Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
bondgirlJanuary 5, 2022 at 2:39 pm #1101570
My husband and I both came down with covid. He started showing symptoms about a day before I did. Waited hours at the local urgent care for rapid’s and PCR’s (up to 6-7 hour wait). About a week later and still no PCR results (!!!) so I was glad we got the rapids too. We’ve had colds last longer than this….about 3 days of sore throat, dry cough, and congestion for me (last bit of congestion is 95% gone) and I’m good as new. Rapid is still positive but I’ve been told that’ll be true for quite some time; but now I’m past the 5 day period where it’s most crucial to quarantine so I’m allowed to venture back out with a mask on. My husband’s also good to go, he had a cough/sore throat and then low fever for a few hours on the first day. Super fast recovery for both of us. Yay!
In the meantime, like LisforLeslie, I’ve taken the time to start purging a lot of stuff from my house….which I will as soon as I can run errands this weekend lol.
January 5, 2022 at 3:20 pm #1101573Both my daughters came down with COVID though from different sources. I was really worried I or my husband would have it because we spent time with them last week but both tested negative with no symptoms either. I was boosted in November and husband boosted last week (he did have side effects from that). I feel like we were just really lucky. One daughter is finally feeling better but the other is still having a hard time (she is vaxxed) with a continuous throbbing headache the worse symptom.
Then today my MIL calls me saying her blood pressure is through the roof and her left arm is all tingly and numb – I tried convincing her to go to the hospital but nope, she wanted to call the doctors office first…who then told her to go to the hospital. Haven’t heard yet so I’m hoping she is ok. I know a lot of hospitals are spilling over, I’m just hoping the one she went to is not and she’s been seen already.
AngeJanuary 5, 2022 at 4:23 pm #1101580Hopefully all the covid sufferers are OK!
Speaking of too much stuff we’re doing our latest move from a 4 bedroom house into a 3 bedroom today and it’s confronting already lol. The movers always tell us we have hardly anything but even with regular cleanouts there’s nothing like moving to smack you in the face with how much stuff you have.
Wishing the best to all encountering covid. Just before christmas, I had a friend and a relative die from covid – both vaxed, but immunocompromised and in poor respiratory heath prior to covid.
Ha, I went through a major purge last year, but am now looking around wondering why I still have a lot of this stuff. It’s not that I have accumulated anything since the last purge; I think my level of sentimentality has decreased. Early 2022 purge now in process.
One of Newton’s lesser-known laws of physics is that, if you have empty space in your home, it will fill up with crap.
LisforLeslieJanuary 6, 2022 at 9:04 am #1101589I hope everyone with COVID is on the upswing back to health. I’m sorry that some butt-head went out either knowingly or not and got you sick.
@d2 – you speak the truth. I’m very good at buying and using organizational furniture (book shelves, cabinets, blah blah blah) so while the outward appearance is curated, the drawers, boxes, blah blah blah all hold stuff. Space in the drawers = stuff accumulates and I can’t see it so it’s not really there (until I open that damn drawer).Doing final vendor walkthrough to get a third estimate in about 15 min. Picking a vendor today. It’s happening!
I hope all those with or exposed to COVID are doing ok & recover smoothly.
I recently moved in with my fiancé into a semi detached so we have more space than our two condos. We got rid of some stuff but by the end of packing I just packed everything to go through later. My downfall is papers and books. I am sentimental. My mom has also kindly kept my stuff at my parents’ place but I know that’ll be coming over too. I don’t know if I should get rid of childhood books or keep them for hypothetical children. On the plus side of isolation we finally put up art on the walls and it’s all feeling like home!
January 6, 2022 at 10:59 am #1101591I’ve been going through cabinets, closets, everything and purging and cleaning like crazy. I think it’s because I’ve felt so shitty all year and haven’t had the energy and now suddenly I do.
I did stumble upon a “camping and hiking with babies book” that I was going to pass on but I wrote some deep heartfelt note inside when I gifted it to my husband about our first baby so even unsentimental me has to keep it!
I do have special heirlooms and papers and things that I will not part with but with our modern stuff- I have to go through it constantly or we just accumulate too much. Two kids, adequate sized space but we all have so many hobbies we have to purge all the time. My daughter is a very prolific artist which is awesome and I enjoy but we’re going to have to get a storage unit or I’m going to have to start culling her work. 😑
If those children’s books are special to you, keep them. Those are one thing I have a hard time letting go of- not books, but special ones.
So my grandma passed last year and four of my dad’s sisters spent the past few years sorting through her stuff after she moved to assisted living. They tried their best to make sure the rest of the family could have anything sentimental, but I looked at my grandma’s stuff and by and large saw junk. So. Much. Belleek. And figurines. Stuff that I consider clutter. I did take a few items but there was a lot of back and forth between me and my dad because I’d specifically say I did not want certain items and he’d saddle me with them anyway, which annoyed me to no end. We have limited space/storage. And then on the flip side my grandpa was a very handy and crafty guy, always carving things out of wood (furniture, clocks, sculptures, etc.) and I would’ve actually loved to have more of those items — practical, useful, beautiful items! — but they went to the family members who have space now.
January 6, 2022 at 11:31 am #1101593I do have huge regrets about the dividing of belongings when both my grandmother’s passed. My aunt swooped in and took all of my grandmothers paintings (20 years ago) and still sometimes invites me to pick some but then can’t find them when I drive two hours to her house.
My grandmother I grew up next door to (and who was like a mother to me) I did manage to get some of her things that I hold dear from her house- her sewing kit, some framed photos, knickknacks from her world travels that remind me of her. She had this awesome silver manicure set that was made in US occupied Germany after WWII that I now have. I really wish I’d gone back to the house or taken photos of it, the way she had it. I went up in 2019 I think, and the house was sold a few months ago. I’m so sad I can’t go there anymore.
I am now suddenly feeling not very unsentimental.
LisforLeslieJanuary 6, 2022 at 12:40 pm #1101596On the phone with the moving agent he was talking about insurance and I’d be covered for so & so amount if the truck blew up and I was simultaneously thinking “that amount would be more than my crap is worth and boy a truck fire would solve a lot of problems.”
I have no kids. My nephews and nieces are not going to want my parents wedding album. They never even met my dad – they only know my step dad. My antiques and heirlooms likely wouldn’t buy a set of snow tires.
CanadaGooseJanuary 6, 2022 at 1:11 pm #1101597Just a caution on rapid tests – they don’t actually tell you definitively if you have Covid or not: they only tell you if you are contagious right now. I know many people with symptoms like a scratchy throat who tested negative repeatedly for days and then tested positive. For one friend, that meant he attended a holiday party and spread it to his extended family. His wife and kids also got it from him (they were home and only him the whole time). Same thing happened to my family. One of my kids, who has been home since Dec 18, tested positive the other day after 10 days of symptoms and negative tests prior. Husband tested positive right after Xmas. We are all sick in the house and acting like we have it because we probably do. PCRs are restricted where we are, so none of us can access that test.
@Canada Goose, I totally agree w/ you about rapid tests and unless, like @Wendy said you’re testing daily, they’re really not a good indicator to know whether or not you have Covid.
A coworker had a negative, then positive, then negative test. All taken consecutively over three days. She had a scratchy, dry throat and runny nose. A friend tested negative, but is still sick so finally went to urgent care and they think she got a false negative. Luckily, she stayed home despite getting a negative result because she felt so bad. A cousin had a positive then negative, consecutively. We still canceled Xmas with the extended family, thank god.
ETA: I’m not against rapid tests, def know their limitations and act accordingly.