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I have a pair of shorter Sorel boots and they’re okay. Warm and comfy, but they tear up my ankles if I don’t wear thick enough socks, and I’ve heard some friends complain about the same issue. Uggs were trendy when I was in college and I had two pairs. I gave my classic short pair to my mom, and I really dislike the style of the other (I bought them when I was maybe 18 and settled for that specific pair. It was maybe the height of the Ugg craze, and it was the only pair available in my size. I didn’t want to wait for the ones I wanted, which were on back order. What a dope. I should sell them.). They are warm, comfy, and cozy, though — the classic short pair don’t look new by any means anymore, but they’ve held up for like 15+ years at this point.
My grandma’s nursing home in the Bay Area is now allowing socially distanced visits, but I feel like it’s too late. She was likely in the beginning stages of dementia when she went to assisted living, and within a couple months of isolation due to COVID was diagnosed with aggravated dementia. Phone calls were pretty difficult so I’m glad family can visit her a bit again.
Miss MJOctober 14, 2020 at 12:45 pm #963254That article pretty much sealed the deal on us not traveling for Thanksgiving (or, let’s be real, Christmas, but one hard decision at a time) this year. I haven’t seen my mom, brother and nieces or nephews since December. At this point, I am honestly considering making a round-trip 13 hour drive just to try to get in an outdoor coffee or lunch with my mom before it gets too cold where she lives. I fucking HATE this.
October 14, 2020 at 1:01 pm #963255I think my work browser has been blocking my entries. Anyway, I bought some new Sorel last year that are much lighter weight, less ankle-tearing and very warm.
Sorel – Women’s Explorer Joan Waterproof Insulated Winter Boot, Ancient Fossil, 10.5 M US
For Halloween this year, we’re doing a trick or treat scavenger hunt in the park with her three daycare friends and then the neighborhood decided to do an alley-way trick or treat to garages with candy tables set up. Figured that was the most out-of-doors, distanced and safe thing. One of the families has a little girl going through chemo and it was their idea especially since they have 4 other kids.
Also infuriating. We bought a new car. It’s red. My parents made some pro-trump comment based on the color.. I said absolutely not. “Vote life” says my mother. Yea, don’t even get me going there cause that man cares about no ones life. Like, she was surprised I wouldn’t vote Republican? Really? This is just willful ignorance.
LisforLeslieOctober 14, 2020 at 1:03 pm #963256Totally agree that women are shouldering a lot more of the burden but I do have anecdotal cases where the men are sharing a significant portion.
Can you imagine if this happened in 1985? No home computers, no remote work, no online school. Heck, at that point you only had like 30 channels on cable TV. All I can think is, while it sucks (and it suuuuuucks), it could be so much worse.
You know what’s crazy, my parents worked from home in the early 80s. Largely they were in the office but could wfh.
They worked for a computer company, and they could dial into a modem and check their “mail messages” and actually somehow work. They took the landline receiver and physically stuck it in this box thingy to connect, and if one of us picked up the other line it was a total disaster. One of them would typically be around in the afternoon while we were little kids, but actually just up in their office not paying any attention to what we were doing.
Also, my mom used to make slides for presentations, which, like, you drew? Or made on the computer and printed out and an admin turned them into transparencies. Once I tried to wake her up after I had a nightmare, and she mumbled, “let’s make a slide and review it.”
LisforLeslieOctober 15, 2020 at 8:29 am #963265That’s one of the reasons I’m going back to NYC – I can be alone for Thanksgiving in peace.
I predict that Christmas is going to be fuuuucked up with all of the people who got infected either travelling or visiting during Thanksgiving now being sick, dying or dead.
LisforLeslieOctober 15, 2020 at 8:38 am #963266@Kate – that is hysterical, and yes, you used to draw the slides and then you could run the slide through a copy machine to make a transparency. At least that’s how I did it a few years later.
But imagine being home with your kid, trying to teach them, by yourself or over the single family phone line.
I was telling the young’uns at work how our company email used to work and how for 6 months on assignment I would have to take my laptop, walk down the hall, plug it in to the available phone jack, dial up, get my email, see if anything was urgent, then walk back to my desk and respond to the remaining emails. They were aghast. That was a step up from carrying your email on a Jaz drive that required an external disc drive that only some people on the project would get and having to borrow a laptop to access email once a day.
I just finished a company-wide meeting. Two rounds of layoffs are coming, in November and again in early 2021. I’m not shocked — my boss recently asked if I have the capacity to do more work, and I knew exactly whose work he was talking about by the thinly veiled description — but that was certainly a sobering way to start the day. Hoping that asking if I can handle more means my head isn’t on the chopping block, but who really knows what’ll happen.