Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
VathenaDecember 9, 2021 at 11:11 am #1100810
Yeah, we did more or less the same as Wendy. My child didn’t play with another child in person at all for 5 months, from March-August of 2020, and only outdoor play since then. So yeah, it turns out we actually CAN fucking handle having her stay home with us for 2 weeks, even multiple times over a school semester, because we have already fucking done it for an entire year before that. I am not worried about it being hard FOR ME, but FOR MY CHILD, because it turns out they are people too, and things can be hard for them! They have already given up a lot and endured so many disruptions. That’s partly why I got mine vaccinated ASAP. Kids like mine and Wendy’s are the lucky ones.
“had we stayed closed a little longer” well good fucking luck convincing the mouth breathing dumbasses of the nation that that was necessary. Horse/barn door, and all of that. Now families are just trying to choke down the shit sandwich we have no choice but to eat.
December 9, 2021 at 11:26 am #1100817Yes, Vathena – thank you! We know we can handle two weeks at home with our kids; we did it for months and months and months. My daughter was 4 when she left school and she didn’t go back until she was 6! She spent her entire kindergarten year – kindergarten! arguably the most important and formative year of one’s life! – *at home* and didn’t complain once, so excuse me if I get frustrated when she – my now vaccinated daughter who wears a KN95-equivalent mask for eight goddamn hours a day without complaining and isn’t even allowed to talk to her classmates during lunch when masks are off – misses another three weeks of school in the span of a month and a half because her classmates and her teachers keep bringing covid into the school and she’s forced to quarantine (and then miss whatever outdoor social activity we had scheduled to give her some sense of normalcy because we can’t risk potentially spreading covid to someone else).
Parents of young kids are over this whole thing as much as anyone possibly could be besides ICU healthcare workers who are goddamn heroes and should be treated as such and teachers and school admins who have moved mountains to provide some kind of education and some kind of routine and support to kids whose lives have been utterly disrupted – some to the point of losing parents and loved ones and teachers – through absolutely no fault of their own and have carried on with the kind of grace and flexibility at least half of the adults in this country couldn’t begin to muster even if they were paid to. even if their lives depended on it.
ronDecember 9, 2021 at 11:29 am #1100819Yes, becoming way too violent in imagery. And, totally pointless and counterproductive, as it’s the other political side with the most and most military-style weapons, making violence the dreamed of approach of the White nationalists. Let’s stick with peaceful solutions. They are the only ones which have a chance of actually working. Nobody should want another violent civil war, which is the worst case of where we are heading and which might match the 1860s Civil War in deaths per thousand Americans — worse than any foreign war.
Also, Wendy was griping about the pain of quarantining, especially instant off-and-on quarantining… but, she quarantines, her family is vaccinated, and she socially distances. Let’s not conflate the emotional pain of quarantining, which weighs on all of us, with those who refuse to follow these precautions to protect themselves and others. A HUGE difference. And, BGM, you have been (in addition to Wendy) has been the most eloquent writer about the psychic pain of the pandemic isolation. So.. not fair to suggest that we shouldn’t feel or express that pain. It’s real. It’s causing actual, diagnosed psychiatric problems for both adults and children.
BittergaymarkDecember 9, 2021 at 11:46 am #1100820Saving Trump from Covid doomed us all. That so few grasp that simply astounds me. When he steals the Presidency again — and he will, just wait — perhaps more will see this. But by then? It will be too late.
Hell — it already is.
Ron: whining about the pain of isolation? Fine. Demanding schools reopen way too earlier in a misguided effort to alleviate that pain? Not so fine. That’s who I am really complaining about.
December 9, 2021 at 12:01 pm #1100821You might not be aware of this BGM, but in my personal life – and on social media – I was a very vocal proponent of keeping school buildings closed all last year/ until vaccines were widely available and we brought covid numbers down. I was so vocal about it that I lost some friends and alienated myself from neighbors and members of my community. I have earned the right to whine about the pain of ongoing quarantines, about the frustration of watching, in real time, the loss for my kids every time their lives, which are already still very much limited and and restricted and mitigated from what would be considered a ‘normal’/ pre-pandemic childhood existence, are disrupted again with another classroom closure and the progress they’d made – socially and academically – is set back again. Maybe it’s just for a week or ten days at a time, but every set-back adds up, and for these kids whose last 21 months has been one long setback from where they might otherwise be in terms of development, they deserve and really need the chance to, frankly, start healing. And that’s hard to have happen in this constant state of disruptions and mass illness around them.
BittergaymarkDecember 9, 2021 at 12:43 pm #1100822And you were 100% right. At any rate, being right rarely does anybody any good. Not when most everybody else is so willfully stupid.
And so wrong.
What makes me mad is the Democrats are so bad at playing the game. Fascism is going to take over. And this is happening globally.
NEWSFLAsH nobody has ever defeated fascism by voting or peaceful protests.
Not once. Not ever.
People vote IN fascism. It then takes wars to vanquish it.
December 9, 2021 at 1:27 pm #1100823“That wasn’t directed at you, Wendy”
From the guy who blasted all the sexually-abused-as-children parents who don’t feel comfortable dropping their 6/7 year olds off at strangers homes and leaving.
Parents have things to worry about, like guns, drugs, masks, vaccines and you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about PER USUAL.
If you don’t have kids, kindly shut the fuck up with your parenting advice.