Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
LucidityApril 8, 2022 at 2:56 pm #1103940
So many people I know have Covid all of a sudden. My husband brought it home from the high school where he teaches last week, and gave it to my toddler and I. It was just a sore throat for the first few days; I didn’t test positive until the sinus congestion started. I’m 32 weeks pregnant, so now I have to get extra ultrasounds to monitor the health of the placenta since Covid can apparently harm it. Our toddler had totally different symptoms – vomiting, lethargy, inappetence. Fortunately she was back to normal after one day.
I’m pissed. We have been so careful for the past two years. Then my province, Ontario, lifted mask mandates immediately after March break – right after the everyone has been travelling. Stupid, but there’s an election coming up so gotta get those votes!
My husband says his high school is like the Wild West all of a sudden. Before, all kids wore masks and were great at staying home when they had symptoms. Now, he’s packed in a small classroom for hours with 30+ unmasked students. He says every day there are 5-8 students coughing and sneezing. He’ll ask if they passed their screening and they’ll lie to his face. There’s nothing he can do, he can’t force them to go home. It’s like once the mandates got lifted, people stopped caring.
I just had a long post typed out thanking everyone for the well wishes and giving an update. The ads effed it up and everything was erased.
Anyway, I was MIA for awhile. I spiraled. But… Fam is healing. Nieces are doing ok. I’m better now.
Thank you everyone for the good thoughts. I needed it and I appreciate it.
I’m so sorry Lucidity. Hope you have a safe pregnancy going forward. I don’t understand why they lifted the mask mandate right after March break!
My sister’s family ended up testing positive as did my mom but not dad. Thankfully mild symptoms.
I can’t remember where people discussed shingles but my friend (early 30s) has shingles and it sounds so painful.
Take care ktfran.
April 11, 2022 at 9:03 am #1103971Good to hear things are better, Ktfran.
Hfantods, I discussed shingles because I had it twice last year at 37. And mono twice, or for a really long time. I’m so used to exhaustion and pain when I feel good I’m like Elton John and Richard Simmons combined into the body of a tiny woman, bouncing around and dancing all day.
The good news is I’ve been scheduling and getting vaccines through and I just finished my second dose of Shringrix. I got my second or third Covid booster and a pneumonia vaccine last week. We (my doctors, pharmacists and I) are just considering me immunocompromised at this point. I have a colonoscopy scheduled in two months. Not looking forward to that at all, but I’m hopeful they will find a reason I can’t digest food properly and tell me what is going on with my body.
Damn, that is so tough anonymousse. Glad you’re getting treatment. My friend seems to have a serious case. Appearing as rashes around the rib cage. She is actually a bridesmaid. She thinks she can still make it for my wedding in June. There aren’t many wedding responsibilities but it’s a long day.
So now people are coming to work sick because it’s like, they only have to come in for social or collaboration stuff, and they don’t want to stay home sick and look like they’re not a team player I guess. I’m pissed right now. Today I went in because my boss and some teammates were going in for this big collaboration thing and I wanted to say hi to people and sit in on some of the thing. So then it turned out some important people couldn’t attend for some reason and they needed one more person to interview teens and parents. So I said okay, even though I’d now have to stick around until 6. Well, I ended up in a tiny conference room with this guy who was all stuffed up and didn’t explain what he was sick with or if it was allergies or whatever. No comment to put me at ease. No mask. And we had to huddle together to zoom with these people, because there was a firewall issue with the conference room system so we had to use one laptop. Also my boss was just visiting her parents in India for 2 weeks and she’s sick too and came in. She took a Covid test but still. She claimed she was going to wear a mask all day but didn’t. There’s a sign in the lobby that says don’t come in if you have symptoms.
LisforLeslieApril 12, 2022 at 8:54 am #1103996@Kate – that’s infuriating. My supervisor said the client wants to do a F2F and I just wrote back and said “I’m not up for travel right now” and said I moved to Florida to help my mom who is immunocompromised. Going to Pennsylvania for a one or two day meeting – planned for when the Easter spike hits – is just not in my best interests.
Did I mention that Philly is considering lockdowns again?
Everyone is stupid.
I think she’s going to be in a lot of trouble. She said she’s going to let HR know, and I said thank you, I’ll wait to hear from them about quarantine. We wear contact tracking devices. She say directly next to me in a small conf room for an hour without a mask. And she was in an auditorium with dozens of people. She told everyone she just flew back from India with a 24-hour layover in London and that she felt sick. People are going to be questioned. If I don’t hear from HR this morning I’m reaching out to employee relations. It is my assigned in-office week and for all they know I could be heading in. This is utter bullshit.