Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
March 28, 2022 at 3:37 pm #1103706
@KTfran, I’m sorry all of that is happening! I hope your mom and BIL are doing better. Sending good thoughts your way. It’s a lot to deal with – I hope you are doing ok too.
This hasn’t been the best of year for us. 3 deaths in the span of just under three months. My husband’s aunt (he wasn’t close to her but still), my aunt (who I wasn’t close to) and my grandmother (my last grandparent – we were semi-close and her death was unexpected in the fact that it was so sudden). It’s been hard in that I didn’t realize the last time we talked would be the last time we talked.
Then I had some severe arm pain and tried to go to the doctor but they sent me to ER to make sure it wasn’t my heart (it wasn’t). Not sure what it was. Never figured it out (it wasn’t a pulled muscle or anything like that). I’m also having a few issues with crohn’s currently.
But I’m trying to retain a happy disposition because I don’t want to fall into the rabbit hole of sadness/despair. Having a vacation coming in early June is helpful – giving me something to plan and look forward too.
March 28, 2022 at 7:10 pm #1103707So so sorry, Ktfran! That’s so scary. Sending all the good thoughts and internet hugs to you and prayers to your family.
Alright, took public transit downtown over the weekend for maybe the second time since our mask mandate was lifted. Masks are still required on mass transit. Most people were in compliance but I did notice that the younger crowd (like, college-aged) folks on the trains didn’t seem to think that the rules applied to them. At one point, there was a group of young women who were (I assume) drunk, playing music aloud, and filming each other dancing. They were loud and obnoxious and not a single one was masked. I guess I was giving them the stink eye because one announced to her friends that “that lady over there doesn’t like us” and telling me I could add her on Snapchat to see her dances. Her friends tried to shush her. This happened as we were approaching my stop and maybe I’m old and crusty, but I said something curt to them about masks as I passed them getting off. I have felt for awhile that it’s time to learn to live with COVID and I know that will mean things to different people even if they agree with that sentiment, but COME ON. I am frustrated that people won’t even wear masks where required.
Yeah, same here. Most people wear masks on the T but there are some who don’t, and they tend to be younger men from what I’ve seen. I don’t tell people to wear masks and strongly discourage my husband from doing so, because you never know who is crazy and will cough on you or otherwise get violent. This happened to us with an old, definitely mentally ill guy last year. I don’t think you were in any danger with those girls and they were already being dumb bitches so I think it’s fine you said something, but overall I worry these days. I ask my husband not to honk the horn at people or mess with them while driving too. Like a while back some guy did something and then my husband slowed way down and the guy came rushing around us and slammed his brakes on trying to get us to rear end him. People are crazy.
Yeahhh, had this been a different crowd of young women, I’d not have said anything. I assumed they’re college students at the university we were near, who probably had a fun boozy brunch. I love boozy brunch, too, but I can have bottomless mimosas without acting a fool on the el. But yes, I also worry more these days and probably shouldn’t even engage with drunk college kids. I even worry about people like those young women making themselves easier targets for something bad to happen. Armed robberies are up here and I am more wary/vigilant on public transit than I was pre-COVID. Last fall on a bus, a man had music blaring and another man yelled at him to turn it down. The back and forth that ensued got heated and aggressive and I was getting nervous to be on a bus in a less familiar area of the city with hot tempered men who were threatening to kill each other.
Ugh. That sucks, @hfantods. Hope your sister and her fam continue to feel okay (considering…), recover quickly, and have no long-term side effects.
My mom got another booster earlier this week. Not sure about my dad. He hasn’t mentioned it and I haven’t asked but because he participated in clinical trial, during which he did receive his first dose of the vaccine, he’s been on a different timeline than everyone else. Like he’ll be offered doses of whatever’s coming next quietly a few months before others in his age group/risk category.
LisforLeslieApril 8, 2022 at 6:53 am #1103934I know four different people who have COVID. Two in NY and two in FL. It’s kicking the ass of the two younger people – I haven’t gotten an update from the older two. However, the older two were at dinner with dancing, everyone was unmasked. So far my mom has tested negative. She was worried that those tests were going to expire before she got a chance to use them. So… cool?
@KTFran – how’s the fam doing? -