Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
@alafair I’m sorry you got sick — sounds bad even if it was “only” a moderate case — but very happy to hear you are feeling better! Even if recovery is slower, I hope every day is an improvement.
@Helen I’m glad you also seem to be doing better! And yes, it IS scary that we don’t know the long-term effects of COVID — for people like you who are worried that maybe some symptoms are permanent or even for people who have a case that seems mild.
@TheLadyE I wouldn’t go. I’ve gone to a couple patios in the past month, but only the ones that are quiet/removed from the sidewalk/where the restaurant seems to be putting in the effort to comply with the guidelines. I’m not high risk and I still keep it pretty minimal. I wouldn’t dine indoors, though. Have you been able to see your boyfriend in a way that feels safe at all? I hope so. I listened to a podcast recently where people share their experiences of going this long without any kind of physical touch and it was sad.TheLadyEJuly 9, 2020 at 11:22 am #894124Yeah, I don’t think I am going to go. It’s such a bummer but the fact that she won’t sit outside is too scary. Heck, I was in a gas station the other day and some jerk was in there without a mask and COUGHED RIGHT NEAR ME. Our governor has mandated masks!! The store mandated masks!! I said out loud, “I thought it was the law to wear masks?” and the clerk said “It is but we can’t say anything to people who don’t.” I was LIVID. I took to Facebook. I have 50% of normal lung capacity and I wear a damn mask. Several of my friends shared my rant, heh. But my god, how entitled.
Cases are still very much increasing in our state and it’s maddening.
@Copa, my boyfriend and I either video chat or do dinner outside at my house. It has been extremely hard to not be able to hug or kiss him. I am getting really demoralized by it. I would risk it, honestly, with him, but he’s terrified of accidentally giving it to me because we don’t live together. It’s been difficult, but on the plus side we have had to improve our communication even better than it was. Years and years of being single made me pretty used to only getting to snuggle my dog(s) consistently, but being in love and in a relationship and not being able to even hug the person is very challenging for me mentally/emotionally. 🙁 Thanks for asking.
We got to the Cape last night. My parents moved out of their condo yesterday and into their new house nearby, so we’re staying here for 3 weeks until the buyer moves in. Anyway, my aunt and uncle from Missouri who are here this week and not quarantining, texted me like they wanted to see us, but I think they really just wanted to use the hose to clean off their dog. I politely told them to stick it. I’d be a lot more rude, but I am trying to not be a total cunt for my mom’s sake.
They should have just asked to use the hose and said they wouldn’t have any contact with us and I would have said ok.
UGH…my brother-in-law is still planning to fly to Vegas on July 9 to break up with his ex-girlfriend in person (don’t ask – I don’t get why breaking up in your twenties has to be so hard). My other brother-in-law went to eat with a group of coworkers on patio and had a near covid experience and had to quarantine until he got his negative results. Those two yahoos confirm that we will continue keeping our actions small and not taking too big of risks.
@LadyE, I 100% wouldn’t attend. I’m glad you’re not.
We were going to try our first patio dining experience a couple of weeks ago, on a Friday at 3:00 pm at a place that was reservations only and we heard that was taking distancing seriously. We were rained out and didn’t go. I wasn’t totally sad about it. I was nervous to go.
Then the husband jokingly sent me a link to AIR: Alinea in Residence. Alinea is Chicago’s top restaurant. Or one of a few. They are renting out a rooftop space about a 10 – 12 minute walk from our condo and trying this new concept. He didn’t think I’d bite. I did. We’re going tomorrow. It’s not cheap. But since all our travel for the forseeable future is canceled, we can make this work. They even tell you to arrive right on time because they’re making the temperature taking an experience when entering.
I’m nervous and excited.
July 9, 2020 at 1:45 pm #894158I got my test back already (less than 24 hrs!) and it’s negative. That’s definitely a nice reassurance, especially since in the last couple of weeks I’ve also gone to the doctor, dentist, and DMV. The whole process was very easy- it was a drive thru testing place on one of the piers here that is huge and basically a big parking lot. Very fast and easy, and painless.
Where I am, there are multiple counties and they all have different rules. SF county allows patio dining only, no eat in dining. San Mateo allows dine in and patio, and stores are open (with masks). Santa Clara County allows patio dining but no indoor, but there’s confusion bc they may rescind that order to take out only. Some stores are open, some are only open in limited capacity. I’m getting my hair cut next week, but only because my hair stylist is in San Mateo county, otherwise salons aren’t open! So confusing!!Alafair and Helen, I’m glad that you are both doing better, and I hope you get to 100% even if it’s taking awhile. Hopefully you get better every day! 🙂
We did the Alinea take home for my friend’s 40th. I’ve done some of the high end tasting menus here, including Next, but haven’t been to Alinea proper. I guess I’m still not going to Alinea proper.
That does seem tone def, but I do know they’re taking Covid seriously so I’m not sure what it’s about. I’ll report back.
VathenaJuly 9, 2020 at 2:08 pm #894166My covid test was negative too! I am relieved. I really need to be at work in person (in a lab) to try to get some work done, and with our socially-distant scheduling and my test timing, it’ll be 2.5 weeks in between my days at work. I’m gonna be so behind, but at least I don’t have covid.
@LadyE, definitely don’t go to that gathering. That’s a dumb risk for your friends to be taking. As for your bf…can he get tested? Does he work outside the home? It seems like maybe if he gets tested and isolates for a bit, being closer would be doable. It’s definitely MUCH less risky than going to an indoors, unmasked birthday dinner.
My kid (rising 2nd grader) still hasn’t played with another child in person since March 13. We are allowing her to go to a small, outdoor, masked birthday gathering for a friend this weekend. We are considering 2 weeks of a camp that will have “pods” of kids and masks required for everyone indoors, and encouraged for the kids while outdoors. I think I will call her pediatrician to ask about that one. Numbers are holding steady but low here in Virginia, but I’m not taking any chances that we become Florida. The jury is still out on whether we’ll have any in-person school in the fall. If not, I need to get serious about some kind of pod with my neighbors. We can’t keep up this total isolation for another 6+ months. We have and will continue to go without in-person grocery shopping, haircuts, restaurant dining of any kind, fitness classes (we canceled our gym membership), pedicures, etc. but I will go batshit insane if I have to keep hearing the constant whining to play horseys every day while I am also trying to work full time.