Dealing with 'fake' Christmas Presents

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  • This topic has 64 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by ele4phant.
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  • December 28, 2018 at 10:34 am #813452

    Maybe you should leave your kid out of your petty fight with your SIL.

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    December 28, 2018 at 11:12 am #813459

    Demanding name brand shit when it is really all just utterly useless shit from China the kid won’t give a fuck about in two years is beyond petty and vapid and shallow.

    December 28, 2018 at 11:21 am #813463

    Yes, JD they are ranked down into age group, and then marked developing etc. She’s been assessed at the next age group up.

    Wow, I’ve really touched a nerve here haven’t I?

    December 28, 2018 at 11:30 am #813466

    What nerve? I don’t have kids I don’t freaking care. You are a stranger on the internet, who makes questionable choices, I could give a shit. Feel bad for your kid.

    December 28, 2018 at 11:46 am #813468

    If you are going to lie to pump up your ego, at least make it sound convincing.

    Have you told your wife about your preacher’s wife texts yet?

    December 28, 2018 at 11:48 am #813469

    You didn’t touch any nerve, you’ve just got a bunch of impartial strangers thinking you’re making some mistakes. It’s you, not us.

    December 28, 2018 at 11:54 am #813470

    Wait, a four year old reading the chronicles of Narnia? I don’t know about that…it’s pretty advanced for four year olds to read at all, to just read simple books. You’re telling us she can read and comprehend chapter books geared towards a middle school age audience at age four? Cause I don’t know that I believe that.

    Or are you saying she likes it when you read those stories to her, and maybe sometimes she points out specific words she knows or something?

    Or is she reading like baby versions?

    December 28, 2018 at 12:08 pm #813471

    I don’t even think it’s relevant how book-smart she is. The stupid videos on YouTube are going to harm her values and character. I’m less worried they’ll make her stupid, though it’s a consideration.

    December 28, 2018 at 12:18 pm #813474

    That said, I’d watch a YouTube video of a 4-year-old child reading Narnia books aloud and comprehending them. I’ll subscribe to your channel if you post that kind of content.

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    December 28, 2018 at 12:21 pm #813476

    Some countries start school at younger ages than we do in the US. Unless you know where they live you can’t make assumptions about what their schools do and don’t do.

    My son read very fluently very early. He started reading when he was 2. Could read any picture book easily by the time he turned 3 and was reading novels by 4. It doesn’t necessarily last. My daughter didn’t read until late 5 early age 6 and by the time she was in 5th grade she was ahead of where my son was at the same age.

    As far as the kid looking to see whether something is name brand. I’m not impressed. It shows she is learning to be a shallow person at a very young age. Nothing to brag about. Running around calling a gift fake is very shallow. I’d be embarrassed if my kid did that. Getting invited to lots of parties at her age also doesn’t mean much. It’s an age when every child gets invited to everything. It doesn’t mean that the kids will like her when she is 12. If she is a shallow, vapid mean girl her only friends will be other shallow, vapid mean girls and they will spend their time picking on each other.

    She’ll be much further ahead if she finds something more valuable for her focus.

    December 28, 2018 at 12:29 pm #813479

    Also, it probably doesn’t matter if she reads at 4. By 12 or 18 or 37, she’ll likely be on a level playing field with her peers and you won’t know who was breastfed, who was walking, talking, or reading early. (I should know; as an early reader myself I was tracked through all the “gifted” programs, got straight A’s and all the awards, and am now a perfectly average adult. I have a bachelor’s degree and decent job security but no other indications of my early abilities, beyond being able to read a book pretty quickly.)

    I would have a massive issue with a preschool that was “ranking” 3- or 4-year-old children. Let them play, don’t let them consume garbage media, don’t encourage them to insult their family members. Easy peasy.

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    December 28, 2018 at 12:34 pm #813481

    But insulting family members is a skill best learned early.

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Dealing with 'fake' Christmas Presents

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