Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
December 9, 2021 at 9:30 am #1100795
Last week, another specials teachers at the kids’ school tested cvid positive and 13 classes had to go into quarantine, including Jackson’s and Joanie’s. It was Joanie’s third quarantine in seven weeks, and jackson’s first of the school year. They’re both back in school as of yesterday, but there was another class that went back yesterday after a week-long quarantine and got got notice mid-morning that a kid in the classroom, just got a positive test result and all the parents were notified to come pick up their kids immediately and now they all have to quarantine for another eight days, as well as all the kids who rode the bus that morning with the positive case!! The stress and frustration is getting to be a bit much. But, luckily, as of tomorrow, my kids will be considered fully vaccinated (two weeks past their second vaccine shot) and won’t have to quarantine anymore when exposed to a positive case (unless it’s one of their teachers, and then the classroom will be shut for ten days). We just have to get through today with no exposure, and I am keeping everything crossed!!
VathenaDecember 9, 2021 at 10:02 am #1100798I know what you mean Wendy! My daughter’s 14-day mark is coming up on Saturday and I’m like…*grimace face emoji*…just two more days! Constantly checking email to make sure there’s no notifications. So far there have only been 6 cases at our school this year, all in the past month. That is so frustrating that people sent their kid to school with a pending test (assuming they got the test because of symptoms). We have to fill out an online symptom screening every morning attesting that our child does not have any covid symptom or known exposure, or a pending PCR test. They do temp checks at the door for every kid (I recognize that this is somewhat security theater, but still) and masks are required. But there’s not really any distancing to speak of, except at lunch. Very glad that my kiddo and most of her friends have been vaccinated – over 30% of kids 5-11 in Alexandria have had at least one dose, and about 20% are fully vaccinated so far.
My two nephews in rural northeastern Indiana, aka Covid Country, tested positive the day before Thanksgiving. They are 5 and 7, eligible for vaccination, but my brother and SIL hadn’t bothered to take them yet. My mom had asked them about the kids getting the vax earlier in November, and my SIL was like, “oh, we hadn’t really talked about it yet.” WHAT!!!!! My brother got J&J in April but no booster. EYE ROLL. They baffle me. I’m relieved that both kiddos had mild cases and my brother and SIL seem not to have caught it (multiple negative tests).
Also, my great-uncle in Indiana broke his femur about a month ago, and caught covid in a hospital rehab/therapy facility. He’s over 80, and was definitely eligible for a booster but also hadn’t gotten one yet. Facepalm. Fortunately it sounded like he was feeling okay – just some congestion and cough so far. Indiana sucks.
BittergaymarkDecember 9, 2021 at 10:06 am #1100800Opening schools and everything else too early is a huge reason why this fucking virus is still with is.
Mankind could have easily erradicated this virus. But no. Everybody was too damn dumb and selfish.
I am so JUST OVER the CDC. Fauci. The South. The Republicans. And frankly — most of the Dimocrats. Nobody knows what they fuck they’re doing.
VathenaDecember 9, 2021 at 10:21 am #1100803@Fyodor, yeah, the national stats are depressing. But here in Alexandria, VA the current stats are that something like 32% of 5-11 have at least one dose, and over 95% of 12-17 are fully vaccinated. So our community is doing better than the national average in that regard.
@BGM, parents are just as frustrated as you are by the raging stupidity that keeps this virus in circulation and precludes our kids from safely going to school. What do you deem as opening schools “too early”? My kid wasn’t in a classroom for a solid year. Wendy’s were out of school for 1.5 years. We are ALL sick of stupid, selfish adults refusing to vaccinate, breathing all over each other at the bars acting like there is no pandemic. If anyone should stay their dumb ass at home it’s them – but it’s obvious that the welfare of kids and families is at the very bottom of the priority list in this country, which is why the bars were open while the schools stayed closed. And I know that you know about needing to work for a living, or are you able to just take 2 weeks off at random, multiple times per year, at a moment’s notice, to sit at home? Lucky you.
December 9, 2021 at 10:40 am #1100805Mark, please. I willingly kept my kids home for 18 months straight to help slow the spread of covid and protect teachers and our community and my family, and then I got them fully vaccinated the very first minute I possibly could. I’ve done my job. At this point, the quarantines are incredibly disruptive for them, my children. To miss so much school after they were already isolated for 18 months is hard on them socially and academically. And for parents who work full-time (or even part-time, or even part-time from home for themselves like I do), the logistics of dealing with childcare is incredibly stressful to say nothing of everything you have to cancel when you’re kids aren’t supposed to leave their home for 1-2 weeks.
As far as “why did we even have our bratty kids if we can’t handle two weeks with them,” um, no one was counting on a fucking endless pandemic that would close schools and classrooms on a continual loop for going on two years with catastrophically disrupted schedules, mental health, learning, etc. None of this is normal or expected. Do some parents deserve wrath for being dumb and selfish? Absolutely! But if you think *I* am among those who deserve wrath (and it seems you do since your comment is directly after mine) go eat an enormous steaming bowl of dicks.
BittergaymarkDecember 9, 2021 at 10:50 am #1100807Well, had we stayed closed a little longer we wouldn’t be here. But no. Instead everybody gleefully (and bizarrely) followed Florida’s lead and here we are.
So… Get ready to be dealing with routine school quarantines for the next decade.
Yep, yep, yep. This will never end. Most americans are simply too stupid to do what needs to be done to end it. And when Trump retakes the White House, then the Covid carnage shall really begin.
Ugh. America is LOST. I tell you. Just lost.
December 9, 2021 at 10:56 am #1100808I mean, my kids didn’t have indoor playdates for like 21 months (literally we can count on one hand – on two fingers – the number of indoor playdates over the course of 21 months). Drew and I didn’t leave them with a babysitter after we realized we could still get covid even after full vaccination. We used a baby-sitter twice between march and July after we were vaccinated and then stopped. We didn’t dine indoors, we didn’t go to movies, we cancelled vacations, we even cancelled our thanksgiving plans bc the other guests refused to take rapid tests before gathering, we didn’t go out or really do much of anything in an effort to keep our kids covid free so they could not only be safe from the virus but they wouldn’t risk spreading it to classmates and teachers. We lived like fucking hermits for almost two years while we watched on social media and just in real life so many others acting like the pandemic was over and were carrying on life as normal, letting their children live as totally normal children (which we were so desperate to do ourselves) and then complain when classrooms and schools had to close bc of positive cases. So if it’s those parents you are fed up with, I GET IT, and believe me, you are not more fed up than I am. But if your comment is directed at me – my family who sacrificed so much more than it seems the average family did – I say again: go eat a big steaming bowl of dicks.