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  • June 8, 2020 at 10:21 am #888215

    I’m not bringing up Hillary. That’s over. I’m bringing up the corrupt political machine that’s STILL conspiring against a democrat winning fairly because they are racist, xenophobic, misogynistic pigs. And so is every person who put them in power in 2016. Some I guess have seen the light since then, but most of them are all about it. Ron, the nihilism is BECAUSE of the racism, xenophobia, and sexism. Not a separate thing. They want to destroy what America is supposed to stand for and make it an America for white men.

    June 8, 2020 at 10:23 am #888216

    Ron, their real problem is they hate and fear brown people.

    Some small percentage of them voted for Obama in 2012, but that doesn’t absolve them of racism. They voted for Trump knowing EXACTLY what he stood for.

    Of course, a smart candidate should try to win these folks, to win, but they’re still racist, sexist, misogynistic shits.

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    June 8, 2020 at 10:45 am #888218

    We get it, Kate. You pretty much loathe ALL white men. But plenty of white women have often been pretty fucking awful in all this. Petty, bitchy, racist Karens, Sarahs, Kellyannes, Ivankas all. More —- many still are. And not only in Red States. Hell, rural California is simply filled with racist fools.

    Hillary failed. She played right into the hands of Trump and his Russian hackers by deludedly refusing to even consider that she might lose. Meaning — she NEVER upped her game. More — she also never tried to much broadened her appeal to the real Left. (Could she have fucked over Sanders and his supporters more? Really — I think not.) Imagine how easy and assured her victory would have been had she simply nominated Sanders for VP? Instead she swanned around like an aging royalty destined for some long awaited preordained coronation. Only to — surprise, surprise – be overthrown.
    And this isn’t 20/20 hindsight either. I loudly proclaimed to many that I didn’t think she would win. I dutifully voted for her, sure. But was I surprised at her defeat?

    No. Upset? Yes. Dismayed and depressed? Yes. But caught off guard? Oh, Hell No.

    June 8, 2020 at 10:50 am #888219

    I don’t loathe white men, I loathe the ones who voted for Trump, and you know how I feel about Karens from that other thread.

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    June 8, 2020 at 10:52 am #888221

    PS — Hell, as bad as the Republicans are, I still say the DNC is (perhaps unwittingly… perhaps) conspiring against a democratic win by now foolishly thinking it is mere destiny now that doddering Biden, too, shall receive his Coronation.

    In the midst of a Revolution, the DNC sees fit to trot out only the oldest of hats — but one few ever much liked in the first place… Sigh.

    Really — it’s all very depressing.

    June 8, 2020 at 10:54 am #888222

    But back to my original point. White men were *in power* for 400 years, and the way they’ve treated people of color is what’s making people protest and occasionally riot.

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    June 8, 2020 at 10:58 am #888223

    Gore, Kerry, HRC, and now Biden compose a tragic assortment of uniformly charisma-free candidates.

    Barring the fire, the wit and sheer brains of Obama — The DNC has been shockingly consistent in picking dreary Presidential also-rans.


    June 8, 2020 at 11:06 am #888225

    PS, if you guys are tired of hearing this from me, then stop tying yourself in knots trying to legitimize votes for an openly racist, authoritarian, fascist candidate with 16 sexual assault cases against him.

    June 8, 2020 at 11:10 am #888226

    “Make America Great Again” meant different things to different people.
    Of course it meant “Make America White Again’
    Of course it meant “Restore the prior position of males”.

    However, to many it truly did mean “Bring Back The High Paying Jobs For H.S. Grads”

    The latter does tie into male grievance, because so many men are unprepared for the modern economy. They, or their fathers, did extremely well in the industries that have died. They are struggling now. Yes, they were willing to look past Trump’s racism and sexistm, but there is a reason Trump feels compelled to repeatedly declare himself the least racist person ever and point to women executives in his buinesses — he needed to enable these economically suffering and desperate men to look past his racism and sexism. He provided that fig leaf. I truly believe that many of these men would have happily voted for Bernie vs Trump. There are counties in PA, including our next door neighbor, who made big swings from D to R, between Obama and Trump. They didn’t newly discover that racism or sexism were their driving emotions. They voted for Obama, in part because they were traditionally D voters and in part because Obama promised hope, and in part because GWB trashed our economy. The economy didn’t recover fast enough to save them. It couldn’t. Trump hasn’t really helped them either. So many will be open for a new savior. They are completely willing to blow up the system to change it. So are the young Bernie voters.

    That is part of the ‘Why still Hillary’. It isn’t really strictly Hillary. It’s the Clintons and their allies. They have controlled our party for close to three decades. Many politically active Dems just want them and their corporatist/internationalist centrism gone. They aren’t progressives. Many are corrupt. That Clinton-centered party apparatus is not where the majority of the party is and we want our party back. Clinton, as Arkansas governor, founded a group of mostly southern/border state rather conservative governors, who mad a concerted effort to push our party to the right.

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    June 8, 2020 at 11:11 am #888227

    Uh, what? I don’t see how anybody here is doing that, Kate. Seriously.

    June 8, 2020 at 11:14 am #888228

    Uh what? Every one of Ron’s posts has been about how these people aren’t racist, they had legitimate OTHER reasons for casting their vote for this lazy, stupid, monstrous pice of trash.

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    June 8, 2020 at 11:15 am #888229

    Oh, okay. Maybe Ron is.

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