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    June 21, 2022 at 10:31 am #1110587

    @hfantod – Congratulations! I’m so happy you had a perfect day!

    – Where did you guys go on vacation? It’s always nice to get away.

    – That’s crazy! Stay safe.

    June 21, 2022 at 11:31 am #1110590

    We went to Oahu – Our youngest graduated college (nursing!) and we also took our nephew who graduated HS. It was their graduation gift. Four years ago for our daughters HS graduation we went to the Big Island. And I have to say we enjoyed the Big Island more. Everything for Oahu had to be scheduled in advance (like weeks and sometimes months – except for snorkeling Hanauma Bay which only allows reservations 2 days in advance). Overall, we had a really great time! Even with all the stress of planning and scheduling things, it was well worth it.

    – I’m glad you and your family are ok! That’s scary. I worry about that happening at my work. The college library was redesigned in a way to make it easier for a gunman to injure more people as there is practically no where to hide. All the doors (except bathroom and break room) are clear glass. In one of the safety workshops they told me I just had to run. Ok so I’m gonna try to outrun someone shooting a gun? How does that work? I am on the second floor so maybe that is my saving grace…unless they start here first.

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    June 21, 2022 at 6:08 pm #1110596

    Thanks all 🙂 prob the worst part was I accidentally scheduled the limo for half hour less. We were willing to pay but he had another job after so we were a bit rushed at one point. Then while we were in the limo it stopped suddenly and I heard a rip. The clasp had broke. It kind of was hidden by the bustle but not really.

    L4L that is scary. Glad you are ok.

    Rangerchic, congrats!! Sounds amazing.

    We are still looking at doing an international honeymoon. I meant local road trip not field trip haha.

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    June 30, 2022 at 4:26 pm #1110696

    @hfantods There are some places in your general area (namely the Bruce Peninsula National Park, I thiiiiink) that I would love to visit. I think probably similar to some of what we have within driving distance of here. The boyfriend and I will be going to a NPS lakeshore next week and I’m pumped. Never been to that area. I assume I’ll have spotty cell service, which I’m actually looking forward to. Could use a few days of more or less total decompressing, nature (or, heck, even sitting on a porch reading) during the day, a couple drinks in the evening. Sign me up all day.

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    July 6, 2022 at 9:41 am #1110763

    Oh fun!! That area is beautiful. I don’t think I’ve been since I was a kid.

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    July 26, 2022 at 2:44 pm #1112694

    I fell off the face of the earth, but happy wedding @hfantods! And neighbors are the worst part of home ownership.

    But the real reason I’m here – this thread started on July 24, 2015. I missed its birthday by two days, but our little thread baby is old enough to be in elementary school now.

    Also, I have a 16-month-old so my life is no longer my own. Hope you’re all well!

    July 26, 2022 at 2:57 pm #1112696

    Ver!!! Happy anniversary. Hope you and the baby are doing well.

    July 19th, 2015 is when the husband and I had our first date. I legit need to go back and read from the beginning. There was one dude commenting early convinced we wouldn’t last. I think I wrote about one real issue that we overcame pretty easily.

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    July 26, 2022 at 3:23 pm #1112698

    Hi Ver! Happy threadaversary! And happy belated dating anniversary to @ktfran! I joined the thread a few years in, but it was really nice to feel like I had company and support when I was in the dating trenches. The other night I randomly thought about a guy I went on a handful of dates with, who’d gone to two Ivy League schools, and the best lie he could think of when trying to fade away was *texting* me that he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to text me anymore because his phone was broken. LOL. Probably documented somewhere in this monster thread.

    @LadyE Are you still around? How are you?

    Old regulars, you still lurking? @TheHizzy? @JD? @MoneyPenny? …ROBERT!?

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